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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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WWE should replace RVD's random bang of pyro with three bursts coming in from each side of the stage as he does the thumb points.


Seems a no-brainer to me, don't know why they've never thought of it.

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BritWres'ers - does Dirk Feelgood still come out to the Baywatch theme? Boring fact: I heard this for the first time when he did his entrance, and turned to UKFFer Catfish Jake and told him "this theme is GREAT!". He was stunned that I'd never seen Baywatch.


I believe he retired and moved to New Zealand, so unless he uses the theme when he walks into theatre or something, I fear not.

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WWE should replace RVD's random bang of pyro with three bursts coming in from each side of the stage as he does the thumb points.


Seems a no-brainer to me, don't know why they've never thought of it.


I've always hated RVD's random bang pyro. It looks pretty shit, it's not needed... and what the fuck is it?

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They need to release a restrained t-shirt, in a dark colour, with a single buzzard on it. If they have to have writing anywhere, write 'The Wyatt Family' or 'Follow The Buzzards' in small font somewhere near the bottom.


I'd be all over that.

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When I was a kid wrestling my Hulk Hogan teddy and that I set up the Ghetto Blaster to play my entrance theme as I'd walk through the door of my room and pose wearing my dressing gown.


My theme? "Something Happened on the Way to Heaven" by Phil Collins.


It's pretty bombastic, what with all the trumpets and everything. The main lyrical message is rather hopeful and forgiving; not exactly "Some Bodies Gonna Get It", though "you can run | and you can hide" suggests some comedy heel work may be approaching from your opponents. "They say you can't take it with you when you go," whilst obviously hinting at Big Phil's belief in the afterlife, could also be interpreted as saying that you're quite literally going to kill your opponent, so encouraging them to give up their material possessions before you kick their arse to kingdom come is both altruistic and badass.


Overall, 6.5/10 as an entrance theme. Possibly only bettered by "Against all odds" for the Phil Collins music choice theme for pure babyfaces.


I used to quite enjoy delivering The Last Ride to the toys in the gift shop at Day at the Wells, since there was fuck all else to do, apart from occasionally holding aloft the pottery as if it were a small UEFA Cup.

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Yeah, I was thinking something with the silhouette of some circling buzzards on it would do the trick nicely. Opportunity for a big selling shirt with the Wyatts I think. Hope they don't fuck it up.





Something akin to this could be pretty sexual.

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