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Why should i give him credit? for being paid a fortune to be injured or in developmental the majority of his career?

He's lost out on far more money being injured, and the reason he was injured was because he was doing a job that is meant to entertain the fan base, and when fit over the last few years he's done his job. He isn't getting injured watching Doctors on BBC1. His injuries have came as a result of putting a shift in. A bloke his size shouldn't be taking F5's on the floor. But he does. He's paid his dues rolling about with Mae Young and he drew money as the champion on Smackdown. He's earned his keep.


And to be fair, I fucking loved that angle with Chyna. All us at school howled with laughter when he starting knocking blokes out in the club and dancing like a bellend to impress the 9th Wonder of the World. He's not Headbanger Thrasher or Just Joe. He's been a source of material in the WWF/WWE for about 17 years now. Good man.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Whatever he is getting paid shouldn't be of any interest to you.


Him getting injured should only be of interest to you in that it can be deflated if it cuts short a story he is involved in and/or loses momentum as he is developing interest.


Other than that there's no reason for you to care about those things as a fan.

Tell that to people that quote ratings and merch sales every two minutes

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Tell that to people that quote ratings and merch sales every two minutes

Because that has a lot to do with what they base the show around, so its relevant to your viewing habits. People should stop crying about why Daniel Bryan isn't the top man in WWE and why Punk isn't main eventing WrestleMania if they dont want to know about quarter hours and merch sales then. People ask "why is Batista getting a push". That is your answer". Now more than ever with everyone thinking they are smart, people want answers, and since WWE is a public company the facts are usually readily available.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I swear those that still hate Menry have convinced themselves to not watch or stubbornly not enjoy anything he's done since 2011.


He has always been fast forward material for me. When he started getting good I just couldn't be bothered to get out of the habit of skipping anything he does. I don't watch Smackdown and I think most of it was happening there wasn't it? Plus the way Butch goes on about him is really off putting

You've pretty much proved my point right there.


He was mostly on Smackdown, but the superb match against CM Punk was on Raw. Bet you liked that one.


I wasn't particularly arguing anything you said, but it's not exactly how you put it. It's not being stubborn to just think "meh, I don't care." I'm not going to force myself to watch Smackdown because a wrestler I don't like has gotten better according to other people. I did watch The Raw match with Punk, and it was good, but not good enough to make me go through his back catalogue in case I might like it all. Wouldn't really say I have any problem with the guy, I just don't care

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That Bryan segment was really something. They'll be showing that on Raw highlight packages for years to come. Great stuff. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Cena was at his worst in the opening segment. Fucking hell, how can someone who can be so good also be so utterly dreadful at the same time?

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Ratings and t shirts sales may be why people arent the headliners we want them to be, but why do we need to have facts thrown in nearly every conversation on here about two guys pretending to fight?

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Good Raw. I skipped Sheamus vs Christian #8789598509095094766531980909834874987845 and one of the earlier matches (I think Big E vs Real Americans #59854576), but from what I watched, nothing dragged. Great storyline progression. Hogan, Cena and Bray Wyatt were really good, Bryan and Triple H were really good, Heyman was really good.


The Usos are on fine form lately, their signature moves are great. The Outlaws on commentary helped me stay interested in them facing Ryback and Axel, too. Ryback's promo was a bit weird, in the sense that it was bland as fuck. Have they just told him to stop showing any character now?


The Shield vs Rhodes match was brilliant.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I like the idea of an Andre battle royal. Its gets a bunch of people on the show who wouldn't have to have a role there. It leaves it open if you want to get someone on the card like a Roddy Piper or someone. And you can have feuds with in the Rumble continuing so you wont have to take up a place on the card for matches that have already happened (Sheamus/Christian, Big E/Real Americans etc). The Hulkster looks firmly in the Cena vs Wyatt feud it seems then, so he must be the corner man there. That was great to see. I dont care what anyone says, seeing Hogan and Cena side by side as the Wyatts slowly stalked the ring was as pro wrestling as it gets. Its a shame Hogan can barely do the very minimal, because you could do all sorts with this if Hogan was even semi-mobile. Although, Hulk does look to be moving far better than when he was in TNA. He didn't seem bothered if you saw his limp most of the time. I imagine he'll be involved in some way.


People can say what they like about WWE's use of Daniel Bryan, but all those plants chanting "yes" in his t-shirt was classic WWE manufacturing. In a good way of course. Its one thing hearing the "yes" chants, but getting all those people to "hijack" Raw was some great perception and a fantastic visual. They really hooked the machine up to him tonight. I dont know what else they could have done to make him look the man. Road Dogg and Zeb were great again this week. Road Dogg is great on commentary and Zeb's little kick off got a chuckle out of me.


I'm looking forward to WrestleMania. I'm excited to see Cena and Wyatt and Hogan's involvement. I'm looking forward to Taker vs Lesnar. HHH vs Bryan should be great. The inevitable three way with Bryan winning the belt should blow the roof off. The Shield match will be great, of course. And the battle royal should be great as well, just to see who is in it. Its taking shape quite nice.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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  • Paid Members
Ratings and t shirts sales may be why people arent the headliners we want them to be, but why do we need to have facts thrown in nearly every conversation on here about two guys pretending to fight?


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