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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Mostly boring episode.

You can really tell this Shield reunion wasn't planned. They've got no idea what they're doing with it and the silly idea of them coming back in different gear after being kicked out as a trio wasn't even close to as clever as they thought it was. There's no bigger fan of the Shield than I am, but this run has been rubbish so far. Last week was a glimmer of hope, but it all turned to shit here. After last week's beatdown I wanted to see them come back kicking arse. You've built the heat so let's pay it off with a match. Maybe do a wild 6-man tag with Strowman, Ziggler and Drew to set up their Hell In A Cell matches or something. Fuck it, maybe even lower the cell and have them brawling on or around it as the show goes off the air. Something juicy and exciting. Instead, they weirdly come down with axe handles(?!), then when Corbin throws them out they just do as they're told like a bunch of chumps. Even if it was done to build up to their eventual (stupid) returns, it still made them look like losers. Stone Cold would never have just walked out when he was told to, even if he was planning on returning in some ridiculous vehicle. They'd have still had to drag him out in handcuffs originally. Dean reverting back to his whacky character was a bit disappointing too. Why bother hitting the gym so hard and changing your style if they're going to slot you right back where you were?

That thing where Corbin was going to get arrested showed some promise, but then they didn't really do anything with it. A couple of re-writes and that could've been a great segment where he's hauled off and manages to negotiate a plea or something. Imagine if they did it in front of the crowd. It'd get a big pop. As it was it was a nice idea that didn't really go anywhere, yet still felt super convoluted.

Best thing on the show was that video package of the 1998 Hell In A Cell with Terry Funk as a talking head. Everything Terry Funk says is gospel. He should talk over all video packages. Foley as the guest ref does nothing for me either. Feels like he's done that a thousand times before.

Good promo by Kevin Owens. His "I'm allowed to do what I want," thing is quite interesting, too. I just can't fathom how they can script that promo, along with his destruction of Tyler Breeze, and then still decide to send him out to the ring two hours earlier to get beaten up by the Shield with the likes of the Ascension and all the other jobber heels. It boggles my mind.

Ronda doesn't feel special anymore. I also can't relax watching how often she pulls her shorts out of her vag. I know it's been noticeable for months but it's getting ridiculous now. Buy her some fucking tights already.

Still loving Gable and Roode. Gable is so great. Really funny outside the ring, yet all business when the bell rings. He's Kurt Angle 2.0.

Lio Rush appearance. Hmmm. 205 Live is on the way out, isn't it?

The booking of Strowman and Roman continues to confuse the piss out of me. Strowman stomping around looking for Roman was total babyface behaviour. The fans booing Roman at the end proved nothing has changed, either.

They also missed the biggest trick in the world not using Strowman and Roman to somehow write Coach out of being on Raw every week. Maybe he takes a bump when they brawl near him, or maybe he gets a restraining order. Not doing anything and just replacing him with Renee is tantamount to them just admitting he was shit.

Yeah. Pretty crap. Not a good go-home show at all.

Edited by Supremo
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Last week for the first time in ages they left the show on a great cliffhanger that made you feel like you really should tune in this week to see what goes down with the Shield business. Such a shame to see that aura wasted.

I’m pretty much done with Raw now I think. I can’t sit through three fucking hours of this every week with more repeated matches and the sheer lack of urgency on the show. The HHH/Undertakrr build is great but otherwise this show is just so fucking boring. Owens is great and cuts a great promo but you just know it will lead to absolutely fuck all for the guy, so it’s hard to maintain investment in him. Ditto McIntyre and Ziggler - they’ve invested a fair bit in them recently and I’m a fan of McIntyre, but if they’re still in a position at the top of the card in six months I’ll be amazed, so again it’s hard to maintain my interest in them. 

Smackdown is way ahead of Raw at this point in terms of entertainment value, mathes, promos, everything. It isn’t perfect but the roster has real depth to it, especially on the heel front. 

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42 minutes ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

The HHH/Undertakrr build is great

You know these guys must be running the angle themselves. Can you imagine writers trying to tell these two what to say? 

"Your tater tots will rest... in... peeeeeeace." 

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I only watched the first segment last night before going to bed, but during Zigglers part of the promo and then the Shield beating everyone up, they had more camera cuts than world of sport. Don’t know if this continued thougout the rest of the show. But Raw is unwatchable most of the time, now they’re adding dizziness to the show.  

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1 hour ago, TheBurningRed said:

I only watched the first segment last night before going to bed, but during Zigglers part of the promo and then the Shield beating everyone up, they had more camera cuts than world of sport. Don’t know if this continued thougout the rest of the show. But Raw is unwatchable most of the time, now they’re adding dizziness to the show.  

I pointed this out when people were complaining about WOS. They've been doing it for years. If you get someone new watching this shit for tips on direction, no wonder you end up with WOS.

Think Nicko makes a good point about the inability to create a buzz and follow up on it. The KO thing is prime example. Quites one week. Back the next week. Just another jobber heel the next week. Master of his own destiny two hours later. How confusing.

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7 hours ago, Ambulance Chaser said:

I'm weirdly obsessed about seeing a Lashley/Rush tag team, imagine seeing Lashley throw him into other tag teams and just hurl the little fucker around.

Heel Lashley with Lio Rush as his manager/occasional partner is a combination I never knew I wanted, but I really, really want them to do that now.

If Rush doesn’t start referring to them as “The Man of the Hour & the Man with the Power” I’ll be kind of dissapointed though.

I hope everyone on 205 Live ends up managing someone on Raw, just for a laugh.

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28 minutes ago, Statto said:


I hope everyone on 205 Live ends up managing someone on Raw, just for a laugh.

If they want to repackage Hideo as the second coming of Mr Fuji, I'm here for it.

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Do you think they are starting to bring bigger attention to the 205 wrestlers by having them mix it up with the big boys on Raw, First Spud and now Lio Rush, I am all up for the small guys getting the rub off the big guys. 

I would love to see Buddy Murphy, Drew Gulak and Mustafa Ali mix it up on Smackdown with Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe etc.

We need fresh match ups especially on Raw.

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42 minutes ago, D@mm said:

Do you think they are starting to bring bigger attention to the 205 wrestlers by having them mix it up with the big boys on Raw, First Spud and now Lio Rush, I am all up for the small guys getting the rub off the big guys. 

I would love to see Buddy Murphy, Drew Gulak and Mustafa Ali mix it up on Smackdown with Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe etc.

We need fresh match ups especially on Raw.

There is no Spud, only Drake (Maverick)

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44 minutes ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

There is no Spud, only Drake (Maverick)

Sorry my bad, I still can't get used to calling him Drake Maverick, he will always be Spud to me.

35 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Is that prison shower talk?

Yeah probably but its been 10 years since I would know that Keith.

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I still have trouble seeing Drake Maverick as the same little Brummie runt who stood nose to chest with me at the Havant Leisure Centre for an FWA Academy show (I think he was part of a team facing the Ghosh Brothers) many years ago...and now he's the mastermind behind AoP. Not done too bad for himself.

Edited by bigfoote
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10 hours ago, bigfoote said:

I still have trouble seeing Drake Maverick as the same little Brummie runt who stood nose to chest with me at the Havant Leisure Centre for an FWA Academy show (I think he was part of a team facing the Ghosh Brothers) many years ago...and now he's the mastermind behind AoP. Not done too bad for himself.

Its a really minor thing but having him in AoP attire annoys me.
Keep him in the suit and have him be the mouthy little gobshite that starts fights and has AoP finish them - y'know, like a wrestling manager does.
Again, minor thing but just grinds my gears a bit.


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