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1 hour ago, King Pitcos said:

if it's a giant turd, does he just turn up the next week ignoring it ever happened?

Probably, the weird projection shit that happened during the Orton match hasn't ever been referenced since (other than a brief recap on the next Smackdown), has it? Also, didn't he develop 'powers' during his feud with Taker, lightning and shit? Might've imagined that. If he did, hasn't been able to channel that power again since.

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I dont mind Bray the performer, infact I think hes excellent and has kept some of the shit on the straight and narrow with his delivery. Maybe hes a victim of his own success in that sense, he effectively created a wonderful character that was able to be exploited with shit they couldn't do with anyone else. A face turn wouldnt be bad, but again he needs a reason, introducing a female character could lead to that, but I doubt its what they want. Talent doesnt just go away anymore either, unless injured or seriously short of ideas. Unfortunately, it seems they arent short of ideas for him.

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Personally, I feel that Wyatt is as good as anyone on the roster bell to bell. You can just tell that he has grown up in the business and takes his trade very seriously. And I adored the original idea for the character, being a cross between a Manson like cult leader and something you would find in a Rob Zombie film. It had the potential to be amazing. But how long did that original vision last for once he was brought up to the main shows? 6 months maybe? 

Now it's just a mess of a character, that needs the reset button pressing, to bring it back to the original idea. He needs to be constantly recruiting new members to his "family"(what are the Briscoe's up to these days, are they still blackballed due to the homophobia?), and using them as layers of protection so when Reigns(for example) finally gets his hands on him, it means something...

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On 13/10/2017 at 6:04 PM, King Pitcos said:

They'll just put him back with Harper and Rowan, won't they? I could see them feuding with Braun for a bit. I think the best shot Bray has now isa face turn. He's been wishy washy as a heel most of the time anyway, and I think a turn is the only thing that'll break the cycle of his shitty repetitive storylines. The Authority would've been the perfect heel enemy for him though, I don't know that it'd turn out as well against the Miztourage or Samoa Joe.

You made a post without referencing the dem wans, are you feeling okay? 


Message me if you need me hun x

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Only just caught up with this week's episode, which I felt was a pretty good one by current standards but fucking hell, that Sister Abigail thing was absolutely brutal. Total wrestlecrap. It's sad for me, because I loved the Bray Wyatt character ever since the very first vignettes, but from the time of the first split of the Wyatt Family it's been painful to watch what has become of Bray's gimmick and it just goes from bad to worse for him. By this point a character which had enormous main event potential has been reduced to a comedy gimmick without a punchline. I am sure he's not responsible for a lot of the rubbish he's involved with, but if that is that case then I think he must shoulder some of the blame just for going along with it. I know that like many of the guys and girls on the roster, he probably feels that it's easier to just do as he's told and to make the best of what he's given- his consistently good performances throughout rotten angles do attest to this.

It's a shame that a Shield reunion had to happen this way, by which I mean in a desperate feeling attempt to get fans back on board with three failing babyfaces, but at least it did get the response they wanted and will keep fans happy for a short time. The writing of the show has been in such a mess for a while now, The Shield being back together hopefully gives them something to focus on creatively and write whole episodes around.

I still don't know what to make of the whole Enzo storyline, but I have remained intrigued by it throughout. So that's something. 

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Bray is the worst victim of the "wins and losses don't matter" mentality. Early on, I figured that him losing the odd match didn't matter that much as he was a character that doesn't need to win all the time, so long as he still remains dangerous and scary. Now, that aura is completely gone, because he comes across as a bullshit artist who can't back it up.

I said it early in the Balor feud, but they seem to create every storyline for him with no thought for what came before it, as if the audience have never seen Bray Wyatt before. So he starts doing promos about how Finn Balor is this beloved top babyface (which he isn't, particularly), and Bray Wyatt is this unstoppable monster, and how Finn Balor needs to become the Demon to beat him...except he doesn't, because Bray never sodding wins. And then in the rematch they only go and bloody prove that by having Balor win again.

He's a good enough talent that he can weather the storm of the odd loss, and it's - in theory - a strong enough gimmick to be rebuilt into something genuinely menacing again, but not with shit like this. He's a cult leader with no followers, a horror movie villain nobody's scared of, and an unstoppable force that never wins.

For me, it all went downhill when they started having him be actually supernatural. Wyatt isn't the Undertaker or Kane. He's a scary fucker who's convinced people like Harper and Rowan, who had nowhere else to turn, that he can lead them to something better. To me, Wyatt being a manipulative evil cult leader is way more interesting than Bray Wyatt actually being the demon-possessed magic whatever he claims to be - it's more nuanced, it's a better heel gimmick because it means Wyatt is either deluded or dishonest, it's more plausible, and it's scarier.

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