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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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It's got absolutely no business being broadcast like a general election debate. The only thing that would make it fair would be giving other parties equal time to explain why all Tories are cunts no matter who's chosen, but only a handful would bother watching that.

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1 hour ago, Uncle Zeb said:

It's got absolutely no business being broadcast like a general election debate. The only thing that would make it fair would be giving other parties equal time to explain why all Tories are cunts no matter who's chosen, but only a handful would bother watching that.

If this was an option the other parties would be sensible not to take it. The Tories have come out so badly, particularly in the last one that they may as well have "the following is a party political broadcast for the Labour party" at the front.

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Yeah the reason I hope they’re all broadcast is because of how divided they are, they’re fucked and it’s fantastic to see the cunts tear at each other because if they’re all appointed to each other’s cabinets, it’s there on live TV what they were like. 

Not that it’ll make any difference, Johnson bottled it from Brillo Neal and hid in a fridge and it mattered not. 

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It’s mad that they’ve basically found a way to give their own party loads of exposure on prime time tv with an eye on pressing the imaginary reset button on all the shit these cunts have been complicit in anyway and they’ve still managed to come out of it worse. 

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Boris Johnson started a speech in Parliament having a go at Labour for bringing forward the no confidence motion......only to have the speaker interrupt and correct him that it was in fact his own party that brought it to Parliament. Even the cunt Liz Truss was shaking her head at him.

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I saw the Telegraph reporting that the conservative party membership are trying to get Boris on the final ballot with the final 2 members of the leadership race. No idea if it is legal or that the 1922 would allow it, but absolute shitarsery if it happens.

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12 minutes ago, deathrey said:

Sunak vs Truss in the final two. Shame its not a fight to the death.

And it’s a draw. 

If Truss wins, she will be the thickest prime minister we have ever had. I reckon Mordaunt would’ve won the membershit vote but that Roland Rat looking little prick will win it. I think it says a lot that at the beginning of the campaign, Truss was considered the sensible and safe choice despite being so dense That NASA think she’s a black hole. 

Either way, we are still fucked. I hate this country. 

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2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I saw the Telegraph reporting that the conservative party membership are trying to get Boris on the final ballot with the final 2 members of the leadership race. No idea if it is legal or that the 1922 would allow it, but absolute shitarsery if it happens.

It's legal if the 1922 allow it, but they won't.

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I know nothing of her other than that gormless look she pulls to no applause after declaring new pork markets, so it’s assuring to know she is as thick as she came across.

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