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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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With both Bayley and Alexa due to come back at some point soon I would imagine, I'd say either one of them is a good shout for Rumble winner. Belair might get in there somehow.

I couldn't help but watch Liv vs Becky wanting Morgan to be better. She isn't quite there for me. I'd love for someone new to be capable of carrying the division but that match was just so sloppy in places. Although that could've been down to Becky too. I think Liv is getting there and I hope she continues to develop and be better. Just not quite yet for her.

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Alexa’s a good shout and could be a popular foil for Lynch if she comes back in her “pre-Wyatt shite” character. I used to get “next Trish” vibes about her and she was just starting to get pops/cheers despite being booked as a total bitch, right before the recurring injuries and time-killing tag run. That return Rumble where she was the Iron Woman had me thinking “this is it” but if they have her come back strong in original “Goddess” character (as Graves used to put it),  to win the Rumble and be booked as her mouthy bitch self but in the direction of “Big Time Becks” leading to a Mania match, it could ACTUALLY be it.

Now that I’ve said that, it won’t be.

Edited by air_raid
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Alexa Bliss to me is by far the 'most marketable' on the main roster for me, she screams star talent and is a merch shifter. Unfortuanley there always seems to be something going on with her which stops her going 'all in' (like Flair and Lynch do for example). It's not a criticism (i have a lot of sympathy for her mental health and eating disorders) but it seems to be the thing holding her back from being the top star on a roster.

This might sound a bit crass but i also think they struggle with her image-is she sexy or is she wholesome? Who's her market? She kind of falls in between both but never more than the other.


Bayley surprise return to win the Rumble imo, possibly as a face to fulfill the destiny Dusty Rhodes predicted for her.

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21 minutes ago, theringmaster said:



22 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

is she sexy


22 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

Who's her market?


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This company. Really.

Scrolling through Instagram just now, they are advertising Alexa Bliss return for next week. Fuck saving her for the Rumble as a surprise, or anything that would be intriguing or interesting.

The kicker, the image they’re using to promote the return is her in full spooky-wooky gimmick.

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it's pretty vague whether they're actually saying she'll be there or not - they're promoting "Alexa Bliss' return to RAW", which makes me think it'll be the start of a series of vignettes leading to her coming back, which probably will be at the Rumble, or on RAW the week of.

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I think the surprise return era is probably dead.

Surprises are great when you're riding a crest of a wave, numbers are high and people are actively investing in the product regardless of who's in or out.

But, i'd say for some years now, they're very much in a 'QUICK! SOMEONE FIND SOMETHING PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED IN AND TELL THEM ABOUT IT AHEAD OF TIME!' mode to try and bump up their numbers.

I think it's why Royal Rumbles have been shit for so long. They stopped looking for surprise potential needle movers, and just bled your Hurricane Helms' dry until there were no nostalgia acts left of any interest.

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I tried to watch a clip on YouTube yesterday from the PPV and it reminded me how shite the show is. The first line of commentary from anyone was Michael Cole saying “Oh my!” which made me deduce he must do this at fucking anything. Seconds later the current ring announcer did “Rated-R Suuuuuperstar” in over-the-top homage to Tony Chimel, and I checked out. It honestly doesn’t matter a jot if any talent retains any star power or if there are any decent matches, I’m just not able to stomach watching when so many aspects of the production and presentation are irksome, forced, stale etc.

On 1/3/2022 at 11:26 AM, Mr Butternut Squash said:

Bianca Belair is obviously the 'plan'. 

Would they book the same womens winner back to back?

Anyway, the real reason I’m in this thread is to ask ; did WWE do an episode of TV where champions lost a non-title match? Yes they did.


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Just seen an article referencing Meltzer which states that Seth Rollins was going over and winning the title prior to Lesnar being added to the match. 

That's how bad it is that Seth was going to replace Big E as champion. Just no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They can't even be arsed with heels and babyfaces anymore. It's so weird. They seem happy just lazily mashing whoever together and having thunderdome.wav do the rest.

They probably think they've told some grand long-term story with Bianca Belair. She gets caught off guard and screwed over at Summerslam. Then Becky keeps dodging her knowing she can't win a fair fight. So Bianca earns her way back into contention via the Rumble/Chamber, before finally toppling her at Mania. Sounds fairly straight forward. In reality, they're knackered. There's nothing this lame and heatless Becky character can do for Bianca that Sasha Banks hadn't already done far more effectively, before they flushed it all away. A complete disaster all round.

I watched the Lashley/Lesnar video package which was a tremendous bit of business. They've still got it in 'em, somewhere.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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On 1/6/2022 at 8:23 AM, air_raid said:

Anyway, the real reason I’m in this thread is to ask ; did WWE do an episode of TV where champions lost a non-title match? Yes they did.



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