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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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Was sat outside on a break and thought to myself "fair few ants around". Look between my feet and i'm sat on an ants nest and they're all up my leg.


Did one of them settle on your dick and let you stroke it?

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Shame he didn't have a camera. Would have made for a beautiful Christmas card, or the image on a box of biscuits you give to your nan.

My nan wouldn't be going for any of that without a bit of photoshop first!




She hates robins.

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If that's the one with an alternative energy center and tour of the dam it's a great day out. I'd recommend the tour, fascinating stuff.

Small fun fact, they filmed scenes for goldeneye and the Italian job there.


There's a nuclear power station not far from there too, not sure if it's active or decommissioned though.






I''ve slept since the tour, but the abiding memory was that the road up was used in car commercials, alot


The view however is stunning and day out was worth it!



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Felt privileged to meet my first true conservative nutjob today ā€” my mum and her mate are here on holiday, and after I finished giving them a bit of a tour, I ended up outside of Trump Tower, in time to meet Loren Spivack, the Free Market Warrior. If I wasn't so stoney broke, I'd definitely have bought at least one of his mental books. A bonus was the woman next to him with aĀ double sided ā€œTrump supports freedom / Hillary and Pres. Obama support slaveryā€ sign.

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Speaking of right wing loonies, I had a listen to some Alex Jones the other day for the first time in about eight years. It was great. He's still spouting out the same shower of shite that he was a decade ago. I specifically remember him saying back in 2008 on one of his radio shows that "We were all going to be in FEMA Camps within ten years and the nuclear apocalypse would likely be nigh". He's got some fucking work to do if that prediction is coming true in the next 24 months.


I seem to remember him accusing the government of attempting to blow up Ron Paul's plane because he was running for president inĀ '08Ā and Paul had to make an emergency landing somewhere. You know, like planes do on occasion. This was also at the same time he was still spouting about 911 constantly. Amazing how the government managed to plan that with total success and yet they can't blow up some Z-list Congressman's Cessna. Jones needs sectioning if it wasn't for the entertainment value.

Edited by Gus Mears
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I've never heard of Alex Jones (apart from the stupid Welsh knobhead on The One Show) but I just watched this and now I know where one of the guys in the pub gets his ideas from. Before the referendum he was going on about the New World Order and how the Euro is designed to control us all. And because we don't have the Euro, they brought in the Canadian guy (who's a member of the NWO) to run the Bank of England and control the poor huddled masses instead.


I walked away at that point.

Edited by Monkee
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I've never heard of Alex Jones (apart from the stupid Welsh knobhead on The One Show) but I just watched this and now I know where one of the guys in the pub gets his ideas from. Before the referendum he was going on about the New World Order and how the Euro is designed to control us all. And because we don't have the Euro, they brought in the Canadian guy (who's a member of the NWO) to run the Bank of England and control the poor huddled masses instead.


I walked away at that point.




Right call. There is absolutely no point with arguing with people who are down that rabbit hole, they either grow out of it, or they don't. I've had a couple of friends who I don't bother with anymore after they got into that shit.Ā I used to work for an MP and apparently this meant I had been 'gotten to' or something. Because evidently making cups of tea and writing to Mrs. B of Essex aboutĀ why it isn't her MP's fault that homeless people live near her houseĀ is a fantastic form of indoctrination.


It starts off with watching Loose Change and listening to Jones. ThenĀ six months later Henry Kissinger is rooting through the bins at the bottom of the drive because 'you've got too close to the truth'.

Edited by Gus Mears
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Beautiful video. We have a guy like this on work. Spends his time listening to Youtube videos on the New World Order. I've learnt to time my smoke and lunch breaks around him just in case he's watched something and is on one. There's no speaking or reasoning with them.

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