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The Preston City Wrestling Thread

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Go out for the weekend, and all hell breaks loose.


What a complete mess. The Cook Report it isn't :/ Work or not, it's well out of order. I can understand the reasons why it was done, but the execution is horrendous and, despite promising to not name and shame, the culprit is effectively named and shamed as well. It's just wrong on several levels

Despite the illegality of distributing DVD's, it's a hammer to crack a nut and there are several billion other ways that could have been handled better. I'd be flattered that someone is pirating my stuff, if I ran a fed that popular. Every bigger fed seems to have to have piracy issues in one form or another. I'm guessing the DVD dude was selling in the 10's of copies, maybe less, so the percentage of profit would have been beyond miniscule and could have been dealt with away from the public eye.


PCW is really morphing into something 'else' at present. I'm not actually sure if that's a good thing.  Despite the amount of people who are singing it's praises and stuff, there are those starting to walk away, inc lots of previous PCW regulars, who no longer go for a variety of reasons. It's noticable when at a show as the same faces are no longer there, some are but not nearly as many as in previous times. Stuff like this won't help either, shame.

Edited by patiirc
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My point isn't about where the fans are coming from, but where the promotion is going (or not as I anticipate).

Before turning up at that house he probably didn't know if the guy was 16 or 60, an invalid, a carer, a parent, the child of the house. It's just so fucking wrong.

And of course icing on the cake is posting the video online to further humiliate the guy/heighten his own reputation.

Really pathetic. I'd love this to be exposed as "a work", as it's the shits.

What would you have done if you were in his shoes?


Sent the guy an email, or maybe sent a letter to him as set out in my earlier post.


I wouldn't have turned up at someone's door like I was on my rounds collecting protection money.


What would you have done?


Sent an e-mail but I'm not saying Fludder is in the wrong. Trouble with me is, I think long term. Long term, The kid would probably have ignored the e-mail (and laughed about it on social media no doubt!) and then the letter and then it would have gone to court and then he'd have a criminal record. Then I'd have the guilt of letting it drag on to the point where he was given the record and perhaps wondering..Well, if I'd confronted him at the start then maybe he'd still be able to get that job at Mcdonalds or Top Man or wherever?


Sadly, I think you might be even dumber than ClassicsGuy.

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Did that slob expect to gain respect for that or something? Acting Billy Big Bollocks at some 7 stone wee lad with Masters standing behind him? I'd laugh if someone the size of Craig Fairbrass came to the door.

I was a huge Chris Masters fan. No more...and that makes me sad.


Unless it's a work.


Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Isnt it illegal to threaten someone with physical violence and to record it. It makes Fludder look like a dick and if the lad he threatened had any sense he should report him to the police. Unless he has made thousand of pounds charging him for copyrighting would be a waste of money, but the charge of threaten behaviour and recording and distributing it would be. He has done more to ruin his company then the kid copying his dvds.   

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The thing is will the folk (and I'd be surprised if there was many of them) that are buying the pirate gear suddenly decide to pay full whack off the doorstepper?


If not, in an ironic way, he's lost the revenue from the wee boy he doorstepped, and has probably soured a few people from this forum of attending shows/buying merch.

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My point isn't about where the fans are coming from, but where the promotion is going (or not as I anticipate).

Before turning up at that house he probably didn't know if the guy was 16 or 60, an invalid, a carer, a parent, the child of the house. It's just so fucking wrong.

And of course icing on the cake is posting the video online to further humiliate the guy/heighten his own reputation.

Really pathetic. I'd love this to be exposed as "a work", as it's the shits.

What would you have done if you were in his shoes?


Sent the guy an email, or maybe sent a letter to him as set out in my earlier post.


I wouldn't have turned up at someone's door like I was on my rounds collecting protection money.


What would you have done?


Sent an e-mail but I'm not saying Fludder is in the wrong. Trouble with me is, I think long term. Long term, The kid would probably have ignored the e-mail (and laughed about it on social media no doubt!) and then the letter and then it would have gone to court and then he'd have a criminal record. Then I'd have the guilt of letting it drag on to the point where he was given the record and perhaps wondering..Well, if I'd confronted him at the start then maybe he'd still be able to get that job at Mcdonalds or Top Man or wherever?


Sadly, I think you might be even dumber than ClassicsGuy.


Sadly, I care as much about your opinion as you do about mine. Funny that! :p

Edited by GPW Kristian Zane
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Of course Classic Guy's going to take the stance he does, he's the one writing the mini essays for the observer every week. He's a blind defender of what he likes or is involved with. He's why I invented the Bob Holly Rule.

So he's the one telling Meltzer they are drawing over 1000 people? 

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I notice fludder hasn't showed up yet, but I bet he's reading all of these comments feeling like a massive twat and thinking of some way to make this all seem like a big harmless joke and save some face.

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Can I just point out that Fludder didnt know who the Person copying the dvds was before he answered the door so its not like he went out to bully a kid.


Also the fact this was filmed probably helped Fludder as that kid could turn around and say that he was beaten up by them, but the film shows he gave the DVDs over willingly.


I personally agree with going round for a word and filming as it could now persuade other potential pirates thats its affecting a real person as he clearly hadnt thought about that before he did it.


The knock on affect that people cant see is that if people arent buying from PCW then Fluidder might stop making DVDs or at ther very least cut back on the production costs and then people (Like myself) will be the first to go, So is it fair that I lose a gig because some kid fancies making a couple of quid? 


Whatever you think of Fludder as a person its not right to make profit on something that you have had no hand in creating. Its easy when you can't see how it affects people but this Kid sees that now and has apologised.

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Whatever you think of Fludder as a person its not right to make profit on something that you have had no hand in creating. 


No. No it certainly isn't. That's why people posting are unhappy with the situation.

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