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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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40 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

The promo made clear they would be just at ringside. It's still a bit mad that they've horsed a bit of money at Michaels for such an underwhelming role. 

Not the first time, is it? Remember how he was guest referee in the Bryan/Orton Cell match? No, me neither. He's been in and out loads for bollocks over the last few years, we just don't remember because they weren't memorable. He's about a 6 on the Foley Scale.

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Hang on, 'Authors of Pain' are now AOP?


Plus, I still have no idea why Drake Maverick is dressed like them AND not saying anything.
Have him be the cocky little prick in the suit who runs his mouth and has his two henchmen do the fighting for him.
It's wrestling 101, surely? 

'Who's kid is this?' - Elias is fucking brilliant isn't he! 
Still, have to say, Lio Rush seems to have a lot of natural charisma and having him with Lashley could be an entertaining pairing.

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It's unbelievable how many filler segments there are on Raw. Almost this entire show was able to be fast forwardee through without missing a beat. I played the show for matches and promos, but all the link segments, recaps, charity stuff, Hispanic history month, replays, X2 Roman entrances etc. I can watch the show in about an hour and ten minutes without having actually skipped a 'proper' part of the show. 

Lio Rush certainly was the best thing on this show. Well, Lio and Elias comments to him when he appeared. 

I'm glad to see they are protecting Drew for the time being. At least that's someone. 

The Cell match finishing the way it did to set up a triple threat match for the Saudi show is shit enough. The fact that Shawn Michaels may come back after eight years, to potentially pop up in a tag team match with Kane, Taker and HHH is heaps and mounds of shit. Fair play to him for holding out until now so that he's getting top dollar for his return, but I just wish he had been the one guy to follow through with the retirement. 

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Usual mixture of cack creative with sprinklings of good grappling. 

As if the Brawn/Roman finish wasn't maddening enough - where they both spooned on the canvas for ten minutes before Lesnar's little flurry, both of them come out looking fresh as daisies at the start of the show. Also the more I think about it, as cool as it was visually, the next pleb that talks about Lesnar KICKING THE DOOR DOWN AND BREAKING INTO HELL can just piss off. It's been vomit inducing seeing that mentioned on Twitter and then in on-air promos. 

Actual opening segment itself in isolation was fine for what it was. Baron Corbin is horrible to watch, but by his standards he actually improved somewhat with his opening lines here. Imagine having someone worth their salt though put in his present spot as a super corrupt authority figure booking himself into title matches etc. We had that for what I think was just a week with the King Regal stuff when he was already the GM until he got busted in wellness test. Take it off the air. TAKE IT OFF THE BLOODY AIR!!

I like Lio Rush but I can't get into the partnership with Lashley...yet. Think it needs time to grow on me. I just find Lashley so fucking dull in all areas, apart from occasionally marvelling at the six-pac he has (on his back!). Also, as funny as Elias' line was, his act is starting to get a little tiresome now and he's not really doing anything of note. I'm hoping they give him something like the IC strap soon. Not that that means a jot either, but at least it would create a bit of intrigue and jeopardy in his matches. 

Whilst the matches themselves will no doubt be to a high standard, I honestly don't think I can physically stomach another three months of the Shield guys rotating matches with Brawn and Drew/Dolph. They ran Ziggler vs Rollins AGAIN on the show. How many sodding times? I honestly don't think I can take it. It's just so, so dull from a promo/character standpoint. It provides good wrestling and it's a difficult one for me, because I've been crying out for better matches on the main shows previously and we've definitely gotten that recently, but there's just a massive spark missing at the top of the card. What this show desperately needs is a babyface with absolutely electric charisma who just lights up the room, has compelling delivery when he speaks and gives the audience a collective stiffy. The wrestling itself is great, but we desperately need a Rock-esque spark character wise. A comedian. An entertainer. Someone of that ilk. 

I appreciate them actually bothering to put some effort into the HHH/Taker build for what is essentially a match for the sake of a match, but I'd be much keener on it if things got a lot more personal. This week and last week they've just been going over the same old tired lines. Now I want to see them chucking insults at each other. I don't want to see HHH come out next week in his leather jacket insisting he's still the cerebral assassin - I want him rinsing Undertaker for hiding behind his wife's instagram posts and his plastic hip. I want Undertaker ripping Triple H about him being Vince's bitch etc. Again, it's nice that they're doing something with it, but they're playing it safe at the moment and I want things to get bitchier.  

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Unfortunately, in my opinion, I don't think there's money to be made in any single match these days. It's all about the brand and getting people to pay for content. The money is TV rights and now also these bought and paid for shows. Each one of these Saudi shows and Raw for the year is more profitable than WrestleMania now.

It's a weird spot they are in these days, where it's got to the point that WWE don't seem to feel the need to save anything in order to make it a money match, because they are making their money from totally different sources than ever before, which is counter-intuitive to how you book a wrestling program. 

AJ Vs Shawn would be a damn bloody exciting way for Shawn to come back, but it seems like the stuff with Taker, HHH, Cena, Shawn etc has to exist as an attraction for these shows that isn't going to impact on week to week TV storylines for the guys on the House shows, leaving them having to face each other, whether or not that would be the most interesting/highest quality thing for them to do. 

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Shawn Michaels might not be much good now, eight years into retirement. Moaners can be pleasantly surprised if the DX vs Brothers of Destruction match turns out alright. But old wonky eye doesn't want to listen to the moaning if he has a big dream match with AJ Styles or Daniel Bryan and it fails to live up to expectations. When he came back in 2002, his first few matches were with his mates and smoke and mirrors until he got comfortable. That could be the case again.

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Have any of the usual sorces mentioned that Shawn might be coming back or is it all just speculation at this point? 

Also this is incredibly out of date but what was the point in Takers symbolic disrobing after the Reigns match if he never intended to retire? Did he watch the match back and think “bollocks I am not going out with that as my swan song” I am legitimately  baffled by his seeming U-turn. 

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4 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

what was the point in Takers symbolic disrobing after the Reigns match if he never intended to retire?

Has never, ever been stated on WWE TV. They were always careful not to say "retire" at any time. So what was the point? Who knows. Was worth it for "this is my yard now" though.

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Oh without a doubt that was perfect Roman. Incredible that they did not capatalise on that, people bemoan Lesnar ending The Streak but it did create; in the short term at least some intrigue as to who would get the run from conquering the conqueror. 

Mental that they could see that with Lesnar yet missed the chance to replicate it with Reigns. Also has it ever been stated that they both beat Taker at Mania? Criminal misuse really. 

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9 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

Also this is incredibly out of date but what was the point in Takers symbolic disrobing after the Reigns match if he never intended to retire? Did he watch the match back and think “bollocks I am not going out with that as my swan song” I am legitimately  baffled by his seeming U-turn. 

The way I've read it is that prior to the match, as he has at various times, he was saying he thought it would be his last. Understandably they wrote something emphatic in case it was. Later, as he apparently has a few times, he decided he wasn't as fucked as he thought and that he had a bit left. Nobody in the company is going to say "Bollocks Mark, we retired you. Go sit in the sun with Skeletor and a Singapore Sling." I don't think we're ever actually getting an announced "last match" out of him, on the night or after the fact. They won't imply that again. There will just come a point where he decides "I'm actually done this time," he won't work a Mania, then 11 months later they'll announce he's going in the Hall of Fame and we'll just put two and two together.

9 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

Has never, ever been stated on WWE TV. They were always careful not to say "retire" at any time. So what was the point? Who knows. Was worth it for "this is my yard now" though.

That was an awful, awful false dawn. Absolutely heartbreaking. Idiot that I am, I thought this was the birth of the cocky "Don't give a shit" Reigns who dined out on "I retired The Undertaker" forever to the loudest boos since... well, himself trying to get over as a babyface. Then a week later he's having a respectful run with AJ Styles (who badly needs a strong heel) and they toss away the gravity of the Mania main event like it was last week on SmackDown. Jesus, three shows have happened since then, it doesn't matter any more!!

9 hours ago, Joe Blog said:

Also has it ever been stated that they both beat Taker at Mania? Criminal misuse really. 

Well, I watched the SummerSlam 2017 main the other day and at the very least it was mentioned there. In the same tone that Michael Cole tells us Randy Orton has been involved in nine Survivor Series elimination matches and Corey, in those matches, he's eliminated an incredible fifteen Superstars. Number crunching oik. Just threw it out there like it was a stat. Number of men that have beaten Taker at WrestleMania : 2. Number of men in this match : 4. That means there's a 50% chance this match will be won by someone that has beaten The Undertaker at WrestleMania! ZOMFG!!11

Edited by air_raid
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56 minutes ago, air_raid said:

I thought this was the birth of the cocky "Don't give a shit" Reigns who dined out on "I retired The Undertaker" forever to the loudest boos since... well, himself trying to get over as a babyface. Then a week later he's having a respectful run with AJ Styles (who badly needs a strong heel) and they toss away the gravity of the Mania main event like it was last week on SmackDown.


Easy to do with modern WWE I know, but you have your years mixed up there.

After Roman beat The Undertaker he spent the next few months being battered by Strowman.

In fact, Romans next PPV win after he beat the Undertaker at Mania was against Cena in September, suffering losses at Payback, GBOF, Extreme Rules & Summerslam inbetween. Mental really.

His respectful run with AJ came the year before, after Roman won the WWE Title against HHH at Mania in his other "crowning" moment.

Edited by The King of Old School
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5 hours ago, The King of Old School said:

After Roman beat The Undertaker he spent the next few months being battered by Strowman.

In fact, Romans next PPV win after he beat the Undertaker at Mania was against Cena in September, suffering losses at Payback, GBOF, Extreme Rules & Summerslam inbetween. Mental really.

JESUS CHRIST, that's even worse!! I mean, I know that he trod water up until the Rumble when it became time to heat him up again after wasting forever pissing about with the US or I title (like it matters and whichever it wasn't will have been the year before) and losing to either Miz or Owens, I forget which, and I remember that he was in the memorable 4way at SummerSlam and the rest in between is very beige but..... to say he didnt win a match on the big stage between the Mania (it's implied) he retired the UNDERTAKER and SummerSlam is absolutely insane. There's not striking while the iron's hot then there's...... I've used "Lugered" as a term for some of the stuff they've done to Roman but I don't even know what you call this.

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On 9/18/2018 at 9:24 PM, WeeAl said:

but I just wish he had been the one guy to follow through with the retirement. 

Why? I never understand this opinion, you'd rather somebody be retired? Sure, he might come back and be shit, but it might also be a bit fun and enjoyable. And if it is shit, you don't have to watch it again.

Its similar with movie revivals or reboots. I hated Indiana Jones 4, but im not mad they made it and ill be going to watch Indiana Jones 5 if Ford doesn't die before its made, because its a form of entertainment and theres a chance ill like it. If not, who cares, it doesn't really make a difference.

Edited by Van Dammer
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