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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Really glad to see that Extreme Rules love. The other day, people were talking about Brock Lesnar's best matches since he came back, plenty of mentions for the Summerslam match with Cena, and the one with Punk a year previous, but nothing for the big return bout. That was as brutal a match as humanly possible in the modern era, and as a massive fan of Lesnar and not being one of Cena's (since 2008 anyway), I was practically creaming myself over the devastation.

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It was quite great. It was so unlike any match they'd done. The blood really helped as well. The heel just destroyed the babyface from the opening bell. Probably what I hated about the Triple H vs Brock matches. There's no way he should have put HHH over, in hindsight. The top babyface works against Lesnar all the time as if he hasn't got much of a chance. I dont think Cena's wrestled him once where he wasn't on the floor from the opening bell. Seeing Lesnar get put in headlocks and having his legs worked over like he's Henry Godwinn is a massive disconnect compared to every Lesnar match since then.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Cena vs Lesnar at Extreme Rules is one of my all time favourites too. Instant classic, I remember being absolutely stunned by the brutality of it and the story they tell throughout the match is unbeatable. Cena proved why he really is the man, while even in defeat Brock looked like the biggest monster the business has ever seen. It was pretty special how Cena earned the respect of that Chicago crowd.

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The extreme rules match is also special because it was so unexpected. Now we know what the Brock match template, but I remember watching it at the time thinking it was pure mental. Such a change of pace, especially considering Cena had just been involved with the Rock.


I'll obviously prefer the Punk match, but that first match back was a real classic for Brock and Cena. It's a shame they wasted so many shit matches with HHH really. If Sheamus could have been built up enough they could have had a great battle, Orton could have had an intense fight with him and watching Brock throw around Bryan would be great.


I also really would have liked to see what Ambrose and Brock could do together, that would have been a great dynamic

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Something that just popped into my head- the point has been made before that John Cena's run on top of WWE has been longer than Rock or Austin, but looking at their careers as a whole- Cena has actually had a longer career than Stone Cold!


Austin: 1989-2003

Cena: 1999-2015

Owen Hart's fault.
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I just remembered that XPW was a thing. Though I did like Homeless Jimmy.


The only things I remember about XPW are the shoeing they got when they tried to invade Heat Wave 2000, and the lawsuit that Black and Lizzy Borden faced in about 2003 when I still gave a shit about practically every indy in existence. And that The Messiah worked there, and those guys broke into his house and tried to cut his knob off.

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Something that just popped into my head- the point has been made before that John Cena's run on top of WWE has been longer than Rock or Austin, but looking at their careers as a whole- Cena has actually had a longer career than Stone Cold!


Austin: 1989-2003

Cena: 1999-2015

It's impressive how quickly Austin appeared to grasp the whole wrestling game. Even in his earliest days in WCW in 1991, you'd have had him down as a seasoned veteran. There can't be many guys who reached such a decent level in such a short space of time.
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Kurt Angle surpasses everyone in that respect.  He was on TV after a year (and already working to a fairly high level) and was World champion within 2 years despite the main event roster being more stacked than at any point in history.


Austin isn't far behind him though.  For years I just assumed he had been around throughout the 80's like all the other guys around during that period.  The WCW talent roster at the time was incredible though, so he couldn't have asked for a better group of guys to learn from.

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