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The UKFF Retro Gaming Thread


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So, I decided to stick Super Bomberman on the mini-SNES the other night for a quick go while the other half had a bath.

Three fucking hours later I'm still playing it, she's out the bath, had a cup of tea, read a magazine and fucked off to bed. I forgot just how addictive that game is. Had been wanting to play it properly for a while now and never gotten around to it.

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Started Final Fantasy VII for what I think must be the 5th time without ever getting past Gold Saucer. It's OK,

The story is plodding along pretty nicely and the battle system is what you'd expect. The roster is a mixed bag though so far. I imagine they'll all have their moments but outside of Cloud, Barret and Red XIII nobody has had any proper story development. Tifa has felt tacked on from the start and the less said about Yuffie and Cait Sith the better. 

Finding the Materia System just behind VIII's magic grinding in terms of worst I've played though. Just endless grinding to get any meaningful spells, which only some you can equip without running out of space or debuffing yourself. I've resorted to just using Enemy Magic Meteria to cast spells now. 

I'm only just getting back to Nibelheim at level 36 so I've still a way to go yet, but so far 6, 9 and 10 are far above this.

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I think a lot of the hype about 7 is because of how big a deal it was at the time. 3 disks, 3d graphics etc. I've started playing 6 several times. I own 10 on my PS2 and got a decent way into that once after I'd unintentionally stayed up all night. It was a lot of fun, but I've forgotten everything now. 

I started back into my Pokémon White game the other day. I need to get my Sandile levelled up properly for dealing with electric types in this gym. 

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44 minutes ago, David said:

So, I decided to stick Super Bomberman on the mini-SNES the other night for a quick go while the other half had a bath.

Three fucking hours later I'm still playing it, she's out the bath, had a cup of tea, read a magazine and fucked off to bed. I forgot just how addictive that game is. Had been wanting to play it properly for a while now and never gotten around to it.

Yep, Super Bomberman R was free with Games With Gold and it's ridiculously fun.  My girlfriend hadn't played a Bomberman game before and loved it as well!

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I love the Materia system, though it's probably because 7 was the first game in the series I played and obsessed over, so it's all second nature.

Yuffie not getting much character development isn't that surprising as she's a "secret"/optional character, though both her and Vincent have some side-quests that flesh them out a little more.

Cait Sith is an odd one, though. He gets two or three moments that should be major plot points, but each time is just a throwaway line of dialogue.


As for Tifa, yeah. She's also the new target of the gamergate types, claiming that the FF7 Remake is going to ruin her "character" because of "Sony censorship" - read, "she won't have cartoonishly enormous tits".

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

I love the Materia system, though it's probably because 7 was the first game in the series I played and obsessed over, so it's all second nature.

Yuffie not getting much character development isn't that surprising as she's a "secret"/optional character, though both her and Vincent have some side-quests that flesh them out a little more.

Cait Sith is an odd one, though. He gets two or three moments that should be major plot points, but each time is just a throwaway line of dialogue.


As for Tifa, yeah. She's also the new target of the gamergate types, claiming that the FF7 Remake is going to ruin her "character" because of "Sony censorship" - read, "she won't have cartoonishly enormous tits".

I hate that whole "those SJWs ruined my videogame" argument as graphics become more realistic, games arguably become more mainstream and need to appeal to wider audiences. 

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I’ve been playing a lot of Wiz n’ Liz on the Megadrive. If anything is the definition of ‘overlooked gem’ it’s this game. It’s aged incredibly well. It’s not quite as good as the Amiga version but it’s still ridiculously playable. I highly recommend you give it a go.

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On 5/17/2019 at 3:03 PM, jazzygeofferz said:

I hate that whole "those SJWs ruined my videogame" argument as graphics become more realistic, games arguably become more mainstream and need to appeal to wider audiences. 

I was thinking about this the other day, and I think it's of a kind with "gamers" creating hierarchies of what constitutes "real" games versus "casual" games.

Video games are incredibly mainstream, just about everyone plays them in some capacity and, for several years, women have made up at least half, and according to several studies, more than half of the market. So one aspect of it (the "SJWs ruining gaming!" shit) is just a bunch of spoiled young boys throwing their toys out of the pram because they're expected to share, and angry that getting the mainstream acceptance that they thought they wanted also means their hobby gets held to a greater degree of scrutiny and a higher level of criticism, but it's also about "gamers" as a social identity - usually young white males - dealing with no longer being the majority of the demographic of people who actually play video games, so dealing with that by constantly redefining what constitutes a "game" and what constitutes a "gamer", in the process writing out everything that is predominantly played by women, children, or older "casual" gamers until, surprise surprise, our single white male "gamer" is conveniently the majority again.

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Video games are incredibly mainstream, just about everyone plays them in some capacity and, for several years, women have made up at least half, and according to several studies, more than half of the market. So one aspect of it (the "SJWs ruining gaming!" shit) is just a bunch of spoiled young boys throwing their toys out of the pram because they're expected to share, and angry that getting the mainstream acceptance that they thought they wanted also means their hobby gets held to a greater degree of scrutiny and a higher level of criticism, but it's also about "gamers" as a social identity - usually young white males - dealing with no longer being the majority of the demographic of people who actually play video games, so dealing with that by constantly redefining what constitutes a "game" and what constitutes a "gamer", in the process writing out everything that is predominantly played by women, children, or older "casual" gamers until, surprise surprise, our single white male "gamer" is conveniently the majority again.

The turds who operate on the fringes can do one, so to speak. Truth is, the developers and others responsible for providing the content will do what they've always done. And that's make games that appeal to as wide a demographic as possible, because that's what sells.

Of the small demographic that bemoans changes in gaming to reflect modern culture it'll be an even smaller percentage who will actively not buy based on those beliefs. They'll do what people in that position have always done. They'll buy the product, then moan like fuck afterwards to their like-minded friends online.

Meanwhile the rest of us can enjoy the games, and also enjoy the fact that we're seeing more inclusion within the industry, which will mean more diverse games and more choice for players, which can only be a good thing.

I'm what would be termed an old fart in gaming circles, and I get my fix from retro releases for the most part, but anything that gets kids of all backgrounds and walks of life actively engaging with each other is a huge positive not just in gaming terms but in a societal sense. The market is big enough to accommodate everyone, and it should accommodate everyone.

Edited by David
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Thought I’d pop this here. We’re going to be working with Retro Soft who are making the RetroMania Wrestling game. We’ll confirm specifics at a later day, but yeah, very excited.


We got them on our podcast for a chat recently, so thought I’d post it in here due to the discussion that was had on page 96.


Here’s the tweet:


and here’s the direct Pod Bean link.


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On 5/20/2019 at 1:11 PM, David said:

The turds who operate on the fringes can do one, so to speak. Truth is, the developers and others responsible for providing the content will do what they've always done. And that's make games that appeal to as wide a demographic as possible, because that's what sells.

Of the small demographic that bemoans changes in gaming to reflect modern culture it'll be an even smaller percentage who will actively not buy based on those beliefs. They'll do what people in that position have always done. They'll buy the product, then moan like fuck afterwards to their like-minded friends online.

Meanwhile the rest of us can enjoy the games, and also enjoy the fact that we're seeing more inclusion within the industry, which will mean more diverse games and more choice for players, which can only be a good thing.

I'm what would be termed an old fart in gaming circles, and I get my fix from retro releases for the most part, but anything that gets kids of all backgrounds and walks of life actively engaging with each other is a huge positive not just in gaming terms but in a societal sense. The market is big enough to accommodate everyone, and it should accommodate everyone.

I found it hilarious when people were bitching that the female characters in the new Mortal Kombat had covered up while my first thought was "but how does it play?"

That Retromania Wrestling game looks really interesting. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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