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Sha Samuels and Josh Bodom shoot on ref allegedly

Hannibal Scorch

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My opinion isn't as such that "Sha is right". Just that I don't see anything from the video of what Sha did that's consistent with how I feel the ref is trying to portray it or that would put anyone with 2 years of wrestling training in any significant danger. 

That then leads me to question other things he has said. I'm not saying it isn't the case, just that I have questions which I feel are valid.

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What do you think the ref stands to gain from this? I know others have taken umbrage to him adding a link to his PayPal, but it's highly unlikely he's about to get anything more than a couple of hundred quid - hardly enough to make it worth burning all his bridges as a working referee over.

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He’s burning bridges with Rev Pro yes, but other companies he has worked for previously will have him back straight away, even other companies are already offering him work when he’s ready to come back.

I bet he’ll be back working once this all blows over in a few weeks time.

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Bodom has a reputation for unprofessional behaviour, you have a reputation for cut and paste posting of even the most minuscule of story regarding wrestling. Both reputations equally well earned. You are not as offensive as he is but we have to deal with you multiple times a day, so it builds up. 

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1 hour ago, Polish Dad said:

What do you think the ref stands to gain from this? I know others have taken umbrage to him adding a link to his PayPal, but it's highly unlikely he's about to get anything more than a couple of hundred quid - hardly enough to make it worth burning all his bridges as a working referee over.

Attention, sympathy, money, exposure. I'm not making allegations that those are his intentions, just that those are things that my opinion he stands to gain from this. Wrestlers in the US have been tweeting about it, it's been pretty big news in the community.  It's also garnered lot's of support and sympathy from a large number of guys in the UK. We have US companies booking Super Humman after videos of him elbow dropping microwaves. Stranger things have happened than the ref getting potential sympathy bookings.

Wrestling is a shady business but most promoters would be interested in the good publicity and promotion that helping him "back into the business" would generate.

Money wise ok there's PayPal and who knows what that will or want make. If all the wrestlers tweeting their support or eagerness to beat up Bodom sent £10 each it would amount to a fair whack. 

On top of that there's potentially increased bookings throughout the UK, maybe even an attempt at a civil suit regarding alleged injury. The way his tweets about the incident read certainly indicated that being in mind to my opinion.

Again to be clear I'm not saying that's the case, just possibilities.

I did notice that he came back onto his break from twitter to air his opinion on what seemed like a relative minor tweet he felt was aimed at him. 

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I dunno, I'm all about giving the benefit of the doubt, especially given the shitty nature of the wrestling industry where he'd just as likely get quietly blackballed as a troublemaker a week later when everyone's forgotten about it.

If what he was after was cash & sympathy then he's gone about it in a pretty bad way, focusing his tweets on the slam by Sha and not the attack by Bodom, given that Sha is well-liked & ingrained in the wrestling community vs Bodom who was already a pariah outside of RevPro. Seems far more likely that he was legit injured by two unprovoked attacks - an unplanned, uncalled slam by Sha and then a kicking from Bodom that he has no memory of.

Just seems like so much to risk before you know how people will respond, for the potential of maybe getting a tiny amount of short-term cash and maybe a few more bookings as a ref. I don't know the guy but I can't really fathom that.

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I just find it bizarre that we have two versions of events - the account of the victim, which is backed up by video evidence of him being assaulted, and hundreds of eyewitnesses, and the account of the three people responsible, at least two of which have demonstrably lied about it (Bodom claiming Aaren tried a takedown on him and he cut it off, and Quildan claiming he had no knowledge of it and there was no footage), yet you feel it's Aaren's account that needs to be questioned and held to the highest degree of scrutiny, to the point that you even seem to be doubting where he said he was trained. 

Again - "he didn't say anything for a week" is bollocks. He told people about this the night of the show. Quildan was making decisions directly influenced by what happens the following two nights. It's bullshit when Quildan says Twitter was the first he'd heard of it, and it's bullshit when people looking for any excuse to exonerate the pricks responsible say, "why did he wait a week before telling anyone" to try and question Aaren's credibility. That you'd rather believe, in the face of all evidence, that a referee would make this up to gain "sympathy bookings" says far more about you than about Aaren.

As for Aaren tweeting about the show, I can't put myself in his mindset, but maybe he wanted to try and put it all behind him - he was under the impression he had more shows to work that weekend, that he had been booked for. Maybe he didn't want to dwell on the negative, and wanted to focus on the good parts of the show. Maybe he hadn't realised the extent of the damage. I've refereed shows with broken toes, with a concussion, and with ligament damage in my shoulder, and not realised how bad it was until hours afterwards, sometimes not til the next morning.

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Totally agree. It’s uncomfortable seeing the rush to dispute and knock down Aaren.

“Why did he wait?” Well, ignoring the accounts that he did tell people the night of the show, why does any waiting any period of time make it any difference? Given the current #MeToo climate—where claims are coming emerging years and even decades later—why does a story taking a few days to be publicised mean it’s not a story or any less truthful?

“How did he work if he was injured?” Again, ignoring the reasons been given (adrenaline, locker room environment), we’re all wrestling fans. We’ve heard how wrestlers have worked through injuries. We’ve heard of wrestlers working with broken necks. Why is it unfathomable to think Aaren worked through any pain, before seeing a doctor who after tests has told him the extent of his injuries? It’s not that unheard of to think you’re better than you are and then see a medical professional who says: “You have X, you should no longer do Y”.

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After getting a beating from two larger men, I for one cannot understand why Aaren didn't just confront them afterwards in a locker room that was also full of big, mean-looking men who also happen to share the same job as the two larger men who beat him.

Fucking hell, the state of some of you.

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