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Foley is Crud


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10 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

 So he can’t possibly be guilty if he’s been nice to someone at some point for some reason.

To be fair to him, he's never said Vince isn't guilty. It's a fucking horrible answer, but he didn't say he was innocent.

The question was about his personal relationship to Vince, so I get why he centred on that rather than the allegations. But I also kind of don't. I've had people I thought were friends, or who I liked and respected, turn out to be guilty of some horrendous shit. At no point am I tempted to look back on even the best times I spent with them fondly, because they're all tainted by that. I don't think "well, they were great guys, but then this happened", I think, "fuck, I really didn't know them at all if it turned out they were capable of doing that". 

Baffling that he worked for RAINN and seems to have no grasp on the concept of abuse. 

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Yeah you’re right, I could’ve worded it better obviously he didn’t actually say Vince is innocent. But still, such a weird answer for the reasons you’ve given in the rest of your post. And you wouldn’t think he’d wanna be appearing to support Vince or speak almost glowingly of him if he didn’t think he was innocent. Right or wrong, from his answer there it comes across like either he thinks Vince is innocent or at the very least he’s in denial and just burying his head in the sand and remembering the ‘good times’. It’s most likely more the latter but, either way, he’s given off major creep vibes for years now so him coming out with a weird answer like that is disappointing but not as shocking as it might be from other big names. 

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I wonder who Mick would make the, “Thank You, Sex Trafficker!” card out to?

Would he be brave enough to start with a, “Dear Vince,” or does the absolute whopper still think he has to call him, “Mr. McMahon,” for daring to go work for TNA for a bit.

It’s a terrible answer at the best of times, but it’s very in keeping with Mick’s brand. Just a tragic, bum-licking, Stockholm Syndrome’d loser. He’d probably have a cry when the sex pest didn’t reply.

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It always amazes me how Mick hasn't found himself 'cancelled'. His book Hardcore diaries literally had chapters where he discussed his sexual fantasies with Melina, his other books had lots of creepy moments also (his fiction book had a weird scene where the character walks in on his dad jacking off and continues the conversation). Then you chuck in his two spoilt brats of kids, how does anybody still have time for him?

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6 minutes ago, theringmaster said:

It always amazes me how Mick hasn't found himself 'cancelled'. His book Hardcore diaries literally had chapters where he discussed his sexual fantasies with Melina, his other books had lots of creepy moments also (his fiction book had a weird scene where the character walks in on his dad jacking off and continues the conversation). Then you chuck in his two spoilt brats of kids, how does anybody still have time for him?

Because nobody ever really gets cancelled as it's not a thing, people get the consequences of their actions served in the cases of genuine fucking monsters like Joey Ryan, Vince etc. Foley is a creepy fucker, but he's not actually done anything to that extent. He's guilty of basically saying very stupid and weird things, but he's not shagging a 16 year old. As for people having time for him, it's very separation of art from artist, which everyone holds different standards and levels for as individuals. I think he's a dickhead, but he's not going to get 'cancelled' to a heavier extent unless he's done something abhorrently illegal. Technically you can cancel him for yourself.

Edited by Chili
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I saw someone describe him on twitter as the kind of 'where's my hug' nice guy around women and, yeah, that checks out.

I don't think 'cancelled', but I think of it as closer to the Gaiman thing - it's SO against everything he's said, and talked about at length to make clear that he understands why this is fucked up. It's not a cancellation, but it's a uniquely Foley way to fuck up. He's spent years portraying himself (and telling us repeatedly) that he's the safe, supportive one.

Edited by Chris B
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Sure Foley will write a whiney email to Dave about his feelings being hurt by such comments. Like he embarrassingly did years ago when Dave mentioned Foley's weird novel had gotten a few bad reviews in the mainstream media.

Edited by DCW
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On 9/19/2024 at 9:16 PM, DCW said:

Sure Foley will write a whiney email to Dave

Mr Meltzer.

Anyone fancy buying my signed copy of Have A Nice Day paperback? No frame of reference for fair price as all the ones on eBay seem to be the hardback but I’d take £28 including Royal Mail 2nd class signed for.



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2 hours ago, air_raid said:

Mr Meltzer.

Anyone fancy buying my signed copy of Have A Nice Day paperback? No frame of reference for fair price as all the ones on eBay seem to be the hardback but I’d take £28 including Royal Mail 2nd class signed for.



£28 too much for me.

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Watched a clip on YouTube of HHH talking about how cheap and miserable Foley was on the road (and in life). Sleeping in airport benches rather than getting hotels, always leaching car rides from other wrestlers and carrying his clothes in bundle through airports rather than a bag etc. But the worst bits were how disgustingly unhygienic he was. Mankind wrestling in trainers, trackies and a cheap white shirt was basically Foley saving money on ring gear. The cheap son of a bitch didn't even use a towel to dry off, he used his sweaty fucking white shirt to dry himself after a shower. Tight bastard.

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