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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I was reading during the week that Vince has taken a liking to Kevin Owens and is looking to give him a main event push after he has finished with Zayn/Miz/Cesaro.


What actually constitutes a main event push in WWE in 2016? Matches with Cena (again), Orton, Lesnar, Reigns (again), Styles, Ambrose (again)?

Depending on how they play things, the last few years has also meant that main event has a it to do with HHH, Steph and now Shane. I'd love to see Kev kick the fuck out of Shane.

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Has anyone tried to map a wrestler's career in terms of appearances and placement on cards, to compare someone like Austin to Ziggler? Might just be perspective, age or visibility, but it doesn't feel like there's been an organic rise-up-the-card for a while.

Daniel Bryan? NXT rookie to US champion to secondary brand Champion to WWE champion - albeit with a tag run between those last two.

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Watched Rikishi being revealed as the guy who ran down Steve Austin last night. First time in yonks. It's still a baffling reveal after all that but the crowd reaction is really interesting. They're stunned into silence while Mick Foley is accusing Rikishi but then when the big man says "I did it" there is a massive audible gasp of disbelief. When he says he did it for The Rock, there's a pop. It's a really interesting dynamic. It's like the crowd didn't want it to be Rikishi. They had no interest in booing him.


I've still no idea why they didn't just say it was Triple H. They'd have got where they went anyway without absolutely killing Rikishi who was a solid and very popular mid-card act.

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It's surely only a matter of time before NXT crowds start shouting "KIN-SHA-SAAAAAA! in that faux Japanese style Graves is doing every time the move is hit, isn't it?

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Im fairy sure Owens will be this years MITB winner unless they have a real shocker lined up


I'd like to see that. Not to indulge too much in fantasy booking, but ideally you have him screw over Zayn again to win the MITB match at the last second. You can then do a big blow off at Summerslam with Zayn winning, and Owens can cash in on Reigns either later that night, or later in the year. Owens doesn't lose too much heat, and Zayn can be a viable challenger when Owens does eventually get the belt. 

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Okay! So everyone remember the awesome Gangrel theme yeah? Well whats the whispery bit at start saying?


I am obviously having smoke blown up my arse here, but someone has just told me that the if played backwards it says "I buried Paul", which apparently relates to the "fact" that the original Paul McCartney of the Beatles died when being hit by a bus and was replaced in the band by the Paul McCartney we now all know and love. This is also apparently symbolised on the Abbey Road album cover with McCartney wearing no shoes in the middle of the road. Not sure how that relates personally.


Where the fuck has this Urban Legend been hiding all my life?

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This is also apparently symbolised on the Abbey Road album cover with McCartney wearing no shoes in the middle of the road. Not sure how that relates personally.


Where the fuck has this Urban Legend been hiding all my life?


Paul is the corpse, with no shoes. John is the Priest dressed all in white, Ringo the undertaker in black and George the grave digger in denim.


The front cover of St Peppers has "Beatles" written in flowers, similar to how you see "Mum" or whatever in the back of a hearse. And if you look at the yellow flowers under that, it's in the shape of a bass guitar, with 4 flower stems representing the 4 strings.


It all adds up.

Edited by SiWri
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I don't know if he's told this story before, but according to William Regal on Twitter today, Bruno Sammartino had asked to be involved in Regal's 1994 feud with Larry Zbyszko, but WCW turned him down.


Just imagine the great promos about garden hedges we missed out on.  :(

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This is also apparently symbolised on the Abbey Road album cover with McCartney wearing no shoes in the middle of the road. Not sure how that relates personally.


Where the fuck has this Urban Legend been hiding all my life?

Paul is the corpse, with no shoes. John is the Priest dressed all in white, Ringo the undertaker in black and George the grave digger in denim.


The front cover of St Peppers has "Beatles" written in flowers, similar to how you see "Mum" or whatever in the back of a hearse. And if you look at the yellow flowers under that, it's in the shape of a bass guitar, with 4 flower stems representing the 4 strings.


It all adds up.

It's such and interesting story and the amount of evidence is undeniable. Saying that it's probably just The Beatles fucking with everyone, if any band is weird/smart/good enough to pull off such an elaborate hoax it's them. Intersting little bit about Gangrel. Wasn't 'I buried Paul' backwards in a Beatles song as well?

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I am obviously having smoke blown up my arse here, but someone has just told me that the if played backwards it says "I buried Paul", which apparently relates to the "fact" that the original Paul McCartney of the Beatles died when being hit by a bus and was replaced in the band by the Paul McCartney we now all know and love. This is also apparently symbolised on the Abbey Road album cover with McCartney wearing no shoes in the middle of the road. Not sure how that relates personally.

False. No one loves Paul McCartney. The rest of it is all true, though.

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