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Cody Rhodes and Zack Ryder on talk is Jericho talking theme parks. Didn't expect much but turns into them ripping each other over Ryders many different girlfriends that got invited on trips, amd Ryder ripping Cody about all the money he spends coming from When in Legacy.

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I know I'm late to the party but have just listened to the Sandra Toffoloni Talk is Jericho podcast.

It's a compelling and at times difficult listen - 'He brutalised my sister. He murdered her'. Tough.

I listened to this one today.

That simple sentence about the state of Nancy when they found her body was one of many things that didn't get mentioned in reports at the time.

Another new piece of information was that Chris & Nancy were not religious, another detail that made Chris' behaviour in the aftermath even more out of character.

Daniel suffering from Fragile X syndrome got mentioned over and over back then too, another thing Sandra said was false.

I know it was over a year before the murders, but his best friend from work (Eddy), best friend at home (Johnny Grunge), and his mentor from Japan (Black Cat) all dying in a 2.5 month period messed him up huge as it would anybody else.

Very interesting interview.

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Just to drop this in here, the latest Squared Circle Gazette Radio is now up, and it's the latest installment of the Monday Night War Timeline! Talking every Raw, Nitro and PPV from September 1998, complete with inside news and notes from the Wrestling Observer Newsletters of the time, we look at all the top issues and stories, including Ric Flair's illustrious return to WCW and the reformation of The Four Horsemen, the meteoric rise of The Rock, the complete shambles is WCW backstage, the diabolical Hogan/Warrior feud, Steve Austin rides a zamboni, Scott Hall's issues with booze get televised, the worst commentary showing of all time, and WWF makes a play for WCW's "biggest" star. With all the facts, figures and little known plans, a really fun show this week - check it out and let us know what you think!


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A tale of two podcasts:


After being quite into Dean Ambrose, my interest in him has absolutely tumbled after his disinterested and confused appearance on Stone Cold's show.


After being kinda into them, I have nothing but respect for The Revival after their respectful and engaged appearance on Stone Cold's show.

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Bruce Prichard's podcast is a frustrating mix of really interesting insight and obvious bullshit he's making up as he goes along.  The amount of times Conrad pulls him up on stuff and he immediately backtracks and changes his story is incredible. 


Not really feeling the format of Konnan's new podcast either.  Seems too disjointed with all the different segments and a lot of them don't really hit the mark. 

I still really like Konnan as a host, though can't say the same for Disco or the other co-presenter.  Was quite sad to hear Scott Hall slurring quite badly on the last couple of podcasts too.

Edited by CTXRussomark
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Tried 2 or 3 of Konnans and in fairness, it's shite.


Was hoping for more from Bruce, but I agree with the points above, makes shit up or doesn't delve in to it.


I've got hope for Easy E's. Especially the last couple, half way through the Hogan interview, but I'm not a fan of telephone interviews, I can understand it in this case though.


SCG - fun timeline show yet again lads. How you generally captured the Warriors time in WCW was interesting and spot on.

Funnily enough after listening to it, I started the Eric/Hogan interview and leading up to it the co-host asked Eric something along the lines of 'if Warrior was never injured, what were the plans for him and Hogan', unfortunately he couldn't really remember.

Fuck, Imagine the idea of him not popping his bicep when hanging from the cage and if he continued on with the Hogan feud... god the humanity.

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Ryder and Cody Rhodes on Jericho's show talking about Disney and Universal was a good laugh if you've visited the parks or have any interest in that sort of thing. It totally strips away anything about them as 'superstars' or whatver and reminds you that them of the telly still want to beat the queues and enjoy the rollercoasters etc. Rhodes takes the piss out of Ryder quite a bit for all the quirks and rules he has about them, it's a really warm funny chat between a couple of mates, and Jericho doesn't trample over it as a result. One of my podcast highlights of the last couple of weeks.

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Bruce Prichard's podcast is a frustrating mix of really interesting insight and obvious bullshit he's making up as he goes along.  The amount of times Conrad pulls him up on stuff and he immediately backtracks and changes his story is incredible. 


Not really feeling the format of Konnan's new podcast either.  Seems too disjointed with all the different segments and a lot of them don't really hit the mark. 

I still really like Konnan as a host, though can't say the same for Disco or the other co-presenter.  Was quite sad to hear Scott Hall slurring quite badly on the last couple of podcasts too.

Konnan's podcast works best when he's doing a straight interview or when him and the co-hosts are just chatting it up, it's a fun listen then. The Juventud Guerrera segements are terrible though and i had to skip the live segments with Nash/Hall etc.


I listened to the Bruce Pritchard podcast about Dusty Rhodes, enjoyed it but for an insider who was actually there he said very little that i didn't already know, i thought it might be a little more insightful. Kudos for Conrad for calling him out on bullshit though...im gonna stick with it because i like me some wrestling history based stuff.


I've grown to like Disco though, i'm a regular Russo listener as well as Konnan so i listen to the guy quite often, once you get past the Kermit voice i think he talks a lot of sense.

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