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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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I just thought the show was really weird more than anything. Like the whole show just had this off vibe where everything seemed to exist in a vacuum.

If that Punk promo is the start of his heel turn then job done, otherwise I thought it was really fucking boring compared to his previous AEW promos. Hinting at the Bucks is one thing, but hinting at MJF? Just say his name if you want a title shot! 

I love Wardlow so it's such a shame how dead he is at the moment. Losing the TNT title again is one thing, but the whole finish was so weak. It used to be a herculean effort to beat Wardlow, now all it takes is a dodgy camera shot? Christian Cage is going to be fantastic value as the (not really) TNT champion.

I'm never sure if House of Black are meant to be heels or tweeners (Julia Hart came out of the face tunnel for example) so the whole face/heel divide in that match was strange to me. And teasing an injury with Andrade when he's just come back from one just took me out of the match more than anything. They won me back over by the end though, although I'm not sure about Andrade as a face going forwards.

Miro looked fantastic but I was hoping we'd see a little more in terms of future direction for him, and the tag match was decent enough with a great finish that hopefully leads to Skye or Willow getting another title shot soon. The Acclaimed promo was a whole load of nothing but when the act is that over, you can get away with little bits of sillyness like that.

The main event was a cracker. Compare it to the Trios match on Dynamite - one was a slower methodical affair and the other was a wild crazy spot-filled brawl but both were brilliant. I am at the point now where I wince everytime Punk does a big move expecting him to crumble into dust, but I think Punk is smart enough to play off that too. FTR are still fantastic if you don't read their Tweets (and nobody is forcing you to!), Joe looked fantastic but I'd really like to see Punk/Jay White go at it in the future too.

So yeah, as a show it had it's ups and downs but hopefully in the future it feels more integrated with AEW as a whole and doesn't seem so 'this is where the naughty kids play!'

Oh, and somebody get Excalibur on this show pronto. Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness may aswell have been commentating on an episode of WWE Superstars from 2013, they were so bland.

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That Punk promo was tremendous.  But eesh as good as he is in the ring, he looks awful now. I don't know if it's the the long tights are unflattering or the shaved head doesn't suit him, but he looks awful aesthetically.

The actual in-ring work is fine, bit his look isn't great. I appreciate this is subjective, but if its acceptable to rag on Adam Cole's look, I don't think Punk should be immune from the same criticism. 

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1 hour ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

None of that though gets us away from the fact you said his name his Punk and he's not very punk. I can only hope no one let's you near Ricky Steamboat otherwise there could be a maritime disaster. 

Nope, what I said was;

"He is almost a total parody of himself where for someone who down to his own moniker is supposedly "punk" is nothing but a grumpy old moany bastard who throws out the threats of law suits or tries to cost the jobs of anyone who he doesn't like."

His entire act, persona, character, whatever you wanted to call it was that he is and was Punk, right down to the name he chose for himself.

If all this was a work/work shoot bollocks and he changed his name to Phil Brooks and the entire direction was that the machine had ground him into being the twat he is today and going against all of his ideals and principals it would be very good.

Thats not it though, he's a self entitled man child who throws a huff and runs away any time anyone calls him out for his perpetual nonsense or he doesn't get his own way whilst still wanting to portray every part of himself as an anti hero.

You want to talk about the Bucks politicking?

Tony Khan has had to create an entire new show for Punk when he already has 2 that are haemorraging ratings, just to be able to keep him away from people he doesn't like, which he then uses as a platform to call other people soft.

He is absolutely pathetic.

Edited by Jonny Vegas
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3 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

One of the first people that the cameras caught in the crowd during Punks first entrance was Brock Lesnar guy pulling stupid faces desperate to be noticed. For me he sums up Punk’s fan base, just a bunch of cunts. 

Do you want to sweep across us all? I may be a cunt, but that has very little to do with me liking CM Punk :)

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14 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Cm Punk Wrestling GIF by AEWonTV

@mim731 Always thought he looks better in trunks than pants. 

Yeah I definitely agree! I don't think the long bois flatter his body type, or certainly don't make him look like a star on the way "main event pants" (oh how I miss the New Generation Project Podcast) do for him. 

He's still a cracking promo though, and in fairness, it's never dull when he's around (unless he's with FTR) so definitely glad he's back. 

Edited by mim731
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9 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Do you want to sweep across us all? I may be a cunt, but that has very little to do with me liking CM Punk :)

Ah you know I don’t think you are a cunt Bacon. I just find Punk to be an absolute prick of a human and having idiots like Lesnar guy validating him for being a cunt does my swede in.

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25 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

Tony Khan has had to create an entire new show for Punk when he already has 2 that are haemorraging ratings, just to be able to keep him away from people he doesn't like, which he then uses as a platform to call other people soft.

Dynamite hasn't been haemorrhaging ratings. It's stagnant, plateaued

You can see the point where they gave up on Rampage earlier in the year when they knew Collision was on the cards and Rampage was spending most weeks being pre-empted. Still don't get why people have this concern over a 1hr taped show.

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39 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

Nope, what I said was;

"He is almost a total parody of himself where for someone who down to his own moniker is supposedly "punk" is nothing but a grumpy old moany bastard who throws out the threats of law suits or tries to cost the jobs of anyone who he doesn't like."

His entire act, persona, character, whatever you wanted to call it was that he is and was Punk, right down to the name he chose for himself.

If all this was a work/work shoot bollocks and he changed his name to Phil Brooks and the entire direction was that the machine had ground him into being the twat he is today and going against all of his ideals and principals it would be very good.

Thats not it though, he's a self entitled man child who throws a huff and runs away any time anyone calls him out for his perpetual nonsense or he doesn't get his own way whilst still wanting to portray every part of himself as an anti hero.

You want to talk about the Bucks politicking?

Tony Khan has had to create an entire new show for Punk when he already has 2 that are haemorraging ratings, just to be able to keep him away from people he doesn't like, which he then uses as a platform to call other people soft.

He is absolutely pathetic.

Thanks for clearing that up. 

TK didn't create an entirely new show just for Punk. AEW came to an agreement with TNT for a Saturday night show. TNT wanted Punk on that show because they think he's a draw. It would have been easier for Tony to just pay out his contract and keep him off TV. It's not like Punk with all his baggage would walk into a cushy job at any other company. He'd have to swallow a lot of pride to go to WWE and he's not shown he can do that, and Japan would break his frail body in about 10 seconds. He has nowhere for a man of his ego to go. 

Any suggestion that Collision was created just for Punk is delusional. 

Also I think I was probably retconning where The Rock came from, though it sounds plausible. It probably just comes from his dad, who I assume from his name had a very hard penis. 

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1 hour ago, Jonny Vegas said:

Nope, what I said was;

"He is almost a total parody of himself where for someone who down to his own moniker is supposedly "punk" is nothing but a grumpy old moany bastard who throws out the threats of law suits or tries to cost the jobs of anyone who he doesn't like."

His entire act, persona, character, whatever you wanted to call it was that he is and was Punk, right down to the name he chose for himself.

For all the talk of worked shooty bollocks, you appear to be blurring the lines here as much as Punk is accused of doing. At what point has the TV character of CM Punk threatened to sue anyone or get somebody fired?

Not liking CM Punk the man is absolutely fine, not liking CM Punk the TV character is absolutely fine, but it’s a bit weird using his real life personality to point out how his TV character is a hypocrite, surely? It’s not far off from saying “well Undertaker doesn’t actually sleep in a coffin so he’s a hypocrite”.

Apologies if I'm completely misunderstanding your point but I don’t think Lion of the Midlands is far off with his “well he’s not an actual Rock” point.

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