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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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38 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Send for The Raab


15th May 2020. A tale of two people. One is the Prime Minister, having cheese and wines with his mates. The other is me, attending my fathers funeral virtualy, in my bedroom, drinking a Disaranno and coke, his favourite, watching 7 others family members in attendence as was the rules at that time.

We're not all in this together.

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17 minutes ago, WeeAl said:

You don't get to be a Tory by giving away your own money. 

Usually, that's where the expense account would have been getting hammered. 

They couldn't have sold a peerage or handed out a fat government contract to a mate for beer money?

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I watched an interview with Iain Hislop recently where he talks about this, and in this country he lays some of the blame at Laura Kuenssberg and her approach to “journalism”.   His point was that there’s no critical analysis of policy or Government performance anymore, everything is treated as some fast-moving reality show where we’re constantly fed a live stream of who’s in/out, does Carrie hate Dom etc. He used the sewage stuff as an example, disgraceful legislation passed by parliament but could barely get a foothold in in the news when it was being debated and by the time the drone videos were out of shit literally being pumped in to rivers and streams the news had moved on to what kind of wallpaper stop-calling-him-Boris had picked for his gaff. We’re a tabloid obsessed, sad little country unfortunately.

Edited by stumobir
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1 hour ago, stumobir said:

I watched an interview with Iain Hislop recently where he talks about this, and in this country he lays some of the blame at Laura Kuenssberg and her approach to “journalism”.   His point was that there’s no critical analysis of policy or Government performance anymore, everything is treated as some fast-moving reality show where we’re constantly fed a live stream of who’s in/out, does Carrie hate Dom etc. He used the sewage stuff as an example, disgraceful legislation passed by parliament but could barely get a foothold in in the news when it was being debated and by the time the drone videos were out of shit literally being pumped in to rivers and streams the news had moved on to what kind of wallpaper stop-calling-him-Boris had picked for his gaff. We’re a tabloid obsessed, sad little country unfortunately.

That's been the case, not just of politics, but news in general for years - the switch to 24 hour rolling news, and then to social media on top of that, meant that the most important thing became "BREAKING NEWS", and who could break the story first, rather than who could provide the most accurate or insightful analysis on a story. There's an element of rose-tinted glasses to Hislop's comments, as I imagine it's a criticism that's been around forever - I'm sure early newspaper publishes criticised the first tabloids on the same grounds, and newspapers definitely criticised TV news for valuing immediacy over accuracy, but there's no doubt that it's definitely got worse and that journalistic standards have largely slipped in the mainstream for a variety of reasons. 

I agree to a point with the over-saturation of scandal, though - there was always this argument around Trump, that every day he experienced a scandal that would have brought down any other government. It's hard to agree fully, as it's actually very rare for a scandal to bring down a government, or really lead to anything more than a minor participant being given up as a sacrificial lamb, but what Trump and Johnson seem to have learned is that constant scandal has much the same effect, psychologically, as no scandal; the public don't focus on any individual issue, tune out, become bored, and then you can get away with anything. There's always talk of each new fuck-up or scandal being a "dead cat" to distract from the last one, when it's far more likely the reality is that this government are just corrupt useless pricks on multiple fronts at the same time.

What far more of it comes down to is whether the media feel the need to keep on top of someone. For most of Johnson's career he's had, to some degree, a sizeable chunk of the British press in his corner, so they've never been inclined to allow a scandal to be more than a minor issue. Increasingly, the press have realised that his position is untenable, so they are going to keep hounding him on this one and not allow anyone else to forget it. The government has done far, far worse than have parties during lockdown, but for a variety of reasons this is the thing that has turned the press on him, and this is the issue that's most likely to resonate with Joe Public as a "one rule for them, another for us"/"they're just taking the piss" issue - and especially if they're not allowed to forget it.

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