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Probably would have still had the spot he has now. That's the reason Omega went to New Japan in the first place. He never wanted to go and just be a junior, until AJ broke what many considered the "North American junior" stigma and won the IWGP title. They brought him in with the idea of him being the top man eventually.


I dont think AJ was ever going to be in New Japan much anyway in 2016. He was either going to WWE or TNA or staying put in the States for a bit. All signs pointed to him wanting to take a break from going to Japan for a bit. If anything, I imagine Omega vs Styles would have been a match they'd have done this year (since I doubt TNA were ever stopping him continuing his Japan dates).

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Just watched Okada/Omega. Whilst it is definitely an excellent match, I think some are really going overboard with the praise. Big Dave with six snowflakes for crying out loud. That match will take some beating for MOTY, though.

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I just about handle stars, it's when they start throwing out 1/2 and 1/4 stats that pisses me right off. What's the point in the five star system then ? You might as well call it the twenty star rating system or something.


For me a match is either bad, average, good, great or amazing/must-see.. or "five star" if you will :)


Omega vs Okada certainly was five stars by anyone's definition of the meaning. I'm still buzzing about it now all these days later. I haven't gotten around to watching the rest of the card because I just can't find the motivation to watch anything that clearly won't be as good (as silly as that might sound).

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Watched the whole event with a mate after hearing nothing but praise and hype from all over.
Enjoyed the rumble as it had a few recognisable names (Gunn, Tatsu, Elgin, Liger, Norton) and a lad called Cheeseburger who looked utterly shit so we got behind him as a plucky underdog. Recognised a few names off Fire Pro on the SNES too we think.

The Tiger Mask match was a bit naff, but we were impressed by the anime tie-in. It reminded me of Taka vs Essa Rios from Wrestlemania 14 for some reason, but not as good.


Couldn't get into the Roppongi Vice vs Young Bucks match due to the fact The Young Books look and are awful and neither of us get the appeal, watching them hit superkicks and have Kevin Kelly or Corino go SUUUUUPERKICKKK every single time got very old, very fast. I can at least take solace in the fact WWE will probably never sign them. Didn't help that we realised we were watching Trent Baretta either, it was hard to take any of it seriously after that.


Lost interest in the 6 man tag quite early and at this point nearly every member of the roster is in Bullet Club we think, they're like the NWO where everyone and their mum was in it and ran it into the ground. We spent most of the match trying to figure out what the Bullet Club even is, because there's a million members of none of them acted good or bad, never interacted with each other, they had team names within a faction name. We didn't get it. Tokyo Pimp is trash as well.


Cody vs Juice Robinson was what it was. Cody comes across as a much more confident star outside of WWE, but still wrestles like Cody Rhodes. My mate laughed when he still did the Alabama Slam, and again when we figured out we were watching CJ Parker it turned to shit. Why are all these NXT and Superstars jobbers in Japan? Does anyone take them seriously?


We both hate the whole ROH way of working so Adam Cole and Kyle o Reilly just stiffing each other wasn't that interesting to us. Nothing wrong with working stiff, but whereas in Japan (or at least back when I used to watch it) they build each shot as if it's meant to end the match and the crowd respond appropriately, over in ROH and other indie places it's basically just superkicks, dangerous suplexes and rushing through as much shit as possible. I missed the end but my mate said it was a flurry of superkicks and the crowd weren't arsed.

Skipped the 6 man tag as at this point it felt like we'd been watching forever and couldn't stomach another 6 man tag.


Enjoyed Takahashi vs Kujima, not sure why Kujima was dressed as Michael J Fox though. Why is this sort of thing over in Japan? If John Cena started dressing as a Space Marine or something daft like that, it'd get panned. 
Remember wincing at a couple of spots, but enjoying overall.

Skipped Naito vs Tanahashi because at this point we knew the main event was coming up and that's why we were watching in the first place. Couldn't really manage another 25 minutes of dreadful Steve Corino and Kevin Kelly commentary or at this point wrestling that wasn't 6 stars.

Okada vs Omega was decent. Kept our attention throughout when most the rest of the event had us on our phones or taking the piss. That table dive was stupid as fuck, as was the top rope dragon suplex. Enjoyable match though, but it's hard to appreciate it as much as others because we watched it out of context and at this point couldn't take the Bullet Club seriously because every fucker was in it and they lost every match they were involved in. Solid 7.5/10


Overall bar the rumble, the main event and the Marty McFly match, it was mostly dull bollocks. Found ourselves zoning out or skipping bits because the event felt like it lasted 5 hours and that's a fucking longggg time to watch a bunch of wrestlers you don't know do 6 man tag matches. Don't get the 6 star hype or why Meltzer is wanking himself silly over it, it wasn't Rock vs Austin or Michaels v Undertaker.
I stopped watching Puro when Misawa died and Kobashi retired, but it seems to have the same issue US wrestling has had where all the hard bastards are gone and now it's just a load of interchangeable skinny nobodies hitting superkicks and trying to act cool. 

I'd give the event 6/10

Edited by FelatioLips
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You also skipped Goto-Shibata, which would take care of the hard bastards bit.


In effect, you've watched Wrestlemania 17, skipped Benoit-angle and TLC, but still rated the show as a whole.


Shit you're right, no we did watch Goto-Shibata, and in fairness Shibata reminded me of a slimmer, younger Kobashi. Enjoyed that one. 

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You're exaggerating on the Skinny nobodies/Bullet Club thing but it's a fair that a 6 hour show with so much to get through in the undercard would put off a newcomer.


That Tanahashi/Naito match definitely wasn't the one to skip. As a former fan of Japanese wrestling, that may have been more your thing than the main event. I'd definitely reccomend anyone else new at least watches the last four matches (and perhaps the Rumble, for a laugh).

Edited by Benno
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Why is rating a match bad? They do it with films, shows and music. As wrestling is entertainment the same system can be used

When I rate films on imdb, it's the whole film not 15 mins of it. Matches are usually great due to the crowd , and depending on those before them to get crowd in right place

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I don't think that's a good example to use in fairness Louch, I think you can definitely rate both a match and a show separately, as a match can easily be standalone from the rest of the show.


Unlike scenes in movies, almost all of the time on big cards the matches don't tie in to one another to weave the same stories. You are absolutely right that the crowd can have a big impact on the rating of a match though.


I've often compared a wrestling event to a DJ set. You need the right balance of matches/songs, some to get the crowd up and some simply to maintain, then finish on a high. You can have a favourite song/match and rate that on its own merits, as well as the overall DJ set/event.

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Ah I might get back round to catching the Naito match then if it's a bit more old fashioned. I am exaggerating with skinny nobodies (aside from the Young Bucks who are pathetically skinny), but we did feel like there was a hell of a lot of Bullet Club members throughout the show. The Young Bucks, Cody, Omega, a few of the tag matches, some guy in the rumble. Must have been at least 8 members.

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