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Seems a pretty unfair criticism. The entire top half of the card (aside from Omega) is Japanese vs Japanese. Other than Adam Cole, every American/Westerner there is part of the regular roster. It's not like they are suddenly bringing in a load of imports to try to sell the big show.

Edited by JNLister
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Seems a pretty unfair criticism. The entire top half of the card (aside from Omega) is Japanese vs Japanese. Other than Adam Cole, every American/Westerner there is part of the regular roster. It's not like they are suddenly bringing in a load of imports to try to sell the big show.

This pretty much.


All Japan was at its best when the Westerners were tearing shit up imo.

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I pretty much hate it. Matches 2, 4 and 5 can go fuck themselves.


Don't hate Bucks vs Roppongi Vice for being completely Western. Hate it because like every other combination in that division, it's been done to death. When they got hold of Sydal & Ricochet last year they nearly had fresh blood but within two months of multi-team bollocks, they were played out too. Whoever books that division needs stringing up. They could do with two or three new teams - tag people up randomly, get outsiders in, whatever you like - then do six months straight of no multi-man shite so SOME combinations are kept fresh and you don't feel like you're watching the same spots over and over just in a slightly different order every month. I can't remember the last time I gave a shit about watching any match for the Jr Tag belts.

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Is Shelly still speaking to them? Get the MCMG's in. Also, isn't it either Gedo or Jado who are booking?


I had heard a small rumor that the Jr tag belts were going to be sacked off, and them focus on the other tag belts, although I haven't seen any evidence of this in the product itself.


Otherwise, I don't mind the westerners. Guys like Omega, are to me at least, full time Japan anyway. He's been there for years hasn't he? Although building more Japanese stars should be on the cards for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Got up early this morning and took half a day's leave to watch WrestleKingdom live, so so worth it. The pre-show Rumble/RAMBO was again so much fun. Scott Norton looked an absolute beast at his age. If I ran a company I’d make him the top man, or at least feud him with Elgin or something. There’s something really endearing about Cheeseburger being so over in Japan too. The likes of Adam Cole and Jay Lethal can only wish for his reactions.


The undercard was a bit of a mixed bag, enjoyed the story in the Bucks/Roppongi Vice match with Romero having to overcome by himself, after losing so many matches in the past for the team. The bump Trent took to take him out of the match was nuts.


The last four matches all delivered in my opinion. Absolutely loved the daftness of Kushida/Hiromu and Goto/Shibata was exactly the match you’d expect with a great finish. Tanahashi once again showed why he’s a class above most of the wrestlers in the world, but it was great to see Naito get the nod. That very close nearfall with Tanahashi barely kicking out was brilliantly done. 2017 should be Naito’s year.


Omega/Okada is being talked about as if it’s the greatest match of all time and I wouldn’t go that far, but it was probably 5 stars. Just an unreal performance from both men. I don’t think Omega loses anything in defeat, he’s a made man. I’d expect he’ll get the belt at some point in 2017 too. Bloody loved that Terminator entrance.


The low points of the show were definitely the Cody stuff, Downstate theme and all (can he go away now) and the ROH title change was done to deathly silence, but even they couldn’t dampen my mood.


I suppose the awkward day/time is partly why but it’s a bit sad I’m the first to post, when we’re moaning about 3 hour Raw and ITV in the other threads, while New Japan is the best thing going in wrestling. This is going to be up there as show of the year and the English commentary wasn’t even awful, everyone should watch it.

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It was definately a good show, I booked the day off work and set my alarm to watch it live from the rumble to the main event. For a bit of context I have barely caught any NJPW in the last 12 months outside of the 2 Rev Pro shows live & some ROH related stuff.


I thought the crowd was red hot at times, especially for a dome crowd. Electric atmosphere at key moments.


The match that suprised me the most was the Junior title match. It was brutal, the crowd really got into it and it was the best I have ever seen Kushida. That senton to the outside was madness, similar to Trents bump earlier in the Jr tag match which was also fantastic and delivered more than I expected.


The main event was absolutely superb. Both guys looked like real stars and were treated as such. Not one for ratings but I would easily put it somewhere between ****1/2 & *****. You must watch it.


A fair bit of the undercard was underwhelming but that isn't a deal breaker or even a bad thing on these long dome shows. For me the Tanahashi & Naito match didn't rate as highly as everyone else has it, maybe down to me not being familiar enough to register the callbacks etc.? Also I think I am getting tired of Shibata.


People should definately check it out on NJPW World, easily worth the £7/£8 for the month plus the Dash show tommorow should be worth checking out.

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Tried to set an alarm, failed miserably. When I got home I checked out the opening three matches, and the main event.


Opening tag was a lot of fun, just a shame it followed with the tradition of a dead crowd for the opening couple of matches. Young Bucks are entertaining if nothing else and Trent's bumping was a lot of fun. The NEVER match was meh, couldn't care less about the Bullet Club B Squad, and you would presume there are better uses for the likes of Ospreay, YOSHI-HASHI and Fale. Enjoyed the interactions between LOS and Rico/Finlay/Koji however, especially whenever Ricochet and SANADA shared the ring. Cody was Cody. He went out and had the same *** match he's had seemingly everywhere, except this time in front of 27 thousand people. Not that there's anything wrong with being able to provide that consistent, decent match - but after all the fuss he kicked up about being able to perform in the Tokyo Dome there was nothing in that match to make it stand out. I can't even remember any spots beside the finish.


But then that main event, my goodness. Genuine masterpiece. 45+ minutes of utterly immense wrestling. It's been an age since I've felt though I was there live, watching a match, emotionally invested in both performers. Easily a ***** match and one that should be required viewing for any fan of New Japan.

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Amazing thing about the main event is that I misheard the time calls and when it finished, I went online to check if it was just over 30 or 35 minutes. Didn't drag at all.


There's also something fantastic about (by the English commentary story at least) building a 46 minute match around one move and then not actually doing that move. It's absolutely perfect for setting up a rematch where the story is that Omega will win if he hits his finisher.

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You have to assume that Omega will get the Title sometime. Incredible performance and as already said he's made now.


Glad to see the Jr. Title match getting some love.


Some bonkers bumps on the show. THAT fucking backdrop through the table looked like death in the main event.

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Only watched Tiger Mask W vs Tiger the Dark, 6 Man tag, Jr match and IC match. Naito vs Tanahashi was immense, very quick 25 minute match and I was sold on the whole time as the two absolutely looked like they fucked each others knees up. Thought it was sold very well and would give that *****. The cartoon match was decent but not a must see, basically there to do a series of spots to promote a cartoon. I liked the 6 man tag but it made me feel that NJPW could easily get rid of those 3 Bullet club members. Still decent match and glad LIJ got titles, they have all had a good year so I think Sanada deserved a shot and it was a shame that EVIL and Bushi only had short runs with singles titles. The Jr matches was really good and KUSHIDA would often take some serious offence and I don't think I have seen him bump that way, well worth a watch. 

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