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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Me and my brother were discussing possible ways for The Undertaker to do a Wrestlemania tribute to Paul Bearer. What if, Punk hits the GTS or a monster chairshot and is about to go for the cover, only for the lights to go out. A cry of "Ohhhhhh Yessssss" comes over the P.A system, and when the lights come on there is an urn sitting it the ring. Taker then sits up, hits the Tombstone and goes 21-0. Cue lots of crazy fans, a nice little tribute and he can leave after having done his bow/kneeling hand raise pose, with the urn in the middle of the ring. Classy and hints at the previous relationship of the 2 guys.

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I don't think him brining an urn to the ring is bad taste Arch, i know what your saying but it was his gimmick and assume the masses will get the point. The urn in the corner of the ring and his salute at the end of the match is enough though.

No mention of it on his way to the ring or during the match is needed.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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Given that Paul Bearer's actually dead now, Undertaker turning up with an urn wouldn't seem to be in the best taste as far as tributes go. I agree with Butch, a little nod to the sky will be nice.


Agreed. If UT doesn't like attending HOF ceremonies because of the connotations of his gimmick, I don't think bringing the urn with him would be a particularly tasteful tribute to Bearer. It's such an odd deal, though - the whole Undertaker gimmick was always going to be a bit odd in the context of real-life deaths, to be fair.

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I reckon Punk's got a million ideas like that. Apparently he's always coming up with beyond-the-pale stuff that WWE turns down. He was surprised they agreed to let him do the Jerry Lawler heart attack stuff. Surely they'd tread carefully in this case though.

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