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The Smackers Thread


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The Moana line at the end was great, proper wanker heel delivery of it as well.

The Rock is so fucking good man, it just shows when he's up for it he's on another level and always has been.

Agree that Rock v Cody is the match now like, they're going to have to go some way to make Reigns not look like an afterthought, which ro be fair I'm sure they will once Heyman gets going etc, it's just a shame Rock isn't going to be around much again soon.

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1 hour ago, Chili said:

I'm just taking the piss because it looks a bit of an inconsequential bland match and that usually gets the 2nd match treatment. It's more a feel in the atmosphere on a big show sometimes that after a hot opener, the momentum can struggle. It also doesn't really matter.

AJ vs. LA just feels a bit cobbled together, a real "and who have we got left?" affair in the style of Kurt Angle vs. Kane at 'Mania 18.

Before that, I assumed the direction was going to be a US Title clusterfuck with everyone Logan Paul had cheated or screwed over getting a shot at him - LA Knight, Kevin Owens, Randy Orton, probably throw AJ in there too, just a more blatant "get everyone on the card" affair, but one that at least feels like a 'Mania match.

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35 minutes ago, thevestofdeanambrose said:

Personally I'm loving The Rock. I haven't tuned into Smackdown weekly for years and I'm locked in ATM!

Then I open this thread and all I see is certain opinions trying to suck the fun out of it. It's not that deep.

This could be the The Rocks finest run and it may seem like he's over shadowing Reigns but we all know that's going to come to a head too. 

I'm loving it and fuck the miserables fucks in this thread. Hollywood Dwayne 4eva.



Well, first of all, I'd definitely say grow up. Its really important to understand other people can have different opinions without needing to say 'fuck them'.

The best part of the UKFF, and one of the reasons I've been here for two decades (Jesus Lord have mercy) is that different opinions have always been tolerated and debated in a way that was less maddening than a social media comments section.

Like you say, it's not that deep. Its just me sharing an opinion whilst also saying I'm glad everyone else is enjoying it, it's just not for me.

Still, yeah, fuck me. What a prick I am.

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2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Not like me to disagree with David Numbers, but I feel this WrestleMania is ice cold outside of The Rock and Cody. Even Bayley vs Iyo Sky feels tepid right now, despite feeling quite hot just a few weeks ago. When LA Knight vs AJ Styles and Uso vs Uso is being pushed as big matches you have to wonder if NAME REDACTED was right on Wrestlemania not being a 2 night event. I’m getting late 00’s/early 10’s vibes from the card so far.

I mean I'm not surprised you're not into it, lets be honest.

But I'll agree that Knight/Styles is a random thing and I am surprised like most people that it isn't combined with the Logan stuff. Maybe they've decided they needed another match to fill the time? Who knows.

Have to disagree on the Uso thing though. Considering how long the Bloodline stuff has been going, surely Mania a natural conclusion for those two? That's exactly the type of thing they should be aiming for on the card.

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It was the usual Rock shit except shitter than usual because he's actively taking the shine off the guy who's the biggest babyface in wrestling right now. Quite aside from how embarrassing and outdated the whole performance was, practically every match on the card after felt short because of how long he pissed about for. He's fucking dreadful and I hope they kill him off in Fast X 2.

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For someone so demonstrably talented, it is crazy how - bar the Boneyard Match, which doesn’t really count - AJ hasn’t had anything close to a show-stealing match at Wrestlemania. A Wrestlemania legacy that ranges from just fine to outright bad. This LA Knight match will likely follow the same pattern. Probably be good for a piss break. I can’t complain though. Whole thing has been worth it for last week, when LA  Knight beat up a television because AJ Styles’ face was on it. Brilliant.

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1 hour ago, thevestofdeanambrose said:

Personally I'm loving The Rock. I haven't tuned into Smackdown weekly for years and I'm locked in ATM!

Then I open this thread and all I see is certain opinions trying to suck the fun out of it. It's not that deep.

This could be the The Rocks finest run and it may seem like he's over shadowing Reigns but we all know that's going to come to a head too. 

I'm loving it and fuck the miserables fucks in this thread. Hollywood Dwayne 4eva.




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3 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Not like me to disagree with David Numbers, but I feel this WrestleMania is ice cold outside of The Rock and Cody. Even Bayley vs Iyo Sky feels tepid right now, despite feeling quite hot just a few weeks ago. When LA Knight vs AJ Styles and Uso vs Uso is being pushed as big matches you have to wonder if NAME REDACTED was right on Wrestlemania not being a 2 night event. I’m getting late 00’s/early 10’s vibes from the card so far.

You get matches like that on every AEW PPV too, even the ‘big ones’. They don’t define the PPV, but they can be fun additions. Goodness knows how Knight/Styles will play out, but I reckon the Uso match has serious potential, they’re both very talented in-ring. Funnily enough, I’ve never felt particularly interested in Bayley/Iyo; Iyo hasn’t really clicked for me as champ. 

I’m really excited about Wrestlemania, there’s a lot to look forward to from my perspective. The tag match should be fun, and we’re almost certainly going to see Cody become champion. Gunther/Zayn should be a sensational match, and if Sami ends Gunther’s historic run, what a brilliant moment that’ll be.

Rhea/Becky is a match I really want to see, and I hope it main events night one. Rhea might actually be the hottest act in the business right now, and if she isn’t, she’s certainly in contention. She’s so good, and really knows her character. 

Although I’d prefer to see Judgement Day vs Awesome Truth, the tag match will likely be really good on the night; much as the multi-team match was last year. Logan Paul is great as champ, so the three way should be really fun. I think they’d have been better off putting him in a singles match, but that’s not to say that I can’t or won’t enjoy this.

Then there’s Seth vs Drew. Seth sucks, but Drew is the one of the best heels - if not THE best heel - in wrestling right now. I can’t wait to watch him kick Seth’s head off!

Although you might not be so keen on it - which is fair enough, we all have different tastes - I think the idea that Wrestlemania is ice cold doesn’t really hold up to scrutiny - WWE is performing to sell-out crowds each week, the feeling of the company fighting against its audience is completely gone, and even on this very forum there’s moser discussion about each show than ever before; debating what’ll happen next and where the story could go. And it’s so much fun to know that it’s being booked by people who think about the long-term, after years of McMahon tedium. 

I hope you feel more excited about Wrestlemania before the show begins, but I’m absolutely buzzing for it!

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Wrestlemania was full of matches last year there was "no buzz" for, especially Night 1, but so many over-delivered. Such as that mad tag team clusterfuck that ended up being one of the matches of the year. It's usually alright on the night.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

I mean I'm not surprised you're not into it, lets be honest.

It’s a weird thing to suggest. Unless you’re purely basing it only on the last few of WWE posts. Because I’ve watched almost constantly since 1990. And there was certainly a period post AEW launching where it felt like they were really trying, and there was two exciting promotions to watch on a weekly basis.  But post Mania last year a lot of it has been dross. I think the last time I saw matches I truly enjoyed was probably MitB. 

Despite your prior comments of me being just an AEW fanboy, that’s not completely true. Yes it’s hard to love a company who has had Vince at the top and allegations like Ashley swimming around. But when I watch wrestling I do it because I crave that enjoyment, and it ain’t delivering for me. This whole shit show around the Wrestlemania main event this year is a great example of breaking something that didn’t need fixing. And for those who think this is going to be an amazing Mania, I’m happy you feel that way. But I think it’s a mess and I’m looking forward to it less then last year by a country mile. Nothing is clicking for me.

As for the USO match, I appreciate it’s got a story, but what have either actually done recently to make me feel it’s going to be a good match? This has Matt vs Jeff stench around it, but there’s still time for that to be built up.

@Devon Malcolmis right though. And the 3 way last year certainly over delivered and I wasn’t expecting it to. I’m not going to be tuning in wanting to hate it, life’s to short to watch 8 hours of wrestling you’re going in to hate watch, and I’ll be ready to tip my hat when it delivers.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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44 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Wrestlemania was full of matches last year there was "no buzz" for, especially Night 1, but so many over-delivered. Such as that mad tag team clusterfuck that ended up being one of the matches of the year. It's usually alright on the night.

Absolutely, and I think we've spoken about this time and time again, but it's so much more enjoyable for me to just watch the PPVs, and I think you're a similar viewer to myself.

I couldn't give a shit really who wins any of the matches most of the time (obviously I want Knight to lose every time as I'm sane), and I don't go in to the shows just waiting to criticise and pick holes (hello weirdos) so that helps as well.

And that's not me in a "oh I'm too cool for wrestling" perspective, as I'm clearly not, I just don't really mind who wins. I have my favourites of course, but not arsed either way.

I just want to be entertained. And I mostly am. Last year one of the highlights of the show was the next day my 11yo texting me to say "Bro why is KSI a massive bottle of Prime" That's mostly what I want from Mania. That and things like the Knoxville match. 

I still don't understand why people who clearly don't like WWE will still watch something they know they won't enjoy* What on earth are you expecting?



*Lets forget the Xmas film thread for a bit eh?

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Absolutely, and I think we've spoken about this time and time again, but it's so much more enjoyable for me to just watch the PPVs, and I think you're a similar viewer to myself.

Yeah. I read the results of the weekly shows and read the discussions on here and watch the bits I'm interested in on YouTube and Twitter. Works great for me because AEW and WWE's PPVs are usually superb. Watching them without context can often be an advantage if you're not fully invested in weeks of a 'pay-off'.

14 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

As for the USO match, I appreciate it’s got a story, but what have either actually done recently to make me feel it’s going to be a good match? This has Matt vs Jeff stench around it, but there’s still time for that to be built up.

I get your point but the Bloodline/Uso story has been going on for years. It's longer than Mahabharat. It doesn't need any more build-up.

Edited by Devon Malcolm
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