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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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Do the majority of fans actually like Daniel Bryan the character/wrestler, or has it just got to a point now where they cheer him and boo anyone else because of some self righteousness that they feel. You know, the 'he's from the indies, not been shoved down our throats, lets cheer for him and get him noticed which in turn means we get noticed'?

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I think it's a multitude of things. There's definitely that smark element, where it's more about trying to make a point than it is about the guy himself. There's also the point, as previously mentioned, where all of this is down to their inability to tell a proper story. They constantly tell about two thirds of a story, where the plucky underdog gets shat on for a couple of months, then rather than actually finish the story naturally with the babyface getting revenge, they just stop it suddenly and move onto something else. They did it with Ambrose and Rollins at Hell in a Cell last year and they did it with Bryan at the end of 2013. Both times you don't feel like you got a proper climax.


And finally, as I mentioned in the Rumble review thread, I think the reason Bryan is so over is because he hasn't been around for ages, so hasn't been damaged with awful writing to the same lengths as Ziggler, Reigns and Ambrose. Consistently being featured on WWE TV is actively damaging to your momentum and stock. That's exactly why Roman is half the star he was a year ago.

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Can I ask a question slightly outside of the discussion?

How important is it that someone like Reigns be made at Wrestlemania?

A part of why I've been disappointed with the decision to go with Reigns is that I don't think he's ready yet, and I've read a lot of "it's now or never!", "it's this Wrestlemania or he'll lose all momentum and he won't have the chance next year!" etc. Is it that important that his big moment happens at Wrestlemania? Daniel Bryan's big moment happened at Summerslam and in a rare piece of masterful booking it was enough to fuel him so that the fans went crazy at the idea of him not headlining Wrestlemania. Why can't it be the same with Reigns? Why not wait until he looks ready - in terms of ability and crowd reaction - and then pull the trigger? I'm sincerely asking: are the extra eyes Wrestlemania brings so important in creating a star that it's worth rushing it and risking a negative reaction?

I don't know. I guess because I'm a "watch every week" wanker I lose a little focus. I've actually come to hate the whole Road to Wrestlemania a little bit because of the company's focus on it. People talking about how Reigns has been horribly booked recently or how Daniel Bryan was in the same situation last year: it's entirely because WWE feel the need to save anything that seems good for this specific time of year. No competition has meant no urgency to make the show as good as it can be, so we generally get an awful run of it from Summerslam to the Rumble, with rising stars' momentum deliberately slowed. I know this probably sounds a bit "WWE suckz" but I don't meant that at all. It's still my favourite wrestling product. I just feel like if they let things grow a bit more organically we'd have a better shot at creating stars. Give people their shot at the peak of the popularity and it'll separate the wheat from the chaff. Anyone who's actually "got it" will run with it and you wouldn't have to worry about "who's going to get to run to the title at Wrestlemania?" because the most popular guys would be completely apparent. This whole tantric view of booking is just making a lot of people sore.

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It won't just be face Roman getting the boo's at Mania. If Randy Orton goes over Seth Rollins, which he surely will if that's the match, then I can see a fair few booing that as well. Same with Cena and Rusev probably. Even if they book their shit right it's going to be hard for them to engineer the appropriate crowd reaction at this point.

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Murtz, it is mostly that. Bryan's become the patsy for that kind of mindset. There are just loads of normal fans who love him as well, though.


I'm definitely not on board with him vs Ziggler at Mania, for the reasons Butch pointed out.


Whoever it was who said Bryan's return should have been a singles match at the Rumble... That wouldn't have helped anything. He had a singles match at the Rumble last year.


Isn't that the case for every top face though? I fully expect that even if they do a spectacular job of building up Roman Reigns and he comes out of Wrestlemania looking like a megastar, he'll still be feuding with Kane and Big Show by mid-April or early-May.


Not necessarily. Assuming nobody turns heel, Reigns would have Rollins, Wyatt and Rusev to feud with as champion. Bryan wrestled Kane last year because Evolution and Wyatt were already busy and Kane was the top man after them. There'll (probably) not be a main event six-man feud coming out of WrestleMania this year, so there's less chance of needing to call on Big Show or Kane. That said, I could easily see them doing so anyway.

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Whoever it was who said Bryan's return should have been a singles match at the Rumble... That wouldn't have helped anything. He had a singles match at the Rumble last year.



If he'd challenged Lesnar for the title and won, or he lost but the Rumble had gone on first like when Mysterio won it, they may have gotten away with it. Although even then you might get boos if the Rumble result telegraphed a Bryan defeat, which a Reigns victory would do.


Anything less and you definitely have a repeat of last year to at least some extent, I agree.

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I remember last summer the consensus here was that a returning Bryan would have been the perfect unsuccessful challenger for Lesnar at the Rumble, but in reality his medical clearance will have been too late to do that.

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I'm looking forward to Reigns and Lesnar. The run up will be interesting to see how they handle the story and how the crowd will react on the night. Unfortunately that's not the reason I should be looking forward to it. This is the main event of Wrestlemania. I'm not looking forward to a classic encounter or a spectacle, I'm waiting to see if they fuck this up.


There's so much pointless complaining about the live crowd's love for Bryan. Regardless of reasons, here is a guy the crowd want to win every match and get genuinely angry when he doesn't. Isn't that a key part of being a top face?

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Nah, because that anger isn't borne out of a storyline, or a natural reaction to that, it's a toxic sense of entitlement that causes them to shit on everything and everyone else.


'Bullshit' and 'we want refunds' isn't the reaction you want from your audience, so there's definitely a failure and a disconnect somewhere.

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My main worry for Reigns vs Lesnar is how they can make me believe Roman can actually beat the guy. Watching the Triple Threat made me believe Lesnar to be utterly unstoppable - they've really got to go back to smash-Reigns-smash for him to even have a hope. Even with that, it's all in the first thirty seconds of the match. If Brock gets the first move in, he's won, I don't care who you are!

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Part of me felt with the Bryan story at the rumble and leading to Mania, was that they were trying to follow the HBK route when he was chasing the rematch with Taker.


His dream was to win the rumble and headline mania, and the elimination was supposed to be emotional and shocking...however it just fell flat, whether that was down to Bryan's reaction to the elimination (HBK looked truly devastated), the time it came, or the editing of the show so it didnt look like it was a big deal, I dont know.


I may well be in the minority here though.

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Nah, because that anger isn't borne out of a storyline, or a natural reaction to that, it's a toxic sense of entitlement that causes them to shit on everything and everyone else.


'Bullshit' and 'we want refunds' isn't the reaction you want from your audience, so there's definitely a failure and a disconnect somewhere.

I said regardless of reasons.


From my memory the YES stuff started at Wrestlemania when he lost to Sheamus and continued the following night on Raw. The post Mania crowd go nuts for pretty much anything, but nothing ever stuck like it did with Bryan. Then He really became popular after all the fun Team Hell No stuff, and would send the crowd into fits with his super energetic performances matches with the Shield. He got himself over losing every week because he is very good.


I'm not sure how that's a toxic sense of entitlement at all.

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