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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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With SD and RAW both getting new logos, please for the love of god change the sets. Give both shows a different feel to make them actually look like different shows with different character.

Much of the problems that I have is with visual presentation. The “big” shows (PPVs) use the same set as their weekly shows. These should all feel different and add to a big time look for them.

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8 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I think there has been talk of different sets for Raw and Smackdown, but it was reported by something called WrestleVotes, who I imagine isn’t a credible source. 

I'd be shocked if they don't. Fox are making a big deal about this, and i'd think that they won't want it to look the same as a show on a rival network.

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2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I think there has been talk of different sets for Raw and Smackdown, but it was reported by something called WrestleVotes, who I imagine isn’t a credible source. 

Not saying it's like Meltzer in his prime, but Wrestlevotes, despite the bizarre name, appear to have some sort of inside source. A few of the Newz!!! sites seem to quote them regularly and I gather they have been reasonably solid with their info at points. Could just as easily be educated guessing or second hand info I suppose, but I wouldn't dismiss them out of hand entirely.

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I know people have said the ship has sailed on Braun, But there was a moment, just after seth pissed himself in the corner, where he was on his knees face to face with the fiend, where i just thought "give me these lads having ridiculous brawls all the way to the Rumble". 

If they have to keep the belt on Rollins, Braun shoulder-charging the cell door off and murdering seth before crashing through the cell wall with the fiend causing a no contest would be ok by me........

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13 minutes ago, poetofthedeed said:

I know people have said the ship has sailed on Braun, But there was a moment, just after seth pissed himself in the corner, where he was on his knees face to face with the fiend, where i just thought "give me these lads having ridiculous brawls all the way to the Rumble". 

If they have to keep the belt on Rollins, Braun shoulder-charging the cell door off and murdering seth before crashing through the cell wall with the fiend causing a no contest would be ok by me........

A Hell In A Cell match that ends in a non finish? That’ll go down well

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All this talk of The Fiend winning the title.  They'll do to him what they did to Braun - not pull the trigger continually until his heat has completely gone.

Also I have to admit there's a little bit of me the hopes we'll see Funhouse Bray wrestle, so they can do the Joseph Park angle where he's hilariously shit.  But then everyone knows if you kick the shit out of him you'll then have to deal with The Fiend.

Edited by Loki
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The Fiend is already feeling dangerously close to being overexposed for me. I can't wait to see what they do at HITC, seems like they've backed into a lose-lose situation with Bray.

The Viking Raiders are awesome as a babyface team. Loved them vs the OC, it was one of the better Gallows and Anderson matches I've seen. Hate their new music.

Corbin vs Gable was cracking again. Corbin is finally turning into the heel they want him to be. Hope they continue to ride along with Gable, he's tremendous to watch. 

The more Ricochet talks the less over he seems to be.

Becky's interview was decent although not as strong as her other promos recently. After eight months of driving her act into the mud it seems like they again have a grasp of what was working with her. Presumably it's Heyman that has his eye on the ball.  

Seth on the other hand is unsalvageable. It's like they're doing it on purpose at this point. Every time he's on screen it's pure comedy and tragedy in equal measure. I'm fully expecting him to come out of the cell with the belt because this is what a great babyface is supposed to be and we all need to suffer a little longer. 

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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1 hour ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

The Fiend is already feeling dangerously close to being overexposed for me. I can't wait to see what they do at HITC, seems like they've backed into a lose-lose situation with Bray.

What would you have done with him instead? They've been pretty restrained in using him overall. They can't keep him away too much when they're trying to sell a main event.

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