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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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Something stinks about The Met suddenly showing up to investigate just as the report was going to come out. This kicks that in the long grass. Clearly the Met will find no wrongdoing and the report will come out after most have moved on. I don't trust Cressida Dick at all, a thoroughly useless head of the Met and someone who should have gone a number of times. Johnson has backed her.

The establishment protects itself

I hope Starmer refers to him as 'The Accused' on Wednesday though.

Edited by Factotum
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Plus this whole Russia/Ukraine business will push things further down the pipeline. 

Isn't Rishi Sunak's brother a high ranking officer in the Met? Presumably he'll be placed in charge of the investigation.

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8 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Plus this whole Russia/Ukraine business will push things further down the pipeline. 

Isn't Rishi Sunak's brother a high ranking officer in the Met? Presumably he'll be placed in charge of the investigation.


On 1/14/2022 at 7:27 PM, Keith Houchen said:

Without going all Duane…


You massive racist. 

Edited by Keith Houchen
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1 hour ago, Vamp said:

Isn't it considered good practice for PMs to send troops off somewhere to create a wave of patriotism and improve their approval ratings? 

Not if said action triggers a world war. Although, now I've typed those words, I'm already doubting myself. Thank god we sent those war-mongering fuckers back to where they came from when we had the chance, eh?

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A PM will send troops to protect plucky British colonial interests overseas, they're not going to get involved with a Russian border conflict in the hope of upping their approval ratings. 

Feel free to quote me on this when we're all eating rats in a nuclear winter, but I don't think the Russia/Ukraine thing is much more than sabre rattling, and won't have significant impact outside of the countries themselves.

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39 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

As if Linkedin couldn't get any more shit. "People like me"?!



I get this, too. And I can't even write funny shit under his posts because I've got to be professional or whatever. Alas, only Tej Lavani gets the gift of my comedy genius.

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