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Cant see why not. Reigns has far more upside than Bryan as a top face. Reigns has spent the last year being the heel nobody can beat. The fact Roman Reigns has been pinned once in the last year (and even that was when the odds were against him and people were hitting him with their finishers) and Daniel Bryan lost every other week during the summer where they were supposedly making him a star should tell you all you need to know about their opinion of Reigns. They've never cared this much about someone getting over since probably 2005 when Cena and Batista was getting pushed. They are doing everything right with Reigns. They are doing the old protection job of him, which they never did with Punk, Bryan or even Orton. He's beat the Survivor Series and Royal Rumble record. They have massive plans for him.


Let's just hope he can cut a good promo. That's the one thing he hasn't proven yet. His words are kept on the down low.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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All three of the Shield look the fucking business in the all black so I'd let all three of them keep it at least initially and add small tweaks to each to differentiate them from eachother.


I'd dress Reigns up like he's Wesley Snipes in Blade. Long black trench coat over more or less the gear he wears now. Shades, like Diesel. Even have the inside of his jacket be red like Blade's to add some colour to the look. I don't think he's ever going to be an especially strong promo so have him be a brooding man of few words.



Ambrose should move towards a bit more of a grungey, punk rock look. Use some spikes and/or a little bit of denim to move him on from his Shield days. Maybe even incorporate a hat. He's going to have to shave his head sooner or later anyway so aping Tim Armstrong's look from Rancid could be a winner for him.



Rollins can probably stand to deviate from his Shield gear a bit more, and we don't want them all looking too similar otherwise there'll be no visual novelty when they put the flak jackets back on in 2019 to chase off Cody Hall's nWo. He'll look daft if he's brightly coloured tights straight away though, so maybe start him off with dark tights with a white singlet. Like Squall from Final Fantasy. If he still looks a bit too monotone he can start dying different colours into his hair. He could take off with Jeff Hardy's old demographic piss easy.



Playing dress up with the Shield is more fun that I'd figured it'd be. Nice one Ian.

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I agree, but who should have it? Reigns is probably the closest, but it's a bit of a heel piece of apparel to have and he's going to be a face. Dean Ambrose would just look like he'd nicked an old one from Flair's bin, and Rollins looks too "rock" for it, unless he completely changes up his look.


EDIT: To be honest, I always thought it was going to be Daniel Bryan who ended up with a robe, especially when he started using the original version of Flight Of The Valkyries. Or maybe Cesaro.

Edited by Carbomb
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As soon as a wrestler puts on a nice robe he becomes a face. So a nice one for Reigns please.


In Purple. Purple Reigns.


As regards Cesaro, he should wear a nice Cape. Not enough of them these days either.

Edited by PowerButchi
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While robes are awesome and we do need another robe wearer I don't think any of them fit wearing one unless they have a big character overhaul.


Ambrose should be the one to stay as close to his current attire as possible as he fits the dirty slimy heel look well and only minor adaptation need to be made to accommodate this. If it could translate to america without being too hick I would love to see him as one of those slimy alcoholic types you get in a wetherspoons that involves themselves with everyone and thinks they know it all, yet you wouldn't trust them with your worst enemies wallet. In a PG way of course


Reigns is the guy, I just don't know what he should do looks wise. What did he wear in FCW / NXT? I genuinely can decide what he should wear, I expect he will go down to trunks of some kind though. He does need I think to begin with a coat of some kind but the tech coat has been overdone with people like Edge, Miz, Taker among others having nice ones in the last few years.


Rollins definitely needs to play to his more colourful hair and add more colour elsewhere I think but as it depends on what gimmick they go with. I still think post shield he is the most likely to fall into obscurity

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Reigns could pull off tassels, maybe just on his boots and arm bands would be enough. I just hope they don't get him to suit up, I'm so bored of wrestlers in suits.


I remember on Twitter and Instagram after last year's Slammy's episode of Raw there were lots of female fans posting photos of Reigns in his suit and saying how moist they were.


He's going to be quite the heart-throb.

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Some of the suggestions you guys are giving are going to make Reigns look like he escaped from a gay bar, I mean tassles?!


He does look good in the black trunks, he had a pair with some gold motif on them too, they looked nice. If they could add something around that for him to walks down to the ring to, I think that is all he would need, keeping it simple is going to work for him.

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Some of the suggestions you guys are giving are going to make Reigns look like he escaped from a gay bar, I mean tassles?!

:laugh: No kidding, it's not the 1980s anymore, tassles are about as far from cool as you can get.


I did imagine Reigns would be a lot more muscular than that in trunks, I'm very surprised.

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Some of the suggestions you guys are giving are going to make Reigns look like he escaped from a gay bar, I mean tassles?!


He does look good in the black trunks, he had a pair with some gold motif on them too, they looked nice. If they could add something around that for him to walks down to the ring to, I think that is all he would need, keeping it simple is going to work for him.

It would compliment all his best moves, like the superman punch and dropkick on the apron if there were tassels flying all over the place

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