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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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1 minute ago, SuperBacon said:

Isn't it what is cast over a wrestling promotion when they hire an old noncey, sex offender?

Either that, or Charlotte ends up cosplaying to promote the Final Fantasy VII remake.

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50 minutes ago, air_raid said:

His deal is up soon isn't it? I imagine Hunter's already added him to the group chat.

I fucking hope so. He's been an absolute bust, the useless prick.

But yeah, AEW have been on a decent run. Revolution was a fantastic success. They looked to be slowly but surely building up that consistency they need. Dynasty is looking to be an incredible card. But this is just taking a completely unnecessary shit on that. How can the company that booked the Continental Classic - probably the best booked wrestling tournament ever, be the same company that did this bullshit? Mind boggling.

They should have seen Wrestlemania as a kick in the arse. Typically when people are into WWE that usually leads to the whole business getting a boost. If WWE gets ten new fans, you presume that at least two or three of them will want to watch more wrestling. That's the type of fan AEW need to be grabbing up. You don't do that with over the top silly nonsense. You do that with a strong, consistent weekly product that offers something different.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I still have no desire to see anyone really go to WWE, because WWE have hit a one-in-a-million home run on their biggest show of the year, so we're effectively comparing Wrestlemania to weekly TV, and most of WWE's weekly TV still looks like uninspired dross. Cody might have had the red carpet laid out for them, but Andrade hasn't exactly had a hero's welcome back in WWE, and I doubt Malakai Black or Miro or whoever would do anything to rise up out of the forever-midcard mess either.

AEW are still capable of putting together matches that, from the match graphic alone, I ever get excited or think "wow, I never imagined I'd see that" or "I can't really picture in my head what looks like, I'm curious to find out", and WWE basically can't achieve that, because I already know what a WWE match looks like, regardless of who's in it. They have a house style and a formula that shaves off the bits of wrestling that make wrestlers interesting or different and turn them into WWE versions of those wrestlers, and that works for them, but I can't think of anyone in AEW or anywhere else that I would be more interested to see in WWE.

I'm not disappointed in where AEW's at in comparison to WWE, I'm disappointed that a TV show I watch every week and usually look forward to and have something worth talking about coming out of it has this week just been a slog. They're building to an absolutely stacked PPV, and you wouldn't have known it from this show, there was no energy to it, no life, and too much petty shots at WWE. I was at a basketball game last night, and my partner commented on how much the opposition side's coaches were arguing with the referee compared to the home team, and I said you don't argue with the ref when you're winning - and right now, AEW keeps proverbially arguing with the referee. Just play a better game and remind me why I like you, rather than taking potshots at the other team.


It's not just the CM Punk video. I actually liked the idea that the Young Bucks, in their current gimmick, would try and bullshit together an excuse that they lose matches because they're too busy with their other super-important jobs, that's completely in character. They're about to face FTR, so tying it into backstage chaos at All In makes some kind of sense, particularly if it's going to bring Jack Perry into the mix. But actually playing the footage added nothing, and detracted a lot more. It felt desperate, it overshadowed the actual story, and it guaranteed that Jack Perry is going to be followed by "CM Punk" chants for the rest of his career. AEW was the babyface promotion and they're dangerously close to turning them heel, and you can't afford the company to be the heel when you're the smaller company, the challenger brand that relies on brand loyalty. On top of that, there's Will Ospreay using half his interview time to address something from the WWE's press conference and cut a promo on Triple H - why? We're not getting Will Ospreay vs. Triple H. The "boss' daughter" stuff screamed of mid-00s TNA. The whole show had the stink of Voodoo Kin Mafia on it. And then on top of all that, you've got a main event where Dustin Rhodes is fighting for the World Title, and that should be great, but it was piggybacking on the main event of Wrestlemania so blatantly, so one hand they're slagging off WWE and people who work there, and on the other hand they're tacitly admitting that WWE's main event was great and here's our budget-price version of it. It doesn't work.

It especially doesn't work when WWE are coming off the most critically acclaimed PPV in years, and are generally on a hot streak and, incredibly given everything going on around that company, getting a lot of audience goodwill. And when WWE are all but acknowledging AEW's role in making Cody a star, showing photos of Kenny Omega, Chris Jericho and the Young Bucks in the pre-match video package for the main event of Wrestlemania, it makes AEW look even more desperate to targeting them now, and even more petty to be criticising them when, at least publicly, WWE have come across as pretty even-handed about them.


And then it's not even just the WWE stuff. You've got Chris Jericho in Highspots tights and a shitty T-shirt looking the worst he's ever looked, and the most like a washed up BritWres talent who hasn't wrestled outside his hometown in 15 years, actively detracting from the two effortlessly cool wrestlers stood either side of him. You've got a tag team breakup storyline happening in fast-forward so Chris Jericho can attach himself to Hook, but the guy taking the fall in their match isn't even a member of the tag team. The trio that beat them have an Olympic boxer on their team, but he wasn't the member of the team who helped them win with a big knock-out punch. 

Adam Copeland vs. Penta was good, but Adam Copeland is making me care less about Eddie Kingston, Mark Briscoe, and Willow Nightingale, because suddenly they're all adjuncts to his storyline rather than getting ample TV time on their own merits. Dustin Rhodes and Samoa Joe are doing great work, but it's tarnished by the timing of the match, and by - as good as they are - show-opening and show-closing brawls by Swerve and Joe feeling all a bit overdone. Mercedes Moné isn't going to debut until not this pay-per-view, but the next pay-per-view, which means we've got more than a month, and a whole other PPV cycle, of her being trotted out to pose and dance for a bit and hit a stilted couple of promo lines, and never actually wrestle. 


And going back to the CM Punk footage, because it's all anyone is going to remember from this show anyway, introducing that footage into kayfabe is a fucking mess. So the unforgivable thing that caused untold chaos backstage was a fight backstage? But hang on, isn't that happening every week on this TV show? Wasn't Mercedes Moné attacked during her interview on this episode? Wasn't there a dude in a devil mask and a bunch of cronies leaving people unconscious in the car park and throwing people through windows backstage for weeks? What makes this one scuffle so much more important?

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Also worth noting WWE took plenty of petty, shitty potshots at AEW in the week leading up to Wrestlemania. But you can pretty much get away with potshots if you're doing great business and making your customers happy. You can't do it if you're struggling. 

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31 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I still have no desire to see anyone really go to WWE, because WWE have hit a one-in-a-million home run on their biggest show of the year, so we're effectively comparing Wrestlemania to weekly TV, and most of WWE's weekly TV still looks like uninspired dross. Cody might have had the red carpet laid out for them, but Andrade hasn't exactly had a hero's welcome back in WWE, and I doubt Malakai Black or Miro or whoever would do anything to rise up out of the forever-midcard mess either.

Okada, Ospreay and Mercedes in, with rumours of MCMG to come. PAC just returned with the likes of MJF, Hangman, Omega, Mox, Cole, Bandido, Rush, Fenix, Jamie Hayter, Britt Baker on the sidelines. AEW has constantly loaded up without seeing major departures. Its been attrition through injuries, suspensions, and now retirements (Sting and 5ish months of full-time Danielson)

If people have options when their deals come in. Its probably for the best they go to wherever they feel the grass is greener.

AEW could do with working with a smaller roster. Take Penta. 5 years in there's been no real development. The past 6 months forced him into a singles spot. There could have been a story there of him slowly turning heel to cope with being a singles after years of tag wrestling. Instead its just random multi-man matches, the odd win on a B/C show to get the blatant 50/50 loss on Dynamite every other month.



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All this drama over the last few months over that shite. 

It's not exactly some loon going crazy, endangering the production staff by chucking things about and trying to fight his boss like it was made to seem like, is it? It's a guy losing his temper with someone that was more than likely being a bit of a smart arse. Punk was absolutely wrong to react that way and deserved to be punished, but worse things happen, and airing it did nothing for anyone. 


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45 minutes ago, Daddymagic said:

The "sheets" are reporting that Ospreays promo points were given to him. 

Sniff really is an idiot.

Going to guess the "reporting" was either the old school Meltzer/Keller reaction podcasts that get clipped up because of their historical standing. Since Fightful are doing mop up.


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On balance, I think the Ospreay promo might be dumber.

"You know that lad that everyone in the sport just spent a weekend sucking off? ...yeah, yeah that one. The guy who's at the top of a company that's going through a near universally recognised purple patch in terms of their creative? ...that's him. Yep, the company that routinely smash financial and viewership records. Well that guy, the one that even our top lads like Adam Cole share misty eyed messages of love about, well get this... twenty years ago he shagged Stephanie McMahon. I know, what a loser..."

At least the Punk stuff is modern and tedious. Ospreay's joke would have died a death ten years ago.

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There are so many things about this that don't make sense to me. But the one I can't stop thinking about is that they are probably using this as a way to bring back and elevate Jack Perry, who is a heel, by showing him being bullied like a babyface by a WWE babyface wrestler who they are trying to paint as the heel, even though he'll be received as a babyface in the company he doesn't work for anymore.

It's almost Lynchian.

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