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Your Wrestling Pet Peeves/Utter Hatreds

Liam O'Rourke

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People who don't work for the company, or have been banned, walking out to an entrance video or music. All for a cheap pop, and totally shatters any suspension of disbelief. This is the kind of thing that mainstream TV does everything it can to avoid, yet wrestling lets it fly because "hey, it's wrestling.

Any run in really. Surely they are meant to be unplanned events so why would this music be cued up? It's so silly. It comes under the same umbrella as the back stage skits where two heels devise some dastardly plan pretending that the cameraman is not there in the room.

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1)Internet marks using that bogus term created by Internet marks - "X-pac heat" and everything to do with the bogus concept of "X-pac heat".


2)UK Wrestling. (the talent sound like shit, generally look like shit, the venues are shite, and they just do meaningless high spot after meaningless high spot. Credit to them for working hard and doing what they love, but I want a roided, suntanned Yank, not a pastey Yorkshire mark)


3)PG era heels (personified by Miz, cunts who don't look hard or scary in any way shape or form)


4)Born Again Christian wrestlers - (workers gonna work)

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IronSheik's in the biz, though, Ian. He's not a mark like the rest of us.




People who don't work for the company, or have been banned, walking out to an entrance video or music. All for a cheap pop, and totally shatters any suspension of disbelief. This is the kind of thing that mainstream TV does everything it can to avoid, yet wrestling lets it fly because "hey, it's wrestling.

Any run in really. Surely they are meant to be unplanned events so why would this music be cued up? It's so silly.


They have a staffer posted on the corridor backstage so anytime someone comes running past, they get the message to the truck to cue his entrance up. At least that's the explanation you can give yourself to explain it, but surely they'd be risking their jobs doing it for any wrestlers the authority figure hates.


In relation to wrestlers wearing their wrestling gear for promos, I always find it really wanky when they do it and it just so happens to result in an impromptu match. But I guess it would be silly to have wrestlers forced to wrestle in their normal clothes. I do remember it happening once or twice, I think to Miz or Ziggler. And that time Rock was forced to wrestle in his tracksuit because he "didn't have his gear or nothin'" but was wearing his trunks under his two-stripes, the div. I also don't recall them ever having an on-screen explanation for why he wrestled in the Abibas for another two months or so.


Harper and Ambrose having the same wrestling outfit is pretty crap.

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I detest the classic 'hey kids clap me' claps that a lot of the British lads do. It screams Butlins and not in a good way. I have a tendency to feel that a good face shouldn't need to start their own crowd reaction though I might be short changing people when I say that. 


People moving to get in position to catch the guy throwing an aerial move. If you can't do it convincingly don't do it at all. They turn around, stand there waiting for the guy to hit the move, catching them. At least make it so that it looks like you turn right into the move. 


The ladder match idea of the person above me is completely true. The time delay on the climb is horrible to watch. 


There is a small proportion of wrestlers in the UK (and other countries in fairness) who think they are a name because they worked for the FWA, IPW, 1PW, LDN etc. That's not to say that those guys aren't talented but come on... you work in sales 9-5! On the topic of indi-riffic lads I find throwing yourself around like a crazy person for 50 people in a school hall a little ridiculous. 



My top most anger inducing wrestling issue is the overuse of 'finishers' that are kicked out of. I remember back in the day when a finisher was a FINISHER and you knew it was over. Nowadays everyone kicks out of every finisher... they mean nothing. Case in point is the Lesnar vs Reigns main event at WrestleMania 31... nothing is important anymore. This trend has increased hugely since the epic Taker vs Michaels match of WrestleMania 25 (where the false finishes were one perfectly). 

Edited by Michael_3165
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Another vote for finishers being kicked out of.


An indirect case in point for this is the end of the Cena V Rusev match at Mania.  Cena won after hitting a single AA, which ideally is the way it should be.  However, because in most of the recent Cena PPV matches his opponent kicks out of the first AA (and many more, see Night of Champions 2014 and Royal Rumble 2015 for example), Rusev falling to a single AA made him look weak.  I know I could look at that match as a start to restoring credibility to the AA as a finisher, but for me so much damage has been done that it is beyond redemption.


I think the Angle Slam may be the worst finisher in this regard.  I remember Kurt Angle beat MVP with it earlier this year and I was shocked as I can't recall the last time he scored a win with it

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Mine is really petty, it's unsanctioned matches that are treated no different from normal matches. Take the unsanctioned street fight between Shawn Michaels. And HHH at Sumerslam 2002. The ring announcer announces it. Why, it's unsanctioned. A referee comes out and refs it. Why. It's unsanctioned. They both come out to their entrance music. Again, why, it's unsanctioned.


If you are going to say it's unsanctioned make it look like it is. Don't just make it look like every other match on the card. Have them come out of the crowd. Have them start fighting in the street and work their way into the arena, try and stop them from fighting but have them wipe out security so they can keep fighting. Have a ref come out in street clothes to ref them halfway through the match, he is only there to count the finish anyway, and it's not like any falls are going to take place early.


As you can probably guess that has pissed me off for nearly 13 years.

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Wrestling crowds since the raw after mania 29. That crowd was fun, hearing all the chants for the commentators, the Fandango music being sang throughout and the the reactions for the "bad" guys. It was great for that one night because we had never seen it before, but now.....it's just bloody annoying. Every now and again a crowd will try to copy this by booing all the good guys and trying to get the daft chants going for ex superstars, now it's just attention seeking, unoriginal and takes away from the show. Stop it!!!

Edited by PSF
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Cena's STF- been doing it for years now and it's still looser than a pornstar's pussy


Ziggler in Ladder Matches- the aforementioned rat up a drainpipe. Plays dead for 5 minutes and then pelts it up the ladder at 100mph. Even The Sandman was better at selling Ladder matches,

and he was smacked out of his bin most nights


But it's mainly hatred of wrestling's fans that do my wick:

*The NXT Crowd - can't go five seconds without chanting something/anything whether it's relevant to the match or not.


*Fans who can't get over their indie favourites getting new names - "The main event of Wrestlemania 32 should be Tyler Black v Jon Moxley v Brian Danielson v KENTA"


*Fans with £350 replica belts.


*People who say "it's not fake/fixed, it's 'predetermined'". A) that's the same thing, B) saying it's predetermined doesn't somehow increase it's standing. These are the same type of people who claim "they're not comics, they're 'graphic novels' actually"


* Fans who hang about the hotel that WWE are using on tours like deranged stalkers. Whilst I like to meet the stars too (be it wrestlers, people from a band or whatever) and have done when I was younger, sometimes I'd be lucky to meet some, sometimes not. However, the longest I ever did wait to meet someone was for 30 minutes at which point I couldn't be bothered to wait any longer as it does come across a bit pathetic . It really does cross a line when you stand around for hours clutching an 8x10 picture of a semi naked man covered in baby oil hoping to catch either a glimpse of them or get them to scribble their name. At the end of the day they are human beings no different from you or I. The last thing Mark Henry wants is to be pounced upon by a series of marker pens when decides to venture outside the hotel to nip down the newsagents for a Coke and some Wine Gums.

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It always annoys me how a babyface will sprint to the ring to get his hands on the heel but then the heel and the heel will either run away before the face gets there or the face will clothesline the heel over the top rope and then instead of going after him, will just stand in the ring shouting as the heel backs up the ramp...as if there's an invisible force field that means he can no longer attack him because he's outside of the ring. 

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1)Internet marks using that bogus term created by Internet marks - "X-pac heat" and everything to do with the bogus concept of "X-pac heat".


What's bogus about it?


There's good heat and bad heat. Good heat is when the audience think "I hate this guy. I hope someone kicks his head in". Bad heat is when they think "I hate this guy. What else is on?" I love Waltman but the reaction he was getting during that period wasn't because he was a world class heel, it was because he'd been doing the same act for about six years and people were bored of it.


I agree that the term is overused, and it's a bit unfair that it was named after Waltman, but that doesn't invalidate the concept.

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Another vote for finishers being kicked out of.


An indirect case in point for this is the end of the Cena V Rusev match at Mania.  Cena won after hitting a single AA, which ideally is the way it should be.  However, because in most of the recent Cena PPV matches his opponent kicks out of the first AA (and many more, see Night of Champions 2014 and Royal Rumble 2015 for example), Rusev falling to a single AA made him look weak.  I know I could look at that match as a start to restoring credibility to the AA as a finisher, but for me so much damage has been done that it is beyond redemption.


I think the Angle Slam may be the worst finisher in this regard.  I remember Kurt Angle beat MVP with it earlier this year and I was shocked as I can't recall the last time he scored a win with it


I felt the same about the Rusev/Cena one-AA finish. To make it even worse, Ambrose kicked out of one on Raw the very next night!

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The random shouting, like Dolph Ziggler does when he comes out and does his terrible entrance.




Just awful.


Also, I love Cena, but his repetitive "Oh we all rowdy up in Nawlins tonight" or "Brooklyn DEFINITELY in the house tonight" every fucking time he faces a heated crowd/response just gets my goat.

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