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For Chest's sake: the Euros means the football tournament in Germany, not the European elections which take place in just over a fortnight (no longer involving the UK of course).

The timing will technically be in keeping with Sunak's promise of "the second half of the year" – it's now too late to call it for June – but not in autumn as was widely expected following the poor Tory showing in the locals. It sounds like enough letters were about to go in to trigger a confidence vote.

Straight after the last general election, Lister said "Johnson's not only won this election, but probably the next one as well." Even though the Tory majority has been whittled down to 50-odd, with the boundary changes they actually go into this election with a notional majority of just over 100. He also once reminded us that no Parliament has ever seen a party have an overall majority at dissolution only to find another party win outright at the subsequent election, as there's always a period of minority government or coalition in between.

So, even a Labour majority of 2 seats would be unprecedented. It's an uphill struggle for Starmer, without the kind of goodwill there was behind Blair back in 1997. 

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1 hour ago, Chris B said:

Rishi Sunak pretending he wasn't being drowned out by 'Things Can Only Get Better' and pretending it wasn't pouring rain.

It's performance art, just astonishing.

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BBC have wheeled out that Mason Verger looking fucker and we are going to see him loads in the next couple of months. This is his birthdays and Christmases for five years rolled into one, isn’t it?

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I don't think I've gone into an election more apathetic. The result is a foregone conclusion, which kind of takes the fun out of an election. I enjoyed waking up and finding out what has happened so far. Also there isn't anybody I want to vote for. I might vote Labour purely because in the Mayoral election Susan Hall won in my constituency (although Labour won the GLA seat). So some cunt going on about ULEZ might do well. 

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I think this may be the point of having the election then. If people are busy getting pissed up watching the football they won't be voting. 

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I don't like to post a link to a GB News person but if anyone is going to know this then they are I suppose. 

Lister joked on Twitter that the Tories might prorogue parliament and depose their leader on the same day, meaning they couldn't elect a new leader. Maybe they took him seriously. 


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1 hour ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

I don't like to post a link to a GB News person but if anyone is going to know this then they are I suppose. 

Lister joked on Twitter that the Tories might prorogue parliament and depose their leader on the same day, meaning they couldn't elect a new leader. Maybe they took him seriously. 


To dissect the bants, for Sunak to be replaced this way you have a fixed series of events: 15 percent of Tory MPs write to Graham Brady > they hold a confidence vote in Sunak and he loses (or quits voluntarily) > candidates get nominated by (as things stand) 100 Tory MPs > Tory MPs vote if necessary to whittle down to two, then have a non-binding vote to say which they prefer > the final two go to a vote of the membership.

The problem with that whole timetable (and the million-to-once chance of a hilarious fuckup) is that as of Friday next week, there are no Tory MPs till after the election. Also, you need the 1922 Committee to confirm or change the rules of the confidence vote and the leadership election, and in theory there isn't a 1922 Committee during general election periods.

So the maximum banter outcome that's actually plausible is that Brady gets enough letters but they decide to just ignore it because there isn't time, but this then leaks out.

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He probably already has a better paid, less stressful post politics job lined up. 

It'd be hilarious if he was banking it all on England doing well in the football resulting in patriotic fervour and that converting into votes for his party. 

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