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I had an MRI for my kidney stones and though it was likely due to the fact I’d had two doses of liquid morphine and stuck a suppository knuckles deep, I found the experience quite peaceful and relaxing.

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22 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

I had an MRI for my kidney stones and though it was likely due to the fact I’d had two doses of liquid morphine and stuck a suppository knuckles deep, I found the experience quite peaceful and relaxing.

EXACTLY the same as when I had mine. I remember getting to A&E the first time I had stones and them telling me they’d shove one of them up my arse as it was the quickest way of relief. Then the liquid morphine made me throw up constantly later on.

Ive also had the scans where they inject that fucking dye into you and take pictures. Is that an MRI?

That dye makes your blood run cold. Literally. 

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33 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

EXACTLY the same as when I had mine. I remember getting to A&E the first time I had stones and them telling me they’d shove one of them up my arse as it was the quickest way of relief. Then the liquid morphine made me throw up constantly later on.

Ive also had the scans where they inject that fucking dye into you and take pictures. Is that an MRI?

That dye makes your blood run cold. Literally. 

Yeah I threw the morphine up too, hence the butt pill. MRI is the big magnet you lay in. I didn’t have the ink stuff thankfully.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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2 hours ago, Ralphy said:

Thanks for the info and re assurance peeps, as a person with long term ibs i have much experience of various implements being inserted into ones posterior, so thats not too much of a problem for me! 

does anyone on here ever do what is called "rucking" ? Its basically walking with a fair bit of weight in a backpack. As you all know, i do loves me a walk, however i am trying to make them harder, but shorter in duration. I just did 18000 steps with 9kg in my backpack, hard work but makes me feel better. I hate running and i read online that rucking can have similar benefits, it just takes longer, but has a lesser injury rate. 

I own a weights vest, max capacity 24kg I think, that I've not used in a year. My right knee is starting to play up so it'll be a bit before I've lost enough weight to feel confident to try it again.

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1 hour ago, Ralphy said:


@sephare those vests expensive? 

Depends on if the weights themselves come with the kit. The one I had was from RDX Sports (might have been 18kg not 24 excuse me) which was more expensive when I got it, it's around £47 now and comes with sandbags. One word of warning - they use Y*d*l for deliveries and I had to get the fucking thing with sack truck from the depot because they couldn't find / be arsed to stop at my office.

I swear if I ever get hench I'm going into that depot and squeeze heads like zits.

Edited by seph
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I’ve finally got down to my ideal weight. I started the year at approx 15.7 stone. I’m down to 12.7 stone.

As I’ve mentioned before, walking (reasonable amounts), boxing once per week and averaging 1800 calories a day has been the answer for me. The plan is to trying and average 12 to 12.7 stone, so time to up my calories. 

I think I’ll be posting in the chippy thread now and again.

I also want to say cheers to a lot of you. Sharing stories, and some personal messages has really helped to keep me on track, especially during the wobbles. I’m now the same I weighed back in 2006, which I never ever imagined would happen.

How is everyone doing post-summer, on the build up to the food festival know as winter?

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Started doing Park Run last weekend with a time of 32:33, and then managed to get it down to 28:31 yesterday. As somebody who couldn’t run a mile at the beginning of the year, I’m fairly pleased with myself.

Would love to get that down to 25 minutes within the next few weeks.

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37 minutes ago, Ralphy said:

Ever tried rucking? Seems a great way to burn calories and get stronger while not injuring yourself, im not a fan of running, but rucking seems to be working for me 

I do need to be upping cardio, i may well be doing just that. 

Meantime cal intake must be dropped and rain or shine i will need to be in the gym

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On 9/15/2019 at 1:37 PM, Slapnut said:

Started doing Park Run last weekend with a time of 32:33, and then managed to get it down to 28:31 yesterday. As somebody who couldn’t run a mile at the beginning of the year, I’m fairly pleased with myself.

Would love to get that down to 25 minutes within the next few weeks.

27:13 this Saturday just gone. Almost spewed immediately after.

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I'm having a real hard time finding my mojo at the moment. I've pretty much just yo-yo'd since March having lost 8 stone. My mentatlity is all over the place. I'll see a photo of myself before or I'll fit into some jeans I couldn't have got one leg in before and feel great but then I'll catch sight of my spare tyres in the mirror or get outpaced by a mobility scooter at football and feel as shite as before. A year and a half of constantly thinking about what I'm going to eat and drink and when I'm going to excercise has left me shattered.

My response to stress and misery has always been to eat and that's happened a bit over the last few months. I'll work hard for 6 days, have a bad day, eat a load of shite, wake up hating myself and start the cycle all over again. I genuinely don't think I know how to live and eat like a normal person. I either almost starve myself or I'll eat everything in sight. No inbetween. I think I'm bonkers.

Part of me wants to jack it in because I've reached a weight I'm comfortable with, but not happy, so I wonder if I should just have a few months off to recharge but I'm worried about piling weight back on because as soon as I don't have the threat of weighing in and having someone check my food diary, I eat fucking rubbish. No wonder people put all the weight back on.

Anyone been through this? I find it hard to talk to normal people because they just tell me how well I've done and think I'm "fixed" now.

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