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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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To try and steer this away from the tedious conspiracy bollocks, and back to my earlier post, here's a few stories I've saved over the years in the big file I paste various weird first-person anecdotes I've read on other forums into. None of this Creepypasta shite though.


When I was around 10, my parents enrolled me in ice skating lessons at our local rink. I fell in love with it, and looked forward to my lesson each week.


One day, we were running late, and I still needed to give my dog a walk before we left. I clipped on her leash, and took her around the block. I was rushing, and bumped into a old man that was sweeping the steps of the local church.


I turned to apologize, and I saw that he was holding out a palm full of quarters. I misinterpreted what he meant, and told him I was sorry, but I didn't have any money with me to give him. He told me that he knew I didn't, and that's why he needed to give me these coins. I was flustered and uncomfortable and in a hurry, so I held out my hand and he poured the coins into my palm. I said thank you, put them in my pocket, and rushed home.


My mom drove me to the rink, waved goodbye, and drove away. I went to go through the door to the lobby, and my heart sank: it was locked, class had apparently been cancelled. I panicked, because I didn't have a cell phone, and my mom wouldn't be back to pick me up for another hour. I debated waiting it out, when my encounter with the guy sweeping the steps suddenly flashed in my head. I touched my pocket; I still had my quarters. I went to the payphone, called home, and told my sister to send my mom back as soon as she returned.


I wound up waiting for about a half hour. I was sitting on a bench, chilly and uncomfortable. A man had been standing further down the block from me for 20 minutes, looking at me when he thought I couldn't see him. He finally worked up the nerve to approach me, smiling and talking about how he lived close to the rink, and that I could go home with him for a little bit if I wanted to warm up. He was creeping me out, but I was to scared to say anything. He started to sit next to me on the bench, way too close, still staring at me, and I was about to run away when my mom pulled up. I was never so happy to see her little Toyota Corolla.


I was young and stupid and scared, so I never told my parents (I was afraid I'd be in trouble or something? I don't know), which is something I seriously regret. I hope that the creepy guy never hurt anyone. But I'll always remember that day: if that old man hadn't insisted I take the coins, I wouldn't have been able to call home and I would have had to wait an hour. If I had been on that bench any longer, who knows what that guy would've tried to do.


Not sure if the old man was psychic, my guardian angel, or just an eccentric neighborhood nutter. I never saw him around again, but if I did, I'd thank him. He may have saved my life.


This one's almost certainly absolute bollocks, but it makes me laugh. And it reminds me of a call once on Danny Baker's radio show where some bloke's dog talked to him, but only once. It jumped into a chair, sat like a human, and looking right at him went "Alright, Dave?" He spent the next ten years trying to get it to speak again, but it never did.


A friend of mine (Bob) was really put out by the death of his dog (Max),


So much so that he almost became a different person overnight. The dog was a bloody huge thing, German Shepherd, ex police dog that 'retired' from the force along with Bob's dad. We knew that he had loved this dog and could see how badly its death had affected him. We eventually found out that it wasn't the actual death that was bothering him, but rather what happened immediately before it.


Wavy line time.....

Bob still lives with his folks and comes back from work. He goes to the living room and sees Max is sitting upright in an armchair, which Bob sees as a bit strange. Max turns to Bob and says in Scooby Doo-like english 'Alright Bob. I'm off now mate, see you soon.' He then gets up and goes and lies by the backdoor, where they found him dead minutes later.


We laughed at this when he eventually told us, but he is adamant that his death has been foretold by a talking family pet. About 12 years have passed since, but Bob has never been the same. It's not the talking dog bit the shits us up, but rather the effect it has had on him


I've posted this before, but it's probably my favourite:



I was walking from a friend’s house to my own, in the early hours of the morning after a night of general chat while I was at university here in London. I had drunk only tea or soft drinks all night and had consumed no drugs whatsoever. The time was around 6 am and dawn was literally breaking when a friend and I found ourselves walking down my street where my apartment was located. We saw a figure walking up the street towards us. The word we coined later to describe its movement was ‘lolloping’ — a kind of up and down bouncy walk. It took a few seconds for the two of us to realise this was no human being.


The creature was entirely black and like a cardboard cut-out, flat and one-dimensional. It had no features at all, and it had arms that hung down to its knees. It seemed to be ignoring us, then it seemed to realise we could see it and it began to lollop faster towards us. We ran to my front door and hid in the hallway as quiet and unmoving as possible when we saw the thing — we felt it was male — approach the front door and appear to look through the glass from the way its head moved up and down and around. It then turned away.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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The 'one-dimensional' thing sounds like the things from Ico.


I bought a coat when I was about 10 as I'd lost mine and my parents would bollock me for losing things. I think a school trip was coming up and I used the money that was supposed to be for that to go towards a new coat to save the bollocking.


The shop was opposite a bus station. I felt silly trying clothes on in shops, so bought it and went to a bus shelter to try it on instead. As I was getting it out of the bag to try it on, I had a change of heart and decided I needed to go to the next shelter - about a ten second walk away. I think it was more than likely because the shelter I was at was nearer Maccy Ds so I was scared people from there would see me trying my awful £10 coat on. As I was walking to the next shelter, a bus came crashing through the shelter I was at. I don't think I'd have avoided it if I were stood there as I'd have been faffing with my coat and the carrier bag and paying little attention.


Not that mad, but it's the best I've got. Me deciding to go to the next shelter seemed a sudden, odd urge at the time but on reflection the reasons above were probably the driving force even if I didn't know it at the time.

Edited by Sphinx
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There are a couple of freaky things that happened to me in my childhood but, unfortunately, I've become such a sceptic in my old age that I've justified them away as my mind playing tricks on me. Which it obviously was. Still a shame though. I'd love for something similar to happen to me today so I could really know if there's anything to it.

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Go on then, what were they?


Nothing with exciting build-ups or crazy twists, which is why I didn't bother specifying, but if it adds to the discussion...


I fell in love with a hippy girl and bought a joss-stick holder from some mystical shop to impress her. A few evenings later I'm watching TV in the living room and my parents are already in bed when my father comes down looking quite flustered. I asked him what's up and instead of answering me he asked me if I'd brought anything strange into the house recently. I say no, he asks if I'm sure, I ask why. He says there have been some strange things happening for the last few days. Doors slamming on their own, things getting moved around, the usual paranormal shit. As he's telling me about this, the back door handle starts rattling. Someone's trying to get in. My dad goes over and opens the curtain in front of the door. The rattling stops immediately and we can see quite plainly through the door window that nobody is there. I was about 15/16 and ran straight to my bedroom to get the joss-stick holder and gave it to him. As far as I know, nothing paranormal happened ever again...


I also lost an hour of my day once. I can prove what time it was at 2 separate points in the morning between 8:00 and 11:00 but during that period I walked to school and arrived an hour later than I should have. Not quite as exciting as the door-ghost but hey-ho.

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Go on then, what were they?




I also lost an hour of my day once. I can prove what time it was at 2 separate points in the morning between 8:00 and 11:00 but during that period I walked to school and arrived an hour later than I should have. Not quite as exciting as the door-ghost but hey-ho.



That's quite common in people who have suffered a concussion.

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I experienced a strange coincidence about 10 years ago


I was an avid Reading fan for years and years, and my Dad would always get me a season ticket. So most Saturdays me and a group of mates would go to Reading on the train from our home town of Newbury, watch the game, and get the train home again. We were only 15 so couldnt make the most of any pubs in Reading, we would just come straight home to play on Championship manager or something.


Well one Saturday we were in Newbury walking to the train station as we would always do. On the way I needed the loo so we all popped into Debenhams, I went off to the toilet, locked the door, took care of business, and went to leave. But for the first, and only, time in my life, I couldnt unlock the door. The lock just jammed. Not only was this pretty scary, but it was also fucking annoying, because the twenty minutes or so it took for the staff to break the door open meant I missed the train to Reading. My mates were not very happy, but all was not lost because we could still catch the bus, which was pretty much the same price, just took longer and obviously wasn't as fun.


We get to Reading, watch the game and get the bus home again. We obviously dicked about on the way home and I didnt get back to my house until about 7pm that evening. When I walked in to my house my family just collapsed in tears. I looked at the TV and they were watching the breaking news of the Ufton Nervet rail disaster. I should have been on that train. That was the train we would get every single time Reading played at home. Ever since that day I have never left home without a mobile, I cant imagine what my family were going through for that hour or so, not knowing where I was.


So long story short, needing a shit might just have saved my life



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So whats the point of that picture Spangled?

That's the supposed hole one of the "planes" made on the other side after going through steel girders like a hot knife through butter @ 360 miles per hour. 


If you feel for that then try it yourself its like tryin to get a block of cheese/potatoe thru the slicer. Upon impact, the fuel tanks but no the plane is fully inside WTC then BOOM.


Sorry where are the fuel tanks on a jumbo jet? 



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