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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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Is Roman Reigns getting booed like Cena now?


I expect he will be in any DemWans crowd. He isn't a darling and he's not being held down, so they're against him. NXT is full of that sort of crowd. They're definitely better than the Impact Zone idiots were, as the shutting down CM Punk and Kenta chants have showed, but at times they definitely match them. "Marking out" is probably the most egregious chant I've ever heard.


Main event was great. NXT benefits so much from being a one hour show and not mattering to anyone, as it means they don't have to do endless bullshit rematches and tags like the main shows do in chasing ratings. Wrestlers aren't overexposed and stories aren't compromised for the sake of needing a main event to try and edge a 3.0. They just gave Neville vs Zayn a decent, simple build and it worked well. That's largely down to Zayn's performances all year too, of course.


Loved them milking the ending before doing the Owens turn. It went long enough to be surprising, and perfectly set up a new story for Zayn as champion. Owens' debut match was pretty good as well, and I think that's largely down to that massive shot from CJ Parker.


Hideo Itami would have been a proper Sin Cara if he'd gone straight to the main roster, wouldn't he? He's fair shit, hopefully it comes good. Balor's entrance was pretty special -- as CB said above, he could end up being quite the cash cow. Speaking of which, they should surely try and get Sin Cara's partner onto the main roster as soon as possible. If Rey's ever coming back to do something before they grant him his freedom, it should probably be passing the torch to that guy.


I can't be arsed with NXT most weeks, but the specials are always worth watching.

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I know its a little touch, but it says A LOT about the quality of the booking / writing when the fans are emotionally invested in whether Zayn would use a belt shot or not. Cracking moment.


Plus I think Neville / Zayn are the only two guys to ever perfectly pull off a reverse hurricarana. That last match was beautiful. It's a shame though that NXT will never considered a NXT match as MOTY by WWE.

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The people on a Reddit wrestling forum actually sent Triple H a fruit basket to say thanks for the show.



Which he acknowledged on Twitter:



Thanks for the fruit basket @reddit but I'm at @WWENXT working with the future. #WWEArchivistAteIt @WWE pic.twitter.com/fs8ogk2rGa





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Plus I think Neville / Zayn are the only two guys to ever perfectly pull off a reverse hurricarana. That last match was beautiful. It's a shame though that NXT will never considered a NXT match as MOTY by WWE.

To be fair, anything that takes place in December after the Slammy Raw is in a no man's land for awards anyway. Someone could have the best match ever at TLC and it probably wouldn't be considered for the 2015 Slammies.

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I'm struggling to remember the last match I saw that had that combination of in-ring action and storyline. I loved how the commentary on the whole show was done so that you had a neat nod-back to something that previously happened and they let you have a few seconds to appreciate it if you recognised it, then explained the background for those who didn't.

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Fantastic show, first I've watched NXT in a while and loved it.


If I had one criticism, they really need to cut down on swantons over the top rope. Almost every match had one.


That's the first time I've ever actually seen Kevin Owens wrestle or do anything actually as I don't watch ROH and I know what he's all about right away, great way to introduce him.

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Surprised that CJ Parker hasn't had a bollocking. Medically speaking the way he hit Owens could have killed him, that sounds dramatic but the impact to the nose and the direction of Palm could of pushed the cartlidge in Owens nose into his skull.


Obviously that is a worse case scenario situation but all the same it seems a bit dangerous.

Edited by Charles goodwill
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Why aren't we getting this on the main roster? Why are there 28 writers getting their shit in with Vince McMahon overruling them all and doing something mental on the spare of the moment? I dont see any argument why Raw was so abysmal on Monday and NXT was one of the best shows you'll see in 2014 or 2015. Standards have obviously falled to such levels that they allow the script for Raw to go out as it is.


The NXT show was fantastic. So many people come across as stars and the booking is so simple. They just allow the guys to get on with it and throw a few angles in there. The Attitude era seems to have convinced people that wrestling is way more complicated that is should be. Its obvious by looking at the Network's programming that WWE sees the Monday Night Wars as the glory days. I'm sure they now think wrestling should be overscripted shite.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Why aren't we getting this on the main roster?

Have to say that was my overriding feeling coming out of the show. This was excellent pretty much from top to bottom, was simple pro-wrestling at it's core but didn't for a second feel dated. Apart from Tye Dillinger, who was jobbing, everyone had a unigue character adn/or style that separated them from the rest of the card. Th wrestling was good and the three big matches delivered. I was everything wrestling should be in 2014.


I just watched a guy I could empathise with achieve his goal in a brilliant match that told a great story and it left me with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Even the post match attack didn't take that away, it just made me desperate to see the show on Thursday.


The women's match felt like a real contest between two women who also happen to be pretty fit and have distinguishable character. The grudge tag match was so good I think The Ascension might actually be alright. For all the big spots, my favourite one was Connor knocking Balor off the apron just as Itami reached for the hot tag. So simple. So brilliant.


It was a superb show. The commentary was great too. Though Alex Riley being slightly heelish on commentary but happy, smiley on camera is odd.


Hideo Itami would have been a proper Sin Cara if he'd gone straight to the main roster, wouldn't he? He's fair shit,

Agree with the first bit. He definitely needs the time to adjust to working the way they want. Second bit is bull though. He was ace in the match. Did a brilliant job of setting up the hot tag and his timing was great. Sin Cara was never this good at anything. I still think he'll come good.


Brilliant pics of Triple H in the thread. Love the brass ring tweet.

Edited by tiger_rick
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After all the hype sat down and watched this yesterday and today. I haven't seen much NXT but it was great from start too finish. Actually like The Ascension, they remind me a bit of The Powers of Pain. Zayn vs Neville was off the charts good and the woman's match was also excellent. Everything else was great too. Ā Vaudevillians and Lucha Dragons was also neat.


Coming to it with fresh eyes it was a breath of fresh air and felt more like watching a hot PCW show, than a WWE product. The difference in cohesiveness storyline progression and doing things that actually have meaning rather than just to fill up TV time is astounding.

Still dont get the Balor hype ( I've seen him now for 3 different promotions 2x in the flesh), but people like him and his facepaint so I cant grumble with that.


Yeah, Awesome

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Hey, it's NXT Takeover: REvolution! I was so stoked for this show I even watched the pre-show! THAT'S how good NXT is right now.

On the pre-show some guy I've never seen before, but who looked good in his video package, retired. He's going to be an announcer. That's nice of them.

Okay, it's the main show!

Look, it's that fat guy! I love it that you can have a guy with the build of Kevin Owens who will get over purely because HE WILL FUCK YOU UP. The crowd love him already and are chanting FIGHT OWENS FIGHT. I like this.

He's fighting CJ Parker, who has a sign saying My Fight Matters. Handbag! Owens destroys him for the early part of the match including a massive dive out of the ring where he lands right on his fat ass and gets up like it's nothing. Nice.

Parker comes back and hits a palm strike to Owens's nose. Which is very, very dangerous. It cut up Parker's hand and caused Owens to bleed from the bridge of his nose and his eye. Idiot.

Owens took back over after this and DESTROYED Parker with two running forearms into the corner and a cannonball. He then hit a receipt before a power bomb for the win. Owens is here. Fat guys rule.

Tag team title match is up next, and the Lucha Dragons are out. They're pretty over, and I'd say they're ready right now for the main show. They're fighting The Vaudevillains, who you KNOW are awesome.

Story of the match was Vaudevillains getting the heat on Sin Cara, who made the hot tag to Kalisto. His flip-flop-fly stuff is awesome. Dragons did a double dive to the outside on the Vaudevillains, but Aidan English pushed Simon Gotch out of the way and took the full impact himself.

Gotch got back in the ring and went to finish Kalisto, but he hit the sliced bread for the win. I was surprised by this, because I thought the Vaudevillains would win, but I wasn't disappointed when they didn't. I am happy to say that this feud must continue!

Hey, it's Tye Dillinger! What's he doing out here? Oh, yeah, he's going to DIE. Baron Corbin comes out, and the crowd are super into him, which is odd in a smart, workrate territory like this. They like to play along, though, which I like.

The crowd start counting at the start of the match but because this is a PPV (or the nearest NXT get to it) it's going to be a long match. Yeah, like 40 seconds. Corbin wins with the End Of Days and then has a stare down with Bull Dempsey. HOSS FIGHT!

The Ascension come out for their match with Hideo Itami and Finn Balor. Tami comes to the ring in a boss yellow robe, but it's nothing compared to Balor. His entrance is MAGNIFICENT. The face paint - sorta like Carnage from Marvel Comics - makes the stupid shit he's been doing the past two weeks really work. I was just gobsmacked. So, so right.

The match is good, which is a miracle because I really don't rate those Ascension guys. TNA can have them for all I care. They get the heat on Itami, and he plays the sympathetic babyface really well. He gets the hot tag to Balor and the crowd goes MENTAL.

Balor did a running flip dive out of the ring and hit a massive reverse brainbuster. Finish was a double top rope foot stomp by both faces, and Balor pinned Viktor. Great match.

Nice moment in this where some in the crowd starting chanting WE WANT KENTA! and the rest booed them quiet and then started chanting HIDEO! HIDEO!

Hey, it's Roman Reigns. Boy, the crowd do NOT like him. He said he wants to be the first NXT guy to win the WWE title. Not if Adam Rose gets there first, chump.

Women! It's Sasha Banks chasing Charlotte for the NXT Women's - not Divas' - title. Charlotte is such a star to the Full Sail audience.

There were a few awkward moments but they covered them well and the vast majority of the match was great. They really hit each other, and it was a believable fight in the way the women on Raw aren't (allowed to be?).

Charlotte did a great spot where she went for a moonsault and Sasha moved mid-spot, so Charlotte landed on her feet and hit a senton. Nice.

Sasha almost had Charlotte tapping with her own Figure Four headlock, but Charlotte got the win with the Natural Selection off the top rope. Again, I figured Sasha would win this, because Charlotte is moving up by Wrestlemania at the latest, but the Bayley story still has some legs, I guess.

It's main event time! I am so stoked for this. Sami Zayn is the best natural babyface in the business today. And Adrian Neville's Jimmy Nail face and voice are so hateable.

Well, this was incredible. I don't do the snowflakes thing but it was surely near to a ***** match for those that do. It had everything. I couldn't do it justice trying to describe it so I won't.

Finish came after ref got bumped and Zayn let his compassionate side get the better of him, going to check on him which allowed Neville to hit from behind and hit a enzuirana (I just made that up, you're welcome) for the near fall. Zayn powered up and went for a Helluva in the corner but Neville pulled the ref in the way and he got bumped again. Neville went outside and got the belt but Zayn knocked it out of his hands and the story was, "does he use it?" The fans were super into it, telling him NO NO NO! and he didn't, which almost cost him again. He powered up once more, hit the exploder and the Helluva kick for the win.

Excuse me I have something in my eye. Not crying, honest.

The whole babyface roster - and Pat Patterson, oddly - hit the ring to congratulate Zayn and if you weren't near to tears before that you probably were after. There was a big hugging with Kevin Owens spot, which the announcers remarked upon as a mark of their long-term friendship.

Neville got to his feet and walked over to Zayn. Zayn held out his hand for a handshake but Neville kicked it away! And then pulled Zayn in for a big hug! Awwww!

Everyone left the ring and Zayn celebrated with the crowd and then walked up the ramp with his pal, Kevin Owens.

BUT! Owens turned on him and POWERBOMBED HIM ONTO THE RING APRON! Regal came out and called for the doctor as the show went off the air...

THIS WAS A BRILLIANT SHOW. If you don't bother watching it you only have yourself to blame for missing something ace. The whole thing worked - from the matches, to the entrances, right down to the crowd. In fact, it made me wonder why the main roster doesn't tape a TV show in front of a small crowd in a set building. It would help LOADS.

Anyway, watch it, you fucks.

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Oh, at one point during the show, they put a graphic up for something or other that had about four NXT wrestler promo pics on it. One of them was Viktor from The Ascension, and he had headphones around his neck. What's the deal there? I'm assuming it's an old gimmick, but you'd think they'd retire the photo and take some new ones once Tyson Kidd started doing the headphones thing.

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Why aren't we getting this on the main roster? Why are there 28 writers getting their shit in with Vince McMahon overruling them all and doing something mental on the spare of the moment? I dont see any argument why Raw was so abysmal on Monday and NXT was one of the best shows you'll see in 2014 or 2015. Standards have obviously falled to such levels that they allow the script for Raw to go out as it is.


The NXT show was fantastic. So many people come across as stars and the booking is so simple. They just allow the guys to get on with it and throw a few angles in there. The Attitude era seems to have convinced people that wrestling is way more complicated that is should be. Its obvious by looking at the Network's programming that WWE sees the Monday Night Wars as the glory days. I'm sure they now think wrestling should be overscripted shite.

It's Vince. You only have to listen to some of his answers with Austin to know he hasn't got a fucking clue with, for example, Cesaro. I'm just saying. I listened to Court Bauer's assessment last week and it's all on Vince, no other cunt.

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