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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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11 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Looks like they might be doing to Bat Signal made from the gun his parents were killed by. Looks cool as, and R Patz chin is up to it!

I assumed it was a usable batarang.

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Doom Patrol is superb. I'm really mad I took so long to watch it. A damn shame it looks like there will be no second season but I'd rather one season of something that good than several of something middling.

Also finally finished Swamp Thing. It starts really good but really becomes a bit of a slog to be honest.

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Superman : Red Son is really good, it's  the new animated movie based on the acclaimed comic where baby superman lands in communist Russia instead of Smallville.

I wish the animation and character design was a bit better but that's always the case with these unfortunately. They were pretty faithful to the story and didn't dumb it down too much from what I remember, although they did downplay one of my favourite things from the comic.

the clone superman is always hideous in the comic and he's a bit more interesting, still mostly got the idea across in his short appearance in the cartoon

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On 4/9/2020 at 4:58 PM, DEF said:

Doom Patrol is superb. I'm really mad I took so long to watch it. A damn shame it looks like there will be no second season but I'd rather one season of something that good than several of something middling.

Also finally finished Swamp Thing. It starts really good but really becomes a bit of a slog to be honest.

Doom Patrol has a second season coming - was due at some point this year but there's been no talk about it being canned.

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With all this free time I decided to make my way through the Marvel films (almost; who can be arsed with Thor 2? Particularly after the first one is so dull). With all this time I don't feel nearly as bad about being such a sad act.

I'm up to Guardians, which to me is the finest Marvel movie and arguably the most influential given how much has been pinched from it since.

Anyway, what will forever remain puzzling is the panning Iron Man 3 received from some. I'm a big Shane Black fan, of course, but on second viewing (having not seen it since enjoying it in the cinema) I found a whole new appreciation for the whole "is it the machine that makes the man..." thread. It's a film with a lot of heart and laughs, lots and lots of laughs. Speaking of, I never really felt the criticism of the Mandarin twist was deserved at all. Fair enough if it was some Snoke-like "that it?", but the pay off is so bloody brilliant. I laughed like a tit then and I laughed again. It's just so brilliantly daft and no one saw it coming. Arguably my favourite Marvel moment was that twist, with the cinema laughing their head off. Give me that over another CGI battle, only this time with Kingsley.

Iron Man (first one) still holds up too. Fuck Thor (1 & 2).

Edited by ColinBollocks
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The wife and I watched the full MCU last year and rated as we went, rating  each film and averaging each phase as we went. 

Apart from the underrated Incredible Hulk, phase one and bits of phase two were a bit of a slog (the first two Captain America films are fucking boring and no fun in any way) and while it might have started with Guardians of the Galaxy, we noticed a definite upswing from Ant-Man onwards as if they suddenly realised “let’s just have a bit of fun with these”

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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