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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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Presumably it can't be one and done? Maybe it can be. I wonder whether they'll pull double duty and have Beth & Maryse in the Rumble as well. 

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That promo exchange between Becky and co. was extremely puzzling. It's hideously obvious that Becky is the only one of the four who wasn't regurgitating lines from a poorly-penned script. Then as Liv Morgan arrives, she blurts out the line 'I'm going to win the Rumble too!' Unless we're getting a Poundland homage to Bret Hart and Lex Luger, that line is utterly imbecilic. The resulting match was ok, but then Doudrop just looks like a tool for forgetting to tag herself in first. I'm not sure if it was a genuine mistake, or they wanted it to look like a mistake so that she could then correct it, either way it was just odd. 

I love how for Veer Mahann, they felt the need to address the fact he still hasn't re-debuted because he's 'biding his time'. Biding his time! Do me a favour [/Roy Keane]. Biding his time on Main Event. He's doomed. 

I do like Alpha Academy - they've actually done a decent job of establishing them for the time being. Lol @ Gable hinting that Otis used to have a last name. 


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What's the Veer Mahaan stuff all about? Is there an issue preventing the debut and they're leaning into the meme status of it rather than dropping it until he's able to debut, or do we think this is their awful attempt to do a Hook-style debut?

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1 minute ago, Jesse said:

What's the Veer Mahaan stuff all about? Is there an issue preventing the debut and they're leaning into the meme status of it rather than dropping it until he's able to debut, or do we think this is their awful attempt to do a Hook-style debut?

There’s nothing preventing it from a logistical perspective. He’s even been on a Main Event taping while these vignettes have been on. I’m guessing it’s Vince and his constant, nonsensical rewrites that keep preventing his actual re-debut. 

He’ll be released in the next wave of cuts post-Wrestlemania. If he makes it any further past that, good on him. 

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12 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

There’s nothing preventing it from a logistical perspective. He’s even been on a Main Event taping while these vignettes have been on. I’m guessing it’s Vince and his constant, nonsensical rewrites that keep preventing his actual re-debut. 

He’ll be released in the next wave of cuts post-Wrestlemania. If he makes it any further past that, good on him. 

Surely he's going to burst out at some point to Ernest Miller's theme and grace us with a dance routine. This has all the hallmarks of being the "Funkasaurus 2 - Bollywood Edition"

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Stick him in the Rumble, let him have a decent long run where he looks impressive, then go back to the "coming to Raw" vignettes the night after. 

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It's very indicative of the current faith in WWE creative at the moment that people are defacating on his run before it's even started. We've been here so many times before - it must be frustrating from a performer's perspective if nothing else. 

Now they've gone with this 'biding his time' and 'stalking his prey' silly bollocks, they need to go big on his eventual debut/re-debut/Raw debut (or whatever the fuck we're calling it) to give him any chance of succeeding.

If they want to build him up as this king of the jungle type, stalking his prey, hunting the weak etc - lets have him absolutely savage somebody every week. The cookie-cutter method of interfering in a random match and hitting a couple of power moves on midcard scruffs, posing, huffing and puffing for the hard camera just isn't going to cut it. It won't make him stand out or illicit a decent response from the crowd.

He needs to absolutely fucking brutalise people. Attacks from the outside, put them through tables, break their arms/legs on the ring steps, bounce their heads off of the posts, chuck them off the stage, all sorts. Essentially, you build up this dangerous savage, gradually build up the aura around him, and allow his stock to rise over time. 

What we'll actually get is a couple of squash matches where he'll fart around with an Akira Tozawa or a Cedric Alexander. Then he'll be relegated to Main Event again. Then he'll start showing up to TV and not being used. And then he'll be in the skip with the rest of the toys they've chosen to discard, but wished well in his future endeavours. 

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Just in case anyone isn’t aware, there’s absolutely no need to watch Raw or Smackdown because the best Royal Rumble build up by miles is on Johnny Knoxville’s Instagram.



They’ve lost their minds if they aren’t even considering making him the winner.

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Just watched the highlights of a recent Raw on Paramount and it was a nice little show, where everything seemed to matter.

Big star segment with Brock and Lashley. Tag title change. New women's contender crowned. Chat show bit. And a heel turn!

No idea what they cut out, but it totally worked as an hour show.

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