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Sack Of Shit


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Thread will probably die on its arse but I’ve had the day off work today and a free house so been watching some old matches on YouTube/the Network. I got thinking about those little moves wrestlers would do mid match that I loved. Not finishers but maybe a signature move they’d always do as part of their repertoire. Like Bret used to get some stick for the ‘5 moves of doom’ or whatever that would inevitably lead into the Sharpshooter, but I liked it. A few of mine…

Had to include this as I’ve named the thread after it, Scott Hall/Razor Ramon’s fall away slam always got a pop out of me as a kid. Even moreso when I heard years later that it was known backstage as the “Sack Of Shit”…


Another one I always loved, and one I don’t see mentioned, is Owen Hart’s belly to belly suplex where he’d catch them coming off the ropes. Just look at it. Beautiful.


I know I’ve mentioned this before but Bobby Eaton’s swinging neckbreaker is a work of art. Always looked smooth as fuck.


And I’ll throw in a shout for Sean Waltman’s running leg drop he did throughout his career. Always thought it looked ace and, despite his lack of size, the speed and snap he’d put on it made it look devastating.


There’s got to be loads of these. So many more I could mention. What are some of yours? 


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I always had a lot of time for (fake video game-name klaxon) The Maivia Hurricane. Yes, it was sloppy sometimes. But when he nailed it, it made him look like one of the best wrestlers on the planet.


To be fair, I also much preferred the People's Elbow when it was a mid-match move to when he actually won with it. When it got to the point that people were starting to pop for the bodyslam because they knew he was about to look to the crowd, almost to ask "Shall I?" then roll his elbowpad down... bloke just had "it."

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Number 18 on this. Misawa's Spinning Lariat. I dont think Ive ever seen someone use it, which considering how big Misawa was and that he used it every match, Im suprisied by. Even when he was completley washed up, it was a thing of beauty.



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Great thread idea! Most of mine are big lads doing big shit from the Attitude Era. It's era that supposedly has mostly wretched brawl style matches - other than the obvious highlights - but everyone in class knew the moves, especially the really cool moves that weren't finishers but just kicked ass. These are quite well know rather than low-key transitional moves to be fair but I think they make the cut!

Everyone loved a Kane clothesline off the top rope. Here he is doing it off a cage!



Rock's float over DDT was a thing of beauty, too. The transition to it always seemed to happen in slow motion. Worked particularly well as he was moving from mid card to upper card as a badass heel in the Nation:



Austin's Lou Thesz press always looked fucking incredible and popped the crowd. Balls to Foley calling it the dick-to-mouth:



Orton's backbreaker. It's a best-of-Orton. An offensive move that's relatively safe to do but looks crisp and painful:



A Van Daminator with the chair. It took me this thread and finding this .gif to realise it's probably my favourite move ever. WHACK. It's so fucking satisfying. Everyone's favourite perma-baked, easy going wrestler committing an act of brutal steel violence in a second:




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Great picks thus far! Whilst not a move per se, I always loved that “French Tickler” dance one of La Resistance did.  Once at a works night out at a bowling alley, my mate got a strike, turned around to everyone and after a few seconds of motionless silence, busted out that move with a beaming smile on his mush. Glorious. 

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I can't find decent gifs but two Randy Savage signature transmissions: the swinging clothesline where he goes down with his opponent, and the drop over the top rope to the outside, pulling their neck over the ropes while he did so. 

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1 hour ago, Dai said:

Number 18 on this. Misawa's Spinning Lariat. I dont think Ive ever seen someone use it, which considering how big Misawa was and that he used it every match, Im suprisied by. Even when he was completley washed up, it was a thing of beauty.



*rips off mask*

"It's Puro Geek Japanese Language Show-Off Carbomb! He's back! We haven't seen this side of him in years!"

No.10 isn't a Dragon Suplex hold, it's the Tiger Suplex '85 - commentator even calls it.

*green mists everyone*



I don't know if he ended up using it as a finisher, but Mike Knox' running crossbody was unique - I've never seen a crossbody look like an impact move like that.


And am surprised we got this far with no mention of Kurt Angle's moonsault - that was a regular mention back in the day.


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2 hours ago, air_raid said:

I always had a lot of time for (fake video game-name klaxon) The Maivia Hurricane. Yes, it was sloppy sometimes. But when he nailed it, it made him look like one of the best wrestlers on the planet.



56 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Rock's float over DDT was a thing of beauty, too. The transition to it always seemed to happen in slow motion. Worked particularly well as he was moving from mid card to upper card as a badass heel in the Nation:



This was one of the ones I was thinking of. Also blew me away when I rewatched SummerSlam 93 years later and Jimmy Del Ray did it to Scott Steiner. Had no memory of that from my childhood. 

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