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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I get that that might be the case, but what I mean is...how the shit did a few of those girls carry on with the company?


I'd have thought saying how much cock someone sucks and that someone was a 'cum guzzling gutterslut' would be enough to see you out the door, even then?

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I get that that might be the case, but what I mean is...how the shit did a few of those girls carry on with the company?


I'd have thought saying how much cock someone sucks and that someone was a 'cum guzzling gutterslut' would be enough to see you out the door, even then?


It caused a very brief bit of controversy, but it was also seen as very funny. The situation was basically that the contestants had been told to come up with their own material, but it wasn't cleared in advance. They weren't told what they could or couldn't say, so it was more the company at fault for putting them in that situation without checking they knew the limits. I think they got a clear 'do not do that again', but it was pretty much left at that. I don't think they got much in the way of complaints, which helped.


I seem to remember that HHH was reported to have loudly asked behind the scenes immediately after if this meant he was allowed to go on air and call his opponent a fucking cunt, or something similar. It was reported that he was angry, but it sounds more like he was joking around.

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Just been looking a bit lately at some of the WWE/World Champions over the last 6 years or so and it really is astonishing to think now that The Miz and Jack Swagger especially were World Champions.


Not so much the fact they were champions, i enjoyed The Miz's rise and some of his reign, its more the fall from grace they have suffered since. There's no way people who dont know the product tune in nowadays and see Swagger or the Miz and think in anyway they could be/have been a World Champion.


The WWE had something with Miz i really think but the way he was booked once he lost the title has probably ensured he'll never be a World Champion again. He's not had his A-game for a while either granted but it's a shame to see.


Same with Swagger to an extent, his current run with Zeb is fun but you don't see him as World Championship material.


If the Miz or Jack Swagger were to challenge for the World Title in a main event in the next couple of months it would be seen as a joke, which I think to me is the shocking thing, considering former champions should still mean something.


The MITB is one of the best concepts I think wrestling has ever come up with, but my god its played into the lazy WWE Creative's hands, especially true in the case of Swagger it was just a case of him doing pretty much nothing, winning MITB, then being the champion with no credibility at all. Same happened with Ziggler in a way but he's a different story.


I hope that when/if Cesaro, Reigns and Wyatt become World Champions its not all over in a year with no credibility and little chance of ever getting to the top again.

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It's hard to know. Of the three, Cesaro is most likely to fall back into the midcard cycle because he's got minus personality and charisma. They're already well behind Reigns and Wyatt, and Wyatt in particular would seem very awkward just trading wins with Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler all the time. If Roman Reigns doesn't make it as a big-time star, something's gone wrong and WWE is in trouble when Cena goes.

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