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Shit we probably won't do next year (the resolution thread)

Gus Mears

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Yes, it's that time of year again were we stick our trousers on, have a cup of tea and think about doing something vaguely useful with our lives.


Here are my list of things I'll attempt to do.


Cutting down on booze massively to avoid my liver turning into jelly.


Hitting the gym again, as my metabolism is slowly going "fuck that" at my predilection with tasty meat (Williams.gif)


Go out with someone who isn't a hot mess with drug problems.


Continue to immerse myself in a policy/politics job that I love.


Join a shit load of clubs/societies after I've moved back to Bath next week. I have no attention span, so having too much to do keeps away the boozing.


Continue to try and read at least a book a week.


2016 can munch on my wanger, so I'm very much looking forward to the totally arbitrary catharsis that a new calendar year brings.


You and yours???

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Need to finish my Masters in Bath and land something resembling a full time job in the area as I've built a life there now.


Mental health wise, getting back on the CBT, meditation and yoga should help me round myself out as a person again.


Pushing forward a lot more with my comedy as well, chances are there for me to branch out and do more shows if I want too, now I just need to get out there and do them.


The reading one book a week thing is something I need to do as well, miss literature way too much.

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Will undoubtedly do the usual thing of vowing not to eat so much shite, last about 2 weeks, then be shovelling jaffa cakes into my fattening gob on my bed near midnight before falling asleep surrounded by Lindor wrappers.


Business as usual, in other words.

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Bender alert!


Get off the drugs and booze, and hope I can get off antidepressants.


Eat healthy and get back into cooking


Try yoga properly to improve my mental and physical wellbeing


Actually stick to it this year.

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Get back into a routine at the gym. It's slipped and so has my waistline.


Get conversational in Spanish. Started learning it earlier this year but still at the stage where I know lots of words but struggling stringing them together into meaningful sentences.

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Try yoga properly to improve my mental and physical wellbeing




Have you ever tried Bikram yoga? I took it up at the beginning of summer after I started seeing an American girl that was a teaching it at one of the schools here in Glasgow. She was only here for a couple of months but I've kept at it since she left and I honestly can't recommend it enough.


I know it sounds intense, and believe me it is, but the feeling of elation you have after every single class is about as close to coming up as you'll get without taking drugs.  It's helped my stress and anxiety no end and I actually find myself starting to feel a bit edgy if I don't practice for a week or so.  My physical health has improved as well, I used to get lower back pain which I've not had for a couple of months now (granted, that could be coincidence) and I now sleep a million times better than I used to.


It's helped me cut back on smoking weed too, I used to tell myself I needed a joint to get to bed but I've found myself sleeping no bother a couple of hours after a class.  The cut back on weed has probably helped the anxiety too.


Which brings me on to my main "resolution", cut out weed. Although my anxiety is improving, it's still a massive part of my life, a part that I hate and I know that I'm contributing to it. There's nothing I enjoy about smoking tbh but it's become such a habit over the past decade+ that I'm finding it impossible to cut out completely, as I mentioned above I have cut back quite a bit but still not happy with it. The only plus I suppose is that it means I don't drink too much, which is a whole other problem in itself (binging and fucking my life up, not an addiction) that I need to deal with. To use words from Frank Ocean, I'm just sick of being sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned.

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Lose some weight and have more me time.


Although helping people is a nice thing to do, I've had too many people coming to me this year with various problems. I know a trouble shared is a trouble halved, but so many halves mount up. Might sound like I'm being a bit of a cunt, but I can only take so much. Got to the point where yesterday I just ended it giving someone the phone number of the samaritans as I really cannot carry on like this.

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