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Undertaker - The Last Ride

King Pitcos

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56 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I almost forgot how crazy Vince is for a bit. Almost. The loyalty, friendship and respect between those two is really heartwarming in the weirdest way possible.

They've both made themselves very rich, sure if the Undertaker wasn't around, Vince would have still been raking it in but his drawing power certainly did no harm. It was mentioned a lot that the Undertaker stayed when everyone else moved to WCW, so I guess Vince probably has a tonne of respect for that too.

It was sad to see Taker putting his body through hell, I'm not sure whether this was for his ego, or to provide entertainment to the fans. It was nice to see a human side to Taker though, and some of the shots from the early to mid 90's with Bret, Razor, Owen, Paul Bearer etc.

The one thing I did take from it though, was how cool would it be for the Undertaker to be your dad? Maybe I'm alone in that.

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Watching how much the Roman match at Wretlemania bothers him, I'm excited for when they get to the Roman/Taker vs. Drew/Shane Extreme Rules match. I bet he comes out of that belter over the moon. If he wanted to make it up to Roman he couldn't have done a better job there.

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26 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Watching how much the Roman match at Wretlemania bothers him, I'm excited for when they get to the Roman/Taker vs. Drew/Shane Extreme Rules match. I bet he comes out of that belter over the moon. If he wanted to make it up to Roman he couldn't have done a better job there.

I genuinely have no recollection of this ever having happened. 

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Yeah. Unfortunately, a main event of Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch vs. Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans will render a show forgettable. It's a shame though because that blistering tag is probably Taker's best match since the CM Punk Mania match.

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Yeah watched that tag recently, really good match and Taker looks good shape with higher cut singlet/tanktop.

Face off with Drew got great reaction too.

This series (and Austin chat) has so far made me love and admire him more, he seems a good dude and still wants to perform, I know Vince gets shit on for always calling him back but I don't think Taker needs much persuading.

Will be interesting to find out his reason why he skipped Mania 35 and not just cos Saudi payday was bigger (doubt they'll give that as reason) Goldberg match should be brutal

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Cant knock his dedication. Imagine if they did one of these for Andre's latter day matches? "Well, I sit down here for a few hours playing cribbage, drink a few cans, have a shit in the bath, wipe my arse with the bed sheets and then stick my back brace on and hold the rope until the finish."

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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6 hours ago, King Pitcos said:

Some extra footage of Undertaker doing cryotherapy, and referencing his hatred of cucumbers!!

😆 Amazing!


Probably going to say this after every episode, but fucking hell it's fascinating seeing this far back behind the curtain with him. He came across really well in this one too, couple of moments where it seems he actually might be a bit of a laugh at times. The Cena match stuff though, the view John gave and 'Taker wanting to have a long epic. Undertaker is almost a victim of his own streak of blinders he had at WrestleMania there for a bit. Stole the show for a good few years with 'epics' and now just needs to cure that NXT like itch to have that each time. When really, he should actually take much of his own advice, of less is more, like he talks about in the Broken Skull sessions on his early WWF career. He wanted to be knocking out 5 star wrestling classics then too, but says he had to fight his own ego to resist the urge to try and have that for the sake of getting the character over. It totally applies now, he wants to give the fans that and what he believes he can still give, but really it's more about scratching his own itch. Cena (and Show) is right, we don't care about him having that particular spot anymore and literally everyone thought it was one match too many after Roman, people just want to see him and see him do Undertakery things. But seemingly, Mark Calaway won't be happy with that.

"We don't sell time, we sell entertainment" - that's a WrestleMania tagline right there. Actually, that should be written somewhere so it's the last thing talent see in gorilla before they go out.

What makes all that and the current Covid situation all the more fascinating - it was interesting seeing him mention AJ and wanted to work him. After wanting a match more like his HBK matches with Cena, then having the Saudi stinkers, it feels likely that he requested working AJ to have that match. Even compares him to Shawn. To possibly have that be his last match, going out on a match he'd feel happy gong out on. Which may be how this documentary would have wrapped up. Yet, Covid-19 happens, robs him of that match and we get the Boner match instead. And in the process potentially stumbled on a way to keep him going  and having him pop up at WrestleMania for some time yet. 

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These two episodes have made me see everything from his point of view, and made me feel like an absolute dickhead.

Thinking he’s only been turning up for Mania season the past 10 years or so because he’s only interested in the pay day. His body couldn’t take it anymore. He loves this business and would have been working every TV show the past 10 years if it was up to him.

Never understood why he come back after the Reigns match, now I completely do. He didn’t want to go out after 30 years like that.

You completely forget that he’s a fan and fucking loves this business. Seeing him watching an AJ Styles match and saying how much he wanted to work with him and how he’s similar to Shawn just put a smile on my face. 
Weird seeing Vince getting emotional like that. But I get it. Loyalty. (And once again I’d never give it a second thought previously.) Every other fucker fucked off. Even Austin eventually let Vince down.

Loved seeing him getting in shape for the Cena match and seeing all the retro PPV posters draped around the ring to inspire Taker. Primo turning up to help was fucking random, mind. 

Anyway, this post is just full of rambling guff with no order to it but just wanted to give my thoughts, because I’m really enjoying this look into the other side of Taker and I don’t think there’s anybody else in the industry who they could do this documentary with and it would have me as interested. 

Edited by Mr Kennedy
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5 hours ago, GeronimoJacksBeard said:

What makes all that and the current Covid situation all the more fascinating - it was interesting seeing him mention AJ and wanted to work him. After wanting a match more like his HBK matches with Cena, then having the Saudi stinkers, it feels likely that he requested working AJ to have that match. Even compares him to Shawn. To possibly have that be his last match, going out on a match he'd feel happy gong out on. Which may be how this documentary would have wrapped up. Yet, Covid-19 happens, robs him of that match and we get the Boner match instead. And in the process potentially stumbled on a way to keep him going  and having him pop up at WrestleMania for some time yet. 

Given AJ’s flashbacks my guess is that assuming Covid is under control AJ will point to this series and challenge Taker to a proper wrasslin match.       

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Another solid episode, although it jumped around a bit time wise, but it was still interesting to hear about the Shawn and HHH matches and have that backstory told to understand the significance of the later non-Mania matches. And ultimately the disappointment of that DX and Brothers of Destruction match.

Although that won't be anything compared to the next episode with Goldberg!

I've got three words for ya..

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