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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I hate all that WCW 2000 stuff so much. That shite happened every week, so watching it at the time was the worst. The fact there was a three cage war games with ladder match rules and weapons in each cage for free on TV for the World title and it still had run ins and a fuck finish sums up why WCW is not longer around.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Been watching some mid 80's NWA TV for the first time and Tully Blanchard was a fine promo wasn't he? Never watched much of him outside of his tag team work with Anderson so seeing him with the TV Title (which seemed to be a much bigger deal back then) feuding with Dusty has been great fun.

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I hate all that WCW 2000 stuff so much. That shite happened every week, so watching it at the time was the worst. The fact there was a three cage war games with ladder match rules and weapons in each cage for free on TV for the World title and it still had run ins and a fuck finish sums up why WCW is not longer around.


Yeah, i'll second that. I never saw how people enjoyed the Mike Sanders era, it only really picked up a few months before the end. One of the saddest what if's in Wrestling is that Fusient never managed to complete that sale. Bischoff's plans seemed intriguing.

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Yeah. The talent available at that time was shockingly good as well. WCW, ECW and Toryumon were pretty much going to form into one group under the WCW banner. Bischoff was going to snap up everyone. The ideas coming out of it were mouth watering.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I really enjoyed Mike Sanders when I rewatched that era, he was a good promo for someone so inexperienced and decent enough in the ring, they were hinting at having Flair mentor him at one point aswell. I don't think Bischoff liked him though because he dropped down the card like a stone about a month or so before they closed.

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The Vegas thing could have been cool, making it their second home. It kind of was anyway. I always liked it when they were at the MGM. Vegas and big time wrestling feel like they should go hand in hand.


Ian, what were some of these mouth watering ideas? Please elaborate. I'm fascinated by wrestling 'what ifs'.

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There was just this big revamp of the whole promotion which I was super excited about at the time. I think most of its been done now, but I imagine at the time the WCW was going to be class. They had smartly taken Goldberg, Nash, DDP, Sting and all their main eventers off TV so they could debut them with big impact on their relaunch show. They were going to do stuff like bringing in the Toryumon roster and building this big cruiserweight division like he did in 96. With guys like AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio and a load of top indy workers of the day. They brought in some wizz kid head writer, who impressed everyone he came in contact with (who has since disappeared) to write the shows. It was going to be this unique show set from Las Vegas. I suppose how they do Bellator now. Where they sell wrestling to the people in Las Vegas in the Casinos.


A lot of stuff came out about what WCW had planned, a lot of it is slipping my mind, though. There was talk of Mauro Rallano announcing. Rob Van Dam had pretty signed for them. Super Crazy and Kid Kash (who were both pretty great at the time) were on their way in. I remember hearing about the roster that they would eventually have and it sounded insane.

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I watched a documentary the other day where the presenter compared Japanese wrestling to video games. I bring it up because I hadn't made that connection before but it actually makes a lot of sense. I'm so used to people going "oh well its more sport like" (which, yeah, UWF-i and stuff maybe) but hearing the "it's like a video game" explanation is the closest I think I've ever been to actually getting it. I'm not a convert to puro as there's still a quite a bit about it that irks me but the whole lot of it does seem to make a great deal more sense now. People can bugger off with the "Japanese wrestling is a sport" lark now. I'm onto you. It's an arcade game like Tekken.


I'm aware that everybody else probably realised all this a long time ago.

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Someone like Lawler was amazing for taking as little unnecessary bumps as possible and working a super smart style, but that just doesn't seem to be an option in modern wrestling.


Bollocks. Remember when everyone thought The Miz was great as the heel WWE Champ? It's because he worked with Lawler for two months. Carried by Lawler, in fact. The way Lawler works will always be relevant and great.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Someone like Lawler was amazing for taking as little unnecessary bumps as possible and working a super smart style, but that just doesn't seem to be an option in modern wrestling.


Bollocks. Remember when everyone thought The Miz was great as the heel WWE Champ? It's because he worked with Lawler for two months. Carried by Lawler, in fact. The way Lawler works will always be relevant and great.

Yeah, the way Lawler works is still great, but who of the new lot works like that?


When I said it "wasn't an option in modern wrestling" I meant that it's not something WWE will let new wrestlers do. None of the new lot are working matches that are 90% punches and character work like Lawler did and can still do. Everyone has to bump a lot these days, that was my point. Look how much massive blokes like Henry and Show bump compared to people like Quake and Andre.

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I don't understand why Big Show ever bumps really.


Or, more accurately, not sure HOW he still bumps. Mind you, remember when WWE tried to re-mould him as an attraction, just having him decimate tag teams of jobbers and all that? Didn't really work.

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Show suffered from being too good for his size, if you get me - it must be hard not to want to change it up when you are gifted enough to do it. In recent years he bumps less and usually lets blokes bounce off him, save a DDT spot here and there, granted that has a lot to do with his bad knees and back. Still, Show is World class.

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