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Wrestling claims to fame


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Ghost-wrote a press release for Jimmy Hart.

Lent a pen to Flash Barker which didn't work.

Tommy Dreamer, Bruce Prichard, and a bunch of others over the years have posted a fake anti-wanking health advice poster that I made of Dusty, thinking it was real.

That Paul Lazenby guy who's always on Stone Cold's podcast once posted a 1 star review for one my books that was so angry and insulting, and insinuating I was due a kicking (because I'd dissed his buddy Steven Seagal) that Amazon took it down.

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18 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

I’ve tattooed Pete Dunne and Tyler Bates which is my most respectable one. Smoked cigars in Vegas with Dustin Rhodes which is my favourite one.
I’m also custard brother to a long list of current wrestlers with the biggest one being The Rock. That was bloody intimidating. 

What the fuck is custard brothers? 

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18 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

I’ve tattooed Pete Dunne and Tyler Bates which is my most respectable one. Smoked cigars in Vegas with Dustin Rhodes which is my favourite one.
I’m also custard brother to a long list of current wrestlers with the biggest one being The Rock. That was bloody intimidating. 

What the fuck is custard brothers? 

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I met Mick Foley when he did his UK Tour at the Tyne Theatre a couple of years ago, now when I go to a signing I will try to ask the artist/writer/wrestler some thing that none of the other fans have asked, so I asked him his opinion on heels cutting promos, he looks at me and answers "yeah, it is something like that".

I shake his hand, say "thanks Mick" and go to walk off, Mick changes his mind and say "actually it could be the other way".

I say "cool, thanks Mick" and I go to walk away as I have my signed book and I got to talk to The Hardcore Legend for a bit.

Then Mick goes "it depends on what they want", I say "thanks Mick" and walk away.


I also met my childhood hero at another book signing in Gateshead but as I properly fanboyed out over him, I only got to say six words to Bret Hart.

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1 hour ago, Slapnut said:

Not long after, in walks fucking Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty. Scotty stared at me for about 5 minutes straight at one point, it was unsettling.


I know exactly what you mean.

For the HoF at WM XX, heading into the main hall where the event was taking place you could join the RAW queue or SD queue. We joined the Smacky D line, there were 4 wrestlers in each who you could have a photo with whilst heading in. Scotty was one of those people, to this day (not an often occurrence now obviously) if I think of said event, his stare is etched in my mind. Absolutely unnerving, haunting and chilling.

Thanks for the memories! ?

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I once stood in line to get a leisure center coffee behind Shane Douglas and passed him some sugar and one of those plastic stirrers for his polystyrene cup. He couldn't have been nicer however that was luckily before he tried leisure center coffee in Reading thankfully. 

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Apparently, although I've never seen any proof of this in terms of photo's etc, but Brian Glover was at my Christening. He was quite friendl with my Grandad by all accounts, but couldn't stay for the "doo" after as he had to shoot off for whatever work he had on at that point.

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I've been on the homepage on the WWE Network. Managed to park myself opposite the hard camera at the NXT UK taping at Axxess last year for the Saturday afternoon show. On the thumbnail showing Rhea Ripley before she whupped Kacy Catanzaro, I'm just to the left of her in a grey Daniel Bryan t-shirt. 

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I've done interviews/roundtables with a few wrestlers/personalities including PAC, Ricky Starks, Joe Galli, Finn Balor, William Regal and Robbie Brookside. All seemed lovely. PAC especially.

As a result of attending,I was in shot at the footage of the WWE UK tournament press conference which was shown on NXT etc. 

But more in line with this thread, when I was about 8, my sister worked at WH Smith's in Wood Green (when they had the upstairs too, which is now a Cineworld). Bret Hart did a signing and as she worked there she managed to get me in backstage. Bret spoke to me briefly, but mostly to ask if I knew where the toilets were as he was clearly bursting, and off he went. While he was off having a piss the WWF person with him let me hold the winged eagle belt he had with him (well more touch than hold, it was heavy) until Bret got back. A lovely day for young Mim.

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Met Kurt Angle coming for the Jurrasic Park Ride in Orlando.

Met Tommasso Ciampa at the airport in New Orleans after Mania/Takeover, he was very nice and soft spoken then he went to buy beignets (nola donuts)

On flight from same airport loads of nxt guys were on it, EC3, VIKING RAIDERS, CIAMPA, STREET PROFITS and loads more, my wife and I sat next to Viking Ivar he's a big dude, my wife had to pick something up for him as he couldn't bend forward.

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1 hour ago, mim731 said:

I've done interviews/roundtables with a few wrestlers/personalities including PAC, Ricky Starks, Joe Galli, Finn Balor, William Regal and Robbie Brookside. All seemed lovely. PAC especially.

How'd that come about? Was it for a magazine or a podcast? What was Ricky Starks like? I'm well into the NWA the now. 

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I met Robbie Brookside at Disneyland Paris once. My family and I were staying at the same hotel as him and his family and I found myself next to him at the breakfast buffet.

I’ve been emailed by Colt Cabana and Steve Corino for an article I wrote once about the career of Fit Finlay.

DDP visited my work a couple of years ago but I was on a day off so didn’t see him.

That’s as good as I can do.

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24 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

I met Robbie Brookside at Disneyland Paris once. My family and I were staying at the same hotel as him and his family and I found myself next to him at the breakfast buffet.

I’ve been emailed by Colt Cabana and Steve Corino for an article I wrote once about the career of Fit Finlay.

DDP visited my work a couple of years ago but I was on a day off so didn’t see him.

That’s as good as I can do.

That's better than mine. My Grandads season ticket for a while was 1 row and 1 seat to the left behind who we are 80% certain was PACs dad. I never did confirm just my Grandad said "his son done the wrestling" and he looked a fair bit like PAC. That pathetically is the best I can do. 

Edited by ElCece
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