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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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I've been seriously dragging myself down about how I look regularly more so the past few months, though that does usually happen around my birthday/Christmas months as season of togetherness and all that but I'm actually taking steps to try and avoid it this year rather than nestling into being completely depressed as I have done in recent years.

Spent the evening working out setting up a gym membership and putting a lot of the weight and muscle back on slowly again that I lost a few years ago when I was just shedding weight through illness and anxiety. I know where my ideal weight is in the end goal and hopefully should be around there by next summer ready for festivals, holidays and going to see my best friend and his family in Canada during peak baseball season.

Got a mate back home willing to go to a gym with me to drag up motivation, eating healthy again as I'm back home so everything is prepared fresh and genuinely feeling pretty top notch at the moment knowing I have goals to get back in a wresting ring training when I hit my 25th birthday in January.

All this on top of the new job and my mental health actually improving, it could finally be the turning point I need to be somewhat functional in society.

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I've taken a couple of days off here and there and explained them to my boss as mental health days; I always felt like shit doing it, because as much as I'd preach to anyone else that mental illness isn't something to be ashamed of, I still feel a bit of a fraud because it's something I struggle to admit to people myself. I'm lucky that I have a very understanding employer when it comes to that sort of thing, though. If you need more than that, your GP should be able to sign you off for a couple of weeks on mental health grounds, or at the very least refer you to a specialist.

@bAzTNM#1Ā - the university I work with have regulations in place to do with extenuating circumstances around mental health, and seem to be considerably more understanding than they ever used to be. I'd assume (and hope) that's the case with the majority these days.

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To be honest, if you work in the public sector or civil, Iā€™d be very surprised if you ever had any issues relating leave for mental health. They almost bend over backwards to find and deliver training, and whilst some managers are secretly rolling their eyes, theyā€™d be fucking nuts to challenge anyone and wouldnā€™t last 5 mins if HR were to challenge them.

The issue tends to be more associated with private sector in my experience of being an employee, but also as someone who delivers mental health awareness packages. There seems to be a ā€˜donā€™t be softā€™ attitude, which youā€™d be lynched for in public/civil. Donā€™t get me wrong, that attitude can also happen within civil/public, but Iā€™d be interested to know how many of those managers previously worked in private.

My general advice is that if you are vulnerable to bouts of mental health difficulties (and you have the option), try and look for work in the public sector. Education providers seem to be the best type of employer when it come to MH issues. Keep in mind the sheer amount of jobs available within a college for example. Itā€™s not just teaching. You have support staff, admin staff, catering, security, maintenance, technicians, library etc.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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As some of you know, I've been in a bad situation recently, but things are slightly looking up as I've managed to bag myself a job!

It's at the local Waitrose at nights and is far from the career move I want, but at least it gives me stability whilst I look for something more suitable. As it's a smallish branch as well, they're looking to promote quickly from within and as my ex worked for Waitrose for a bit, I know what a decent business they are, so you never know.

It also means I can listen to podcasts whilst I work (maybe I'll actually listen to some Hardcore History's now), and the pay is pretty good for what it is, and means I can help out with childcare after school and we don't have to pay stupid money for that anymore. Will also mean I have my days free to do some writing (or studying?), and lurk on the forum more, or go get another part time job, I don't know. Plus I don't sleep at night anyway.

I'm looking for somewhere else to live as my current landlord has turned out to be an absolute psychopath, but at least I've ticked one thing off. Cannot wait to start, I absolutely hate not working. Oh and very belated congrats to @Shy Dad for his job too :)


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