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The lets all point and laugh at Fin Martin thread

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I buy Powerslam every month and have done for a few years, I tend to skip a lot of stuff about whats happening in wrestling now and a prefer to read articles that talk about the old days of wrestling up to the 90's, I find them pretty informative and they often mention things I didn't know already. I enjoy reading the interviews when its with some one I'm interested in reading about (again not so fussed on wrestlers from this era). Their reviews of matches and PPV's from the old days are pretty interesting as well.


I don't pay attention to writers names etc but they seem pretty informed about this history of wrestling but I often wonder is it really their knowledge or wikipedia thats providing the info?


I personally enjoy reading Powerslam I can't understand the hate for the magazine and what people are finding so offensive, it has something for everyone. This Fin Martin guy who I know nothing about puts together a pretty informative magazine. I do wish the magazine was slightly bigger, like I say I skip through a lot on todays wrestling world like indy stuff etc which I don't watch so that sometimes doesn't leave a lot to read so I'd like for the magazine to include slightly more about the territory days of wrestling, with that said I have really enjoyed reading this history of the WWE Championship and the different holders and the back story behind each.

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I personally enjoy reading Powerslam I can't understand the hate for the magazine and what people are finding so offensive, it has something for everyone. This Fin Martin guy who I know nothing about puts together a pretty informative magazine.

Hi Fin.


Yep because everybody who likes anything must be masquerading as the originator of that material if they say they like it.


The main problem with PS is that Fin writes 90% of the content so it essentially comes off as just a blog about wrestling. His opinions, however right or wrong, run through the entirety of the magazine. I find his irrational hatred of John Cena and Chris Jericho amusing as well as his hard on for Christian and shitty ROH flippity floppers though. It's just something I accept now and would stop buying if I didn't like it.


It's just one mans opinion at the end of the day but his magazine could really do with more contributors. I guess it's not making a shit load of cash for him to be able to do that. Give me PS over FSM though. FSM is written so poorly it reminds me of the shit fanzines we used to write in college.

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Yep because everybody who likes anything must be masquerading as the originator of that material if they say they like it.


The main problem with PS is that Fin writes 90% of the content so it essentially comes off as just a blog about wrestling. His opinions, however right or wrong, run through the entirety of the magazine. I find his irrational hatred of John Cena and Chris Jericho amusing as well as his hard on for Christian and shitty ROH flippity floppers though. It's just something I accept now and would stop buying if I didn't like it.




Give me PS over FSM though. FSM is written so poorly it reminds me of the shit fanzines we used to write in college.


Disagree, FSM has had some good content over the last year or so. There is some shit in there, yeah, but calling it a fanzine is a bit much. Unless you're talking about all the pally pally stuff with Alex Shane Industries, WrestleTalk, BWC or whatever other shit that goof is hustling...

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I really don't see how FSM is poorly written. That used to be the case years ago before the current editor took over but all of the articles nowadays are excellent writing from where I'm standing, and plenty on historical stuff too. Even the more generic articles covering the last couple of years of a star WWE wrestlers career are far better than the equivalent in PS.

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Used to read it (along with virtually every other wrestling mag I could get my hands on),and I even had a few smarky letters published.I stopped reading two years ago when I realised most of the content was pretty obsolete.It's not really worth shelling out on the half chance that there's a decent interview anymore either,especially with so many (free) podcasts about with good guests these days.


Fin coming across as a bitter old cunt in most of his ramblings didn't help either.

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Fin must be bored with it. I have no idea how much he makes from it, but there must be times he wishes he could just switch off completely from wrasslin, or at least from the responsibility of writing the chunkier articles month in month out and having overall responsibility for bringing it all together.


I still buy Power Slam, have done for over 17 years, but for the first time ever I've yet to read the current issue weeks after buying it. In the pre-internet days getting Power Slam was the highlight of many months!


I've never bought FSM, my perception from this forum was it was (at least historically) a glorified fanzine. However I appreciate that may not longer be the case, but I don't want to spend 3/4 quid to read about some local promotions and locker room etiquette.


For what it's worth I'd guess Fin is in the same boat as many of us; trying to find a reason to stay interested.

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I've recently had all my old magazines out of storage (1,000's of them!) and reading through some of the old Powerslams has had me noticing just how sarcastic and obnoxious Fin Martin is. He'd print a letter from someone just to put a sarcastic reply - it just stinks of someones ego.


It's actually got to the point now where i don't believe the Q&A or the letters page is real. I genuinely think Fin writes most, if not all of them.

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air_raid writes about half of them.


Poppycock. I only stop masturbating long enough to get onto Findlay when somebody has been slagging off the Best There Ever Will Be.




And once a year :


To : Fin

From : Raid

Subj : PS50 Voting


(1) TANA

(2)-(10) WHOEVS



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I personally enjoy reading Powerslam I can't understand the hate for the magazine and what people are finding so offensive, it has something for everyone. This Fin Martin guy who I know nothing about puts together a pretty informative magazine.

Hi Fin.


Yep because everybody who likes anything must be masquerading as the originator of that material if they say they like it.


The main problem with PS is that Fin writes 90% of the content so it essentially comes off as just a blog about wrestling. His opinions, however right or wrong, run through the entirety of the magazine. I find his irrational hatred of John Cena and Chris Jericho amusing as well as his hard on for Christian and shitty ROH flippity floppers though. It's just something I accept now and would stop buying if I didn't like it.


It's just one mans opinion at the end of the day but his magazine could really do with more contributors. I guess it's not making a shit load of cash for him to be able to do that. Give me PS over FSM though. FSM is written so poorly it reminds me of the shit fanzines we used to write in college.


Hi Fin.

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Another "Fin" here. Still buy it and enjoy it - not in the same way as in the 90s but it passes the time as well as other non-wrestling mags I might buy from Smiths for a train journey. I quite like a bit of Fin's cynicism as well as the very occasional times he reappraises previous SoW/PS opinions in the nostalgia articles.

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