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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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On ‎08‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 7:41 PM, tiger_rick said:

 Worst thing about this show though was Monsoon. I've always liked Gorilla. Loved even. What an arrogant cunt he is throughout this though. He makes a pretending to be hungover Heenan sympathetic.

I've noticed this watching some older stuff on the Network lately too - he can come across as a right prick at times, and I don't remember that at all!

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Been watching some Brock Lesnar from 2003, his stuff from 02-04 does'nt get mentioned too much but in 2003 he was great, his stretcher match vs Big Show at Judgment Day 03 is a really good and maybe forgotten match, Lesnar bumps like crazy for any size but the fact he's 265 pounds or so is even more impressive.

Shame we did'nt/don't get to see more of Brock the wrestler rather than the suplex exhibition stuff he's done since his 2nd run cause he's seriously good

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I liked it then and now.

Lesnar was good at working face I thought, he sold and bumped for Show like a champ, the match is hard hitting and stiff, Brock leaps off a forklift into the ring and does a great 'hulk up' leading to the finish.

I'd say Reigns is similar to Brock then, a big guy that bumps, sells like crazy but can dish it out and get his heat back

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That's an interesting comparison between Roman and Brock. I wonder, if Brock Lesnar debuted in the current climate, do you think he'd have gotten tagged with the smarky bullshit that Roman's had to deal with? Labelled "Vince's guy," and booed and criticised mericilesly despite his very obvious gifts and abilities in the ring?

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6 hours ago, Supremo said:

That's an interesting comparison between Roman and Brock. I wonder, if Brock Lesnar debuted in the current climate, do you think he'd have gotten tagged with the smarky bullshit that Roman's had to deal with? Labelled "Vince's guy," and booed and criticised mericilesly despite his very obvious gifts and abilities in the ring?

Nah, Brock would win them over with his awesome promos.

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16 hours ago, The Cutting Edge said:

Been watching some Brock Lesnar from 2003, his stuff from 02-04 does'nt get mentioned too much but in 2003 he was great, his stretcher match vs Big Show at Judgment Day 03 is a really good and maybe forgotten match, Lesnar bumps like crazy for any size but the fact he's 265 pounds or so is even more impressive.

Shame we did'nt/don't get to see more of Brock the wrestler rather than the suplex exhibition stuff he's done since his 2nd run cause he's seriously good

Even when Lesnar had his mini-feud with Big Show a couple of years ago, he bumped like a maniac for him - flung himself half away across the ring off a Beell with possibly the best flip bump I've ever seen. I remember thinking then that we've been robbed of years of Brock Lesnar selling and bumping like a champ.

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11 hours ago, Supremo said:

That's an interesting comparison between Roman and Brock. I wonder, if Brock Lesnar debuted in the current climate, do you think he'd have gotten tagged with the smarky bullshit that Roman's had to deal with? Labelled "Vince's guy," and booed and criticised mericilesly despite his very obvious gifts and abilities in the ring?

Nah I don't think so. You had the early wave of the current smart mark crowd at the time and they fucking loved him. You look on here around the time he debuted, when this place was much more 'Reddit' than it is today, he was adored. Being with Heyman helped, plus the prospect of having a dream match (which to be fair, WWE planted in one of their Raw magazines IIRC) with internet favourite Kurt Angle did no harm either. If Brock debuted today and was booked in exactly the same way, I don't think he would be booed. The smarks are warming to Strowman as it is, and Brock is far more their 'type', even without paying his dues in hour-long matches in IWA Mid South.

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It's definitely a different time - I think fans were much more willing to accept WWE leading their hand back then, or certainly weren't so weird about it.

It helped Lesnar's rise up the card happened when he was a heel. Even if there were people being that way, it didn't matter because the boos were welcome. IIRC, fans were cheering him over The Rock when he first won the title.

I'm interested to see how a Shield reunion helps Reigns, because it's probably the last move WWE can make to get him more cheers. I still maintain they were absolutely stupid if they somehow thought "retiring Undertaker" wasn't going to lead to massive backlash from their fans. Vince has tried his hardest to make Reigns sympathetic, but he's just a lesser version of Cena again. Shame because the HEAT he got immediately after Wrestlemania could have been used to create a super heel, and more interesting telly going forward. I hate Reigns taking the high road (it's overrated), he was dynamite playing up to the boos in the Undertaker feud.

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10 minutes ago, ColinBollocks said:

I hate Reigns taking the high road (it's overrated), he was dynamite playing up to the boos in the Undertaker feud.

Agreed. Cena taking the high road is absolutely perfect character work and it suits his persona to the ground. Reigns? Not so much. He needs to be a bit of a prick.

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1 hour ago, ColinBollocks said:

It's definitely a different time - I think fans were much more willing to accept WWE leading their hand back then, or certainly weren't so weird about it.

It helped Lesnar's rise up the card happened when he was a heel. Even if there were people being that way, it didn't matter because the boos were welcome. IIRC, fans were cheering him over The Rock when he first won the title.

The only time I remember the fans really kicking off at a push was JBL - and, again, he was a heel, so unless they were turning the TV off, job done. You're not going to notice people booing the bad guy and think, "blimey, they're unhappy with this decision".

I think part of it is down to Daniel Bryan, and to a lesser extent CM Punk. They played on an element of the crowd that had  been there all along, but never been given so much attention, who are going to actively reject "stars" that the company "created". Between them and years of Vince and "corporate" WWE being positioned as the heels, it got to be that the only way you could be a babyface in WWE was, paradoxically, to hate WWE. We ended up in this weird situation where WWE was presented as this evil corporate entity, but one where everybody was really desperate to work.

As soon as you have guys like Bryan and Punk break the fourth wall and say, "we weren't supposed to be in the main event because we're not the WWE's style", and present them as babyfaces for saying so, you're painting anyone who doesn't have the Punk/Bryan backstory as being the corporate choice by default. And particularly with Bryan, they changed the booking explicitly to respond to the fans' wishes, which made them think that they have more control over the booking than they do, and that if they just make a lot of noise eventually they'll get what you want. So they're just going to boo anyone the moment they see them as being the anointed "star". It doesn't help that Reigns suffered, early on, simply from not being Daniel Bryan. And I don't think he's ever really recovered from that.

These days, I think if you ask most of the people who hate Roman Reigns why they hate him, they'd struggle to articulate it. It's not a very defensible position. The way he's booked can suck, but it's better than it was, and no worse than any top face before him. His promos aren't the best, but they're considerably better than they were. I remember when he was fighting AJ Styles, the crowd were chanting "you can't wrestle" at him. He busted out a fancy indie-tastic move, and they start chanting "you still suck". So, you say he can't wrestle, he has an awesome match and proves you wrong, and your response is a playground "I still don't like you, boo!"?




I'm interested to see how a Shield reunion helps Reigns, because it's probably the last move WWE can make to get him more cheers. I still maintain they were absolutely stupid if they somehow thought "retiring Undertaker" wasn't going to lead to massive backlash from their fans. Vince has tried his hardest to make Reigns sympathetic, but he's just a lesser version of Cena again. Shame because the HEAT he got immediately after Wrestlemania could have been used to create a super heel, and more interesting telly going forward. I hate Reigns taking the high road (it's overrated), he was dynamite playing up to the boos in the Undertaker feud.


I absolutely agree that he should have been turned heel after his match with Undertaker. The reaction, and his "promo", the following night on RAW was one of the most brilliantly real moments, impossible to replicate, in years. To not immediately capitalise on that is mind-boggling.

The only problem, as with years of people calling for Cena to turn heel, is who is the babyface? For Reigns to turn heel, you'd need to have someone waiting in the wings ready to step up and take his spot as the top face, otherwise you're left with a top heel wrestling schmucks. Seth Rollins? Even with the roles reversed, that match is done to death - and nothing about Rollins screams "top babyface". Shifting Cena over to RAW? No way they give away that match this early, and Cena's taking time off anyway.

Then who? Orton? Ambrose? Finn Balor?

The Shield reunion is absolutely the last thing to get Reigns over as a significant face. It would undone shitty booking for him, Ambrose and Rollins. Every time they tease it, or the triple powerbomb spot, it gets a great reaction. But it needs to be well executed, and they would need good heel foils to go up against.

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