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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Are you really complaining that someone copied the interview you copied from a magazine that's currently on the shelves? Unless I'm missing a joke, that strikes me as somewhat hypocritical, no matter how much Fin Martin puts people off his own magazine.


An interview which I made clear was from PS and made no attempt to pass off as my own. The point is this ballsack has spent at least 10 months crafting an entire persona for himself by effectively impersonating us.

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How did you discover this Ian, out of interest?

Some bloke tweeted me about it on Saturday.


I'm not to fussed about it, to be fair. I only did them threads for discussion on here, and if someone wants to nick it then that's their tough shit. I'm more about the forum Invasion, more than shedding tears over some sad act has been stealing posts. We haven't had a forum Invasion since the great Ring Of Omar in 2012.


If I was air_raid, I'm be doing my nut. Getting that interview with Lex Luger must have been hard work.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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That's the main thing.


I wouldn't give a toss about news, results, rumours etc but the c&p of Ian's amazing Indy Wank threads and personally the Luger interview which I spent hours typing up for the love of Our Great Sport this forum and it's members, infuriated me.


Are you really complaining that someone copied the interview you copied from a magazine that's currently on the shelves? Unless I'm missing a joke, that strikes me as somewhat hypocritical, no matter how much Fin Martin puts people off his own magazine.


Not the point, is it? air_raid credited Power Slam and typed that interview up himself.

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He actually didn't credit anyone, to be fair. A few posts later, it's clearer, but all he says is that this one is for Butch on the post itself. Everyone knows that it's Power Slam, but the post is just the interview.


I agree with all the other points on the guy who is stealing stuff, but I think it's hypocritical to complain about it while copying current paid content and putting it on here for free. Credit or not, that seems off for paid content. It's not deliberately a knock on air_raid generally, who has been posting some cracking stuff. Purely that specific action.

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He actually didn't credit anyone, to be fair. A few posts later, it's clearer, but all he says is that this one is for Butch on the post itself. Everyone knows that it's Power Slam, but the post is just the interview.

Ermmm ....

Incidentally Butch, PS looks like it'll be good this month as it has a dose of Luger. I might transcribe the interview if I get a minute.
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Fair enough, missed it because it was on a different post. Still, I think there's a difference between freely available online content and reproducing current paid content. I'd think differently if it was a past issue. If I typed up Lister's latest bio in here, I'd feel on shaky ground complaining that someone copied and pasted it onto a different forum, that's all.

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I had this back from them yesterday :


As a Moderator on this Forum, I cannot let you or other Members from UKFF to register here solely to attack another Member of this Forum.


I have PMd King TayvBob about the plagiarism allegations made, and have brought it to the attention of the rest of our Staff. Please do not continue making your posts in the Wrestling thread here. They are in violation of our FORUM RULES, and will continue to be deleted until it forces your banishment. This is one of the largest Celeb forums on the web, and we have a Staff of about 10. Most Staff takes off weekends. Let the Staff handle this, please.


Then later...


But let us know if anyone from UKFF notices it happening again, please. I won't be looking for it, as I am not a wrestling follower.


Looks like I've accidentally got through to Jim Herd instead of Bockwinkel.

Edited by air_raid
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If a Britwres company gets an evil Soviet communist gimmick in it I'll go to all their shows forever.

Then you need to see Communist Kennedy, currently doing the rounds for All-Star, 1st Class and probably more...

To back up my earlier post:






Comes out to the Soviet national anthem and everything...

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Apparently they want Stone Cold Steve Austin desperately to wrestle Triple H at Mania next year. Bryan Alvarez says its 50/50 on the match happening when he was asked about it. Its apparently a case where Austin is on the fence and they are courting the shit out of him to do it. So I'm hoping he caves and does the match. I really hope Steve Austin wrestles at WrestleMania this year. I just think WrestleMania 30 needs something special. And Stone Cold having another match is more than special. Austin vs Triple H and Rock vs Brock would be massive bouts. Proper huge. You could also do Undertaker vs Cena which would also be massive, and Punk vs Bryan. On paper it could be the best WrestleMania ever. I'd also have Hogan guest host it as well, and then get physical with someone. Maybe have the Shield surround him and Hogan and the Big Show clean them out.


I'm not to sure on Sting vs Undertaker. Sting looks done with TNA, and its no secret they want him. But Triple H and Kurt Angle were the opponents lined up for Sting the last time they were negotiating. It makes you wonder if Sting vs Undertaker is more a fantasy for the likes of us who grew up in the 90s, and not something the WWE is wanting to promote. Sting vs Orton or someone might be more realistic at this stage of the game. And you could always do Sting vs Undertaker the year after if Sting's debut is well received. I'm predicting Sting and Hogan will be at WrestleMania. I'm hoping anyway. Especially after the polls on Sunday, there is a reason Sting was in a poll where it was obvious he was going to win it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I've said for ages that the signs are there that Austin is open to one more match. He feels like he never got the proper send off he would have liked and he's in better physical condition these days than he was when he was last in the ring. A while back he said something on his podcast along the lines of 'maybe there will be an exclusive announcement on the Steve Austin Show some time in the future'

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I don't think Austin's going to do it unless he's not just the main attraction, but getting such a good payoff that it's not worthwhile bringing in any other 'outside' talent. He doesn't seem to have any interest in being just part of a stacked show. The problem is that by the time WWE really gets to the position they need him even under those circumstances, he may be too old to risk it.

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