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UK Kat Von D

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29 minutes ago, David said:

Great stuff, I'd be willing to wager that your approach probably works better than shouting at them. 

Time will tell, but I’ve gotten a very large number of people to go Vegan with the “aggressive” approach.

James Aspey is basically Joey Carbstrong but with a more polite tone. This Morning use Joey because they know he’ll cause a stir. 

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38 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

This Morning use Joey because they know he’ll cause a stir. 

When you're a vegan going on these shows, you're like someone defending video games.  You're being brought in as the bad guy.  I think I mentioned it at the start of the thread but one of my favourite 'debates' featured a farmer saying how they do school tours and show how ethical and healthy the whole process they use is.  The vegan calmly asked if he took the tour to the abattoir because that is part of the process after all.  He spluttered towards a "No".  It was pretty funny.

Regarding shouting people down and all that, it's about the long game.  Older people aren't going to stop eating meat because some of them see it as defiance against new world that confuses them what with all the PC nonsense and foreign accents that have changed society from when they were young.  It's young people who will make the difference and the rise in veganism amongst the young is what will make the societal shift away from eating meat out of habit.

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How can you be Vegan eating at KFC? You're still sponsoring a company that slaughters hundreds of thousands of chickens each year. Plus, you can guarantee someone who prepared your vegan burger only moments ago was handling a chicken product. 

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6 minutes ago, 5pints said:

How can you be Vegan eating at KFC? You're still sponsoring a company that slaughters hundreds of thousands of chickens each year. Plus, you can guarantee someone who prepared your vegan burger only moments ago was handling a chicken product. 

Or flip it. If demand outstrips chicken sales they will have to change their business model so less chickens being killed.

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44 minutes ago, 5pints said:

How can you be Vegan eating at KFC? You're still sponsoring a company that slaughters hundreds of thousands of chickens each year. Plus, you can guarantee someone who prepared your vegan burger only moments ago was handling a chicken product. 

Pretty sure we've covered this recently. Not everyone is vegan for ethical reasons.

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This Morning is probably Katie Hopkins' biggest platform to peddle bile and nonsense, it's hardly a show where healthy debate will win through.

Despite his slightly aggressive manner, and I stress slightly, if anything he sounded frustrated, I think he came across quite well. It's the argument that 'I eat meat and kill stuff but it's ethical and kind' argument that I find more offensive. You gotta own that shit.

Edited by Mr_Danger
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20 hours ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Joey ran rings around her. Can anyone realistically look at this and think this woman had anything of value to say? She’s a hunter, what she does is irrelevant because it doesn’t apply to the viewer

Again, and it may just be me getting softer in my old age, but the way to convince people to your way of thinking isn't "running rings round them," or showing them how wrong they are, or how stupid they are. We've seen elections and referendums lost because of tactics like that.

I have zero skin in the game to be honest, I've tried the change in diet and it wasn't for me, but I'd wager my last fucking pound note that such a confrontational approach won't see Veganism become the norm. What will convince people to change how they eat is intelligent education, ease of access when it comes to alternatives, variation and quality of food and so on.

Gregs releasing the vegan sausage roll at a very good pricepoint will do more than a million angry activists "kicking off" or shouting at people about murder.

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1 hour ago, David said:

Again, and it may just be me getting softer in my old age, but the way to convince people to your way of thinking isn't "running rings round them," or showing them how wrong they are, or how stupid they are.

I thought that was the point of a debate.

1 hour ago, David said:

What will convince people to change how they eat is intelligent education, ease of access when it comes to alternatives, variation and quality of food and so on.

Joey isn’t the official spokesperson for Veganism. If you want intelligent education go on YouTube and search for Mic The Vegan or look at Earthling Ed for a gentle type of discussion that is calm and reasonable. Lots of vegan food bloggers are about these days. Again, you are suggesting nothing new. I do find it odd how you don’t seem to think animal welfare should be part of the discussion when it comes to Veganism, since that’s the whole point of it. 

1 hour ago, David said:

Gregs releasing the vegan sausage roll at a very good pricepoint will do more than a million angry activists "kicking off" or shouting at people about murder.

 Greggs released the Vegan sausage roll because activists had already made a lot of people go Vegan by kicking off about murder. Of all the Vegans I know, I don’t know any who went Vegan because of Greggs. 
I have spent years getting people to go Vegan. I have succeeded with countless people. I personally know lots of Vegans who do the same. I’m sorry David but you do not know what you are taking about. 

Here’s some videos of the type of approaches you would like to see.



But David, let’s be honest. You won’t watch either of them because you have no interest in going Vegan 

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1 minute ago, Joe Blog said:

@UK Kat Von D any good tips for a new vegan?

Best advice is to find local Vegan discussion groups on Facebook, so just type your area followed by the word Vegans. You’ll get loads of really helpful people who will be able to tell you what each local store stocks, where to go for big shops/little bits and all the local events.

They will sometimes argue with each other and nothing is worse than when two Vegans go for each other, so just avoid that bit. 

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I found preparation helped a lot. I followed Accidentally Vegan, Now You Know Its Vegan, Vegan Womble and similar accounts on Instagram. They post what's in supermarkets, the nutritional benefits of certain foods, and some recipes. I don't use Instagram much but these made it more useful for me. They have Facebook groups too. 

Also, if you find you eat something non-vegan don't beat yourself up and think there's no point now you've eaten it. I ate some crisps with cheese when I started through Veganuary a couple years back and was thinking my run had come to an end and was still thinking quite short that I'd managed x amount of days in January. My friend told me to ignore it and carry on and I surprised myself a bit by carrying it on beyond. 

The other thing I found was thinking of myself as a vegan and not someone who's giving it a go. That could be in conversation or internal monologue. I found it easier to fulfil the story I was telling myself and found it useful later when telling myself 'I go to the gym'. Try it! 

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