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The Smackers Thread


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It's a shame Barry Windham isn't fit and healthy enough, because if it actually was him under the mask, that would be a cracking reveal. I'm now hoping under the leather coat, is a white shirt and red braces. Taxman Bray is fighting all of his urges not to repossess your TV. 

LA Knight calling Bray out on his rambly bollocks that never gets to the point was a good touch. 

I have no interest in seeing Big Dwayne main event Wrestlemania with Roman, but give me Cena / Roman any day of the week. 

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I don't recall if it was on here or on Twitter, but a couple of months ago I saw someone say that watching Top Dolla was like watching the dad character try to wrestle in the wrestling boom cash-in episode of a 90s sitcom, and I think that's the truest statement I've ever seen.

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Looks even better from this angle. 

Top Dolla has to be the most hilariously bad wrestler in recent memory. Just sliding into the ring and running the ropes seems to be a struggle for this lad. Incredible.

Gunther on the other hand is making a strong case for Wrestler of the year. I can't remember the last time a full time wrestler carried as much big match presence as this guy. Proper old school heat in his matches too. I love him. 

The Knight/Wyatt feud was actually quite intruiging at the start. But man, the new Wyatt thing went to shit in record time. Knight burying the gimmick every week pops me tremendously. Knight is class. He's derivative but he gets away with it. It's cool to see a fresh face that's so smooth and confident on the mic. Fuck Chicago and WWE crowds in general though. They're not ever letting WHAT fucking die. Seriously. If you ever find yourself at a show chanting that, put a bullet in your fucking head.

They definitely have buyers remorse over Ronda Rousey. She's had nothing but crap to work with. But I can't blame them for not wanting to feed her proper stars like Bianca and Rhea when she doesn't want to be there and will be fucking off after Mania anyway.

Bloodline continues to be the most effortlessly brilliant thing in wrestling. I love that people still have the faith in HHH to think Sami is taking the rumble. Looking forward to the vicous smark turn around on old banana nose when The Rock and Charlotte win the Royal Rumbles.

I'm convinced Cena vs Roman happened this year. Fucking hell, I'm getting old.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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I have absolutely no faith Rock is doing Wrestlemania. I said the same about Austin last year mind (not that he wouldn't do the show, just the match rumour). It'd totally astound me if Rocky has the free time in his schedule to hare off into the night in his pants, tearing hamstrings like there's no tomorrow. Surely he has better things to be doing, like making more shite movies. 

Mind you, it'd be good if he turned up and gave the Rock Bottom to Bray Wyatt before HHH sends Bray off on Gardening Leave again. 

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1 minute ago, uklaw said:

Am I right in thinking that Gunther hasn’t been pinned or submitted since he’s been on the main roster?

I think you're right. (Although WALTER was pinned at Survivor series a couple of years back.)

His weakest moment was running away from Braun. That's gonna be an interesting match in regards to where they sit in the pecking order.

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3 minutes ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

I think you're right. (Although WALTER was pinned at Survivor series a couple of years back.)

His weakest moment was running away from Braun. That's gonna be an interesting match in regards to where they sit in the pecking order.

Good shout on WALTER. I remember online fan consternation that he was the first eliminated, I believe.

As for him vs Braun, only one of them has been pencilled in for a marquee Wrestlemania match, so I think that informs how the booking goes. The question will be how they get around their inevitable showdown. Unless they want the IC title off Gunther?

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Is there a possibility that Sami turns on the Bloodline instead of them turning on him? Saving KO after a vicious beatdown, akin to Hogan saving Sting from Immortal? Damn, that was a good angle.

EDIT: Here it is, just brilliant from Sting shouting 'help me' to the crowd realising what was going on. One of the best things TNA ever did during that era.


Edited by Nick James
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I don’t see much in LA Knight. He’s a modern day Ken Kennedy. Confident, good at emulating The Rock’s cadence, one funny catchphrase. That’s pretty much it.

Thoughts and prayers to anyone who does rate him though. He’s going the same way everyone goes when they feud with Bray.

You can see them trying to break the pattern and save him some face by having him break the fourth wall and mock Bray for the rambling nonsense, but it’s all for naught when you still end up running away, spooked to death, selling for some idiot in a cheap Halloween costume.


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I guess the only thing LA Knight has on his side is that he's fairly early on in his main roster career. So while some people don't like Bray's work, I think at least the association with someone on Bray's level is useful to Knight. I think he'll get more benefit out of it than it being a hindrance. Hopefully.

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Bray’s inability to keep in decent condition is astounding. Every single return you go “oh man he’s got in shape” and within a few weeks he has that huge belly back. Everything he’s involved in turns to shit eventually so no surprise on this one.

It will never happen but would love The Rock v Roman one night with Roman v Sami the next and the entire Bloodline to turn on Roman granting Sami the title. He has always treated them all like shit and Roman forcing them to do the dirty on another family member could act as the final straw that breaks them. What a moment if they came down to the ring with the crowd raging expecting they’re taking the title home to Roman, only to go wild when they turn on him. I know some don’t like a babyface to win the title that way as it may look weak but it’s Sami Zayn, it makes sense with his character.

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5 hours ago, FUM said:

. I know some don’t like a babyface to win the title that way as it may look weak but it’s Sami Zayn, it makes sense with his character.

They don’t really have to turn on him as such, Roman can tell them to batter Sami only for them to slowly leave the ring. Let Roman go ballistic at them only to turn into a Helluva kick and the crowd to weep tears of joy as Sami Uso takes home the gold. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was genuinely really intrigued for the main event tonight, I thought it was a great opportunity too help the ongoing story with Roman and Sammi and Owen's with the added bonus of having a superstar like cena in there to make it interesting.

But for me personally it fell so flat in every way. First of all the fucking adverts on BT sports every 16 seconds is thee single worst part of the main wwe TV product. 

Cutting to break so many times especially during a main event like that removes your attention and energy completely. 

The hot tag straight into the house show sort of finish made no sense and took away so many good opportunities in which they could have done pretty much rendering the entire match pointless.

Sammi busting his nose straight away in the match I think hindered things however fucking hell Kevin's eye looked really really nasty. 

Charlotte coming back to win the title in a super quick match with Ronda who had literally just had a match made Ronda look so stupid.

And the bray Wyatt dreadful saga continues with that hillbilly sidekick/alter ego coming out and attacking him after bray accepts a match with knight at the royal rumble is yet another nail in the coffin for me when it comes to killing all momentum and excitement after that incredible comeback.......also that match is going to be a weird bray gimmick match which every wrestling fan in the world loves 

For me personally it was such a bum show when it had so much potential too be the opposite and go into 2023 with some form

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3 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I was genuinely really intrigued for the main event tonight, I thought it was a great opportunity too help the ongoing story with Roman and Sammi and Owen's with the added bonus of having a superstar like cena in there to make it interesting.

But for me personally it fell so flat in every way. First of all the fucking adverts on BT sports every 16 seconds is thee single worst part of the main wwe TV product. 

Cutting to break so many times especially during a main event like that removes your attention and energy completely. 

The hot tag straight into the house show sort of finish made no sense and took away so many good opportunities in which they could have done pretty much rendering the entire match pointless.

Surely the storyline progression is Roman getting jealous at the crowd reactions during the segment earlier in the night, then Sami ate the pin which will allow Roman to blame him. It was John Cenas big triumphant return, he wasn't taking an L here.

I Watch(ed) Wrestling online so the ad breaks didn't affect me and the show came in all in all at around 1 hour 30 which was a good length of time.

Anyways, Charlotte Flair pulling a Hogan against Yokozuna would have fallen flat on it's arse if it wasn't against Rousey. Hopefully they have now realised the Rousey experiment isnt working a second time, no idea whats happened, but as been said a few times now, she's just gotten worse. 

The Brawling Brutes continue to be one of my favourite things going at the moment, as soon as their music hits, I focus more on the screen, knowing it's going to be a good segment.

Top Dolla getting the piss taken out of him was great, but a really daft place to put the segment. One minute Ricochet is being pushed around backstage, the next he's legging it to the ring to save Braun.

I've given this Bray thing as much time as I can, and probably more rope than anyone, but it's just boring isn't it? At least Uncle Howdy had a little more presence this week than just fat man in leather jacket stands and laughs like an Am-dram production. They need to move some of it forward now. I feel like I've seen Bray 'fighting' his inner demons for about 6 years now. Give us something more. 

All in all, a decent Smackdown, good to see Cena back and same as last week, give me Cena / Reigns over Rock / Reigns any day of the week. 

EDIT: Look at which sexy bastard was backstage at Smackdown and I don't mean Gerald Brisco.



Edited by Nick James
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