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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Watched this Battle Royal last night. From WWF Superstars in late February 1995. The star power is virtually none existent and rather annoyingly about 9 of the 20 guys are eliminated during the commercial break! It does however feature an excellent spot where Jerry Lawler evades elimination. Classic Lawler yelling at the kids in the front row to stop grassing him up.



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Overheard at work today from someone I don't know in a different department of our office (but still within earshot)


"I'm weirdly attracted to Bray Wyatt. I used to like Seth Rollins, but then he opened his mouth, and his voice is a bit girly"



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Stephanie McMahon and Triple H have exercise DVDs coming out. I'm going to be so sore

From all the exercise, clearly. Fair play to Trips for staying in shape given the workload and schedule he supposedly has.

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This is quite the random thought, but how pointless is the Moonsault part in AJ Styles jump of the ropes Moonsault reverse DDT thing?

He usually does the Moonsault, lands next to them, waits a second or two to set up the reverse DDT, and then does it.  

Once every so often he does carry the momentum through, but the rest of the time, it'd a lot less effort to just do a reverse DDT.

(Having said all this, I haven't seen him wrestle for about 3 years, so he might always do it really smoothly now, or have dropped it from him repertoire).

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WWE have just posted the "100 matches you have to see before you die"


It's actually the "100 matches you have to see before you die (that are on the Network)" but still an interesting list, and if nothing else, will help me choose what to watch on the Network.

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