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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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23 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

I remember being at Leeds the year the toilets were set on fire and the company were barred from using that site again (2004?). 

It got pretty scary at on the last night. Ice cream vans on their roof, I saw a bunch of lads somehow managed to snap one of those telegraph poles, a bonfire of tents at least 8 meter wide, a lad walking past use with 6 camp stove gas canisters duct tapped together. It was like Platoon…probably.  

it was 2002, the last night after Guns n' Roses played. Absolute bedlam, riot place were in, police dogs, helicopters circling overhead, fires, shit blowing up.

A female friend of mine got hit over the head with a police baton through her tent and ended up in hospital, there ended up being a court case over it, the whole deal. 

Kerrang! listed a grouped shot of 20 peole involved in connection with the damage and attacks launched at the police, another mate of mine ended up on that list too, i dont think he'd done anything majorly wrong other than just being in the crowds when it was kicking off. When we went the following year at the new site his picture was on posters around the site. Nothing came of it though.

Im surprised so little evidence remains of it happening, it was all pre-social media and everyone having camera phones so all you see online is some eye witness accounts and real low quality photos.


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47 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

I think all of that bull shit started at 2000. There was a fucking huge gathering of people around the fire bogs, with 1 security guard looking absolutely bewildered, who then decided the best course of action was to rugby tackle a young lass.

That went down well.

2001 Reading was terrible. I’m pretty sure that was the last year Leeds was in its original location due to “riots”. 

Think news filtered down from there somehow as the Sunday night was like Mad Max. Guard towers with guards on them trying to be toppled, people (including a mate of mine) climbing the telephone style poles and taking out whole rows of lights which just made everything worse. Gas canisters being thrown on fires, bogs being set alight and the worst thing of all...

...the weekend long rumour of Pat Sharpe being there turning out not to be true and a hoax.

I took my ex to Reading in 2013 or 14 I forget which, and we slept at my Dads every night who lives 3 miles away and I can’t tell you how nice it was to walk from the car through the campsite every morning fresh, showered and in clean clothes. I felt like such a smug Tory. I’ll never camp anywhere ever again.

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1 hour ago, cobra_gordo said:


Christ, I don't miss that at all. Even when I was in my twenties and attending festivals every summer with 6 crates stacked by my tent, the constant "random lulz" chants did my fucking nut in. If it wasn't TIMMY! it was BUTT SCRATCHER!, and if it wasn't BUTT SCRATCHER it was FENTON!. Just the worse.

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12 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

Christ, I don't miss that at all. Even when I was in my twenties and attending festivals every summer with 6 crates stacked by my tent, the constant "random lulz" chants did my fucking nut in. If it wasn't TIMMY! it was BUTT SCRATCHER!, and if it wasn't BUTT SCRATCHER it was FENTON!. Just the worse.


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How much are Reading  day tickets these days? Rage and Run The Jewels are probably  enough to get me out of the house.

I went from 1999 to 2005. 1999 and 2005 were both mental. 1999 the boys were set on fire and some nutter came into our campsite and kicked the fire into a mate's face when he didn't  want to but any drugs from him. 2005 just seemed super mean spirited. The last night it was going full lord of the flies so we just said fuck it and left early.

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1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

Think it’ll be around £90

Nice I was expecting  about £130

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2002 was the year a mate of mine jumped through a burger van window and started throwing stuff around like a bellend. He was bundled in to a car by security and apparently deposited somewhere on the motorway.

Download has generally been fairly tame in comparison with about the worst thing I saw being a few pissed folks walking in to other peoples tents and robbing their booze but it still never stopped me from staying awake as late as possible on the last night incase anything went down.

On a lighter note two of the best things I've ever seen at festivals were a bloke at Download 2004 walking around with a Jackson King V stabbing it in to the ground randomly and the first year we went to Y Not as a family walking away from one of the tents and some lads had brought some converted wheelie bins on to site with speakers built in to them, decks and a generator were blasting drum and bass out in the middle of the festival site.

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Download 06 (the only one I've been to) had loads of bother on the last night. Loads of fighting, stuff on fire, all the lighting pulled down etc. The sight of riot police marching through the camp site early in the morning was enough to confirm I'd never be going again.

Shit festival anyway...

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13 hours ago, DEF said:

1999 the boys were set on fire and some nutter came into our campsite and kicked the fire into a mate's face when he didn't  want to but any drugs from him. 2005 just seemed super mean spirited.

I’d love to know what’s considered mean spirited when compared to somebody being set on fire!

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Why are the British such dicks? I've been going to festivals overseas for as long as I've been going to ones here and there's never been a spot of bother abroad, with the exception of some England fans being twats during/after the football at Graspop 2016.

Edited by King Mal the Glorious
Missed a /
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