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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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You could argue that Scurll stole that from Raven and Tommy Dreamer in ECW. Who probably stole that from someone else years earlier. 

I get what you;re saying, but I always find this whole 'stolen moves' idea a strange one. Like most things, wrestling is derivative, and it's nigh-on impossible to come up with something truly original, and even if you do you can't complain if someone else decides to use the move in a different company.

Given that most wrestlers these days grew up as fans, and as part of a generation using more video-game heavy inspired offence, I don't think it's that big a deal that that Rollins is using the same move. In fact, it's more than likely it's a tribute/homage/nod to Scurll rather than a case of theft.

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Any chance of Triple Threat match at Summerslam between Joe Lesnar and Reigns. There doesn't seem a lot for Joe to do at the minute and I'm not sure how long it is until Summerslam but have they got time to build another storyline for him. He seems pretty woven in to what ever Brock will be doing between now and Summerslam after the angle last night plus it will give Reigns and Joe something to do whilst Lesnar is away how else would they build the a singles match betweenness Reigns/Lesnar without Lesnar. Having Joe fued with Reigns allows them to build a story for the match whilst Lesnar is away.

It makes you wonder what part Braun Strowman will play as well I can't see them moving Reigns in to a programme with Lesnar without tying up the loose end with Strowman unless what happened at the PPV was an attempt to make Reigns look strong going in to his thing with Lesnar and Strowman will simply go away and lick his wounds before moving on to a fued with somebody else.

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Could they be going for the fatal four way match with Reigns, Strowman, Joe and Lesnar? I'm not a huge fan of multi-man matches for main events, but I guess it means you can keep Lesnar strong by not having him take the fall, and still do Lesnar one-on-one with Reigns at Mania, while having the belt defended in the meantime on TV/PPV. 

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11 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

I'd have Braun take them both out next week giving him the title shot, then you can do Joe/Reigns at Summerslam.

I doubt they'd do that, considering we've had that on Raw twice- three times by the time SummerSlam comes along. Two of which in a recent short space of time.

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3 hours ago, TheBurningRed said:

I hope it's not an illegitimate kid storyline with Angle. I could see them doing something like that to set up him and Triple H

Atlanta, 1996. On the night of Kurt Angle's Olympic triumph, he was at the height of his powers. His seed was strong. He met a lady, and together, they conceived Chad Gable. Chad grew up never knowing his father, only knowing he seemed to have an innate knack for wrestling. He too made it to the Olympics, but fell at the last stage. "You ain't your father's son", said the coach. "You knew my father?" asked Chad. "Knew him? Best wrestler there ever was. Oh it's true..." Chad knew then what he had to do. Make it to WWE, and there, wait for his dad to ... sob ... finally come home...

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4 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Atlanta, 1996. On the night of Kurt Angle's Olympic triumph, he was at the height of his powers. His seed was strong. He met a lady, and together, they conceived Chad Gable. Chad grew up never knowing his father, only knowing he seemed to have an innate knack for wrestling. He too made it to the Olympics, but fell at the last stage. "You ain't your father's son", said the coach. "You knew my father?" asked Chad. "Knew him? Best wrestler there ever was. Oh it's true..." Chad knew then what he had to do. Make it to WWE, and there, wait for his dad to ... sob ... finally come home...

Only on the TrueMovies network ;)

Seriously, that would be great...

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27 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

With the whole Angle storyline involving Graves, is it possible he's lobbying for the general manger role? Dixies gonna turn up on Raw ain't she. 

I read somewhere it might be something to do with Triple H & Stephanie, leading to a match further down the line.

Really hope not though. Not ready for those 2 to be back on tv again any time soon.

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1 hour ago, TildeGuy~! said:

With the whole Angle storyline involving Graves, is it possible he's lobbying for the general manger role? Dixies gonna turn up on Raw ain't she. 

Weird how this has panned out to be at Nashville next week , for what reason other than that ?

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I wonder if they feel stupid after they've eventually signed these guys after they've spent 75 years on the indies and they end up doing great? AJ..too small and southern. Owens...too fat. Joe...too fat. Zayn...too small.Roode...too TNA.

Or maybe they think it was THEM that made them great. That's probably it.

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