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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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Raw is embarrassingly bad, has been for years. The whole company seems directionless, they're unable to write compelling television or make stars any more and the vast majority of their roster look creatively stifled or unhappy.

I remember when Ambrose left I slaughtered the company and a few on here told me I was crazy because of the money WWE were making from TV deals everything was rosy in the garden. It's been clear for a long time this is a company on a downward trajectory. I honestly wonder if they'll ever get back to what they were. They've no future Cena's or Rock's coming along any time soon, all their 'legends' are now well past their sell by date and it's getting harder to wheel them out for a pop when things get tough.

I can't see anything but AEW really taking off the next few years. A happy workplace is a productive workplace and you can just tell their roster are loving every minute and are really fuelled to make a success of that company. Also, when Cody talked of tapping into the 'lapsed fan' I think they all knew exactly what kind of product would recapture imaginations.

WWE need to get back to basics. SmackDown is an entirely watchable and decent 2 hour show. I just think with 3 hours of Raw and another 2 hours of NXT it's just far too much content. They've diluted their own product by monopolising the industry. Too many bland, samesy characters, too many titles that's don't mean anything, 50/50 booking that kills any momentum. They could do with a massive reset.


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2 hours ago, Yakashi said:

It vanished with no explanation. I believe it was just reported by Dave this week actually that the reason, in real life,  that they binned it was that they didn’t want all the rosters mixing together during the pandemic.

The odd thing is that IIRC, the last time Raw Underground took place was the week before the draft, and on the draft show they officially put/kept all the Underground players on Raw e.g. Dabba-Kato, Arturo Ruas, Riddick Moss.

Neither Moss nor Dabbo-Kato have been heard from since (despite the latter having moved out of the basement onto Raw proper with Shane as his manager about a week before) and Ruas turned back up on NXT for one match, then disappeared again.

I suppose there was the trainee "crowd" to consider in terms of mixing, plus I assume all 3 of those guys would still have been doing PC training classes despite being on Raw officially, given they weren't actually out on the road.

Said it before in here - I genuinely miss Raw Underground. I thought it was a nice change of pace for a few minutes at a time.

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The (or one of the) problem with WWE right now, in the last few weeks/months is they have relied on pre-tape segments (like last week when Orton's cut face disappeared when Alexa replaced HHH in the ring). They are relying on this gimmick more then any other company, and they can't do when the crowds come back. So why are they putting all the eggs in that basket. It's so stupid.



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5 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

The (or one of the) problem with WWE right now, in the last few weeks/months is they have relied on pre-tape segments (like last week when Orton's cut face disappeared when Alexa replaced HHH in the ring). They are relying on this gimmick more then any other company, and they can't do when the crowds come back. So why are they putting all the eggs in that basket. It's so stupid.



Doesn't it make sense to do that kind of stuff now while they can? Same with the cinematic bits and pieces. I know it's not for everyone but creatively it seems like a logical thing to play around a bit at the moment.

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1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

Doesn't it make sense to do that kind of stuff now while they can? Same with the cinematic bits and pieces. I know it's not for everyone but creatively it seems like a logical thing to play around a bit at the moment.

So you want Alexa bliss to change look mid match or teleport during a match to throw a fireball so those character traits can’t happen in the future?

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I had another quick go of Thunderdome.

Lasted about twenty minutes before the novelty wore off and I couldn't be bothered to sit with my face aimed at the show, finding it far more preferable to leave it on as background noise and glance over when something sounded interesting. Honestly, you could skip almost everything on this show other than Edge's promo, which was fantastic and felt completely out of place on an otherwise disaster of an episode. Watching Edge deliver this belting little speech, I got the impression he hasn't seen the show in months and doesn't realise what dross he'll be slotted amongst.

Beyond the Edge promo the only thing I'd recommend was the closing segment, just for what a train wreck it was. Randy Orton in his halloween makeup. Alexa Bliss changing outfits mid-match. Asuka going full Seth Rollins having to sell fear for all this nonsense. The whole thing is like the worst fantasy booking you could ever find online. When the day comes where Alexa calls herself Sister Abigail the world is going to shake right off its axis with the amount of creepy fantasy bookers spunking everywhere simultaneously.

Some other small tidbits from the Thunderdome - the hype guy was back and even worse than last week. You know whenever those Raw scripts have leaked and you've seen the way they script pops into the promos as, "(****)"? Well this chap took it upon himself to shout, "BIG CHEERS," every time one of them seemingly cropped up. Drew almost cutting a genuine, heartfelt, authentic promo about contracting Covid, but then every time he took a breath this knobhead was shouting, "BIG CHEERS GUYS. BIG CHEERS FOR THAT." Bloody hell.

They also insisted that anyone with a Nielsen box should tune in on their TV as well as watching it via the Thunderdome. Ratings-driven company to the very end.

The best bit though? Before Raw went on air, they made a big deal about telling everyone not to wear masks. Even more important than not wearing logos or eating your dinner on screen, they didn't want to see masks or PPE of any sort. I fully imagine it's a weird Vince thing.

And then Shelton Benjamin walked out for his entrance forgetting he had his mask on. Hilarious. Best thing Shelton's done since coming back to WWE. I bet Vince hit the roof.

Edited by Supremo
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I saw Reddit are going off about Nia Jax being unsafe again by planting Dana Brooke’s head into the mat at 100mph for no reason too. She’s just the worst. Like I said in my Worst Wrestler nomination, I only hear her name when she injures someone.


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I honestly have no idea why Nia Jax is still employed by the WWE. A similar situation was discussed in another thread recently (can't remember the guilty party in that case) but this is absolutely horrific. I actually shuddered when I saw this. I might be overreacting but how/why is this acceptable? You can see Nia's left hand slip as she tries to get purchase on the lift. Instead of trying to protect Dana, she looks as though she tries to slam her twice as hard with her tight arm. It's unsafe bordering on malicious.


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Just now, FelatioLips said:

I saw Reddit are going off about Nia Jax being unsafe again by planting Dana Brooke’s head into the mat at 100mph for no reason too. She’s just the worst. Like I said in my Worst Wrestler nomination, I only hear her name when she injures someone.


Beat me to it! 

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A match between Nia Jax and Dana Brooke was always going to end up with someone getting hurt because neither of them are particularly sound, but yeah that did look nasty. 
Remember a couple of years ago when Nia was getting the “you deserve it” chants after winning the belt? Why? Why did she deserve it exactly?

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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1 minute ago, WyattSheepMask said:

A match between Nia Jax and Dana Brooke was always going to end up with someone getting hurt because neither of them are particularly sound, but yeah that did look nasty. 
Remember a couple of years ago when Nia was getting the “you deserve it” chants after winning the belt? Why? Why did she deserve it exactly?

I'm sure she gave an interview in the run up to the title win where she said she was bullied because of her weight/look and she had thought about quitting so many times etc.but was fighting to prove people wrong. She won the belt shortly thereafter and the crowd were sympathising/supporting her by chanting "you deserve it" which still baffles me because you don't deserve it unless your ability and skillset has earned you it. WWE thought it would be good publicity because "anyone can achieve their dreams."

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