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AEW London 2023

Hannibal Scorch

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This was the first AEW shows I've watched for a long time and I thought it was great.

My only real negative points was the Knights coming down to the ring with Saraya telegraphed the ending of the match from a mile away and JR's awful commentary. The guy just needs to pack it in now. You can tell the others are annoyed by all of his nonsensical ramblings. At one point he asked if Freddie Mercury was in attendance, only to have to be told that he died 30 years ago.

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Just now, Carbomb said:

One other little note: I liked Punk's tribute to Terry Funk with the spinning toe hole on Joe. Good touch.

Some tit in our section shouted "You're not fit to lace Ric Flair's boots" at that point. 

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3 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

This was the first AEW shows I've watched for a long time and I thought it was great.

My only real negative points was the Knights coming down to the ring with Saraya telegraphed the ending of the match from a mile away and JR's awful commentary. The guy just needs to pack it in now. You can tell the others are annoyed by all of his nonsensical ramblings. At one point he asked if Freddie Mercury was in attendance, only to have to be told that he died 30 years ago.

To be fair he was probably busy on Twitter retweeting pervy shit at the same time.

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1 minute ago, DavidB6937 said:

To be fair he was probably busy on Twitter retweeting pervy shit at the same time.

Fitting, Fred would have been doing the same.

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18 minutes ago, gmoney said:

Some tit in our section shouted "You're not fit to lace Ric Flair's boots" at that point. 

He did a superb Terry Funk wobbly sell caught between the top and middle rope earlier in the match too

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15 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Imo MJF desperately needs a new entrance theme.

Hell no. Sorry.

Just re-watched the show. I could tell the matches were good live, but from level 1 I couldn't really properly watch them how I'd normally like. Plus those four pints for £27.50 and two wines for £15 had started hitting me half way through. Also the edibles we ate. Thought I might get bored re-watched, but not at all. Awesome show. I could also see my own hand during BCC's entrance. Although JR was god awful.

I'll be there next year, for sure. I don't know if they'll get 80k again but, with a bigger stage set up, and as long as the product is hot enough going into 2024, I reckon they could do a "sell out" at 60k.

Did anybody see any Omega specific merch at the merch stands? I was surprised to not see any.

Edited by 69MeDon
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Fun show, had to watch it a couple of hours late into the show as I’m housed downstairs for the next couple of months with my knee injury

Missed half the Zero Hour so didn’t see Grado’s appearance but the Miro/Hobbs segment and the two title matches were great

Punk/Joe 6 was the perfect way to kick off, they have brilliant chemistry and Punk seemed to have an extra zing following the rumoured confrontation with Jack Perry

The 6 man was a good sprint, Ibushi looked better he than he did for Blood and Guts. Takeshita getting the pin on Kenny was a good set up for their match in Chicago next Sunday

FTR/Bucks 3 wasn’t the best of their series but was still a very good match, right team went over and there’s still plenty in the tank for down the road 

Stadium Stampede was fucking nuts, the BCC (well Mox and Claudio anyway) looked cool as in the shades and jackets combo, Sue rocking up in the van with extra hardware got a big pop, Penta leaving to change into his all red Oscuro look, Eddie coming back out with a barbed wire wrapped chair and OC getting the win via a glass studded Orange Punch

The 4 way women’s match was the only weak point of the show though I did like that Saraya came out to Queen with the family, moreso just seeing the utter pride in Ricky’s face then Toni coming out to the National Anthem playing up her current gimmick. Don’t think Saraya’s reign will last long but fair play to her if it’s true that her neck is 100% fine now

Coffin match was a highlight if for nothing else but Sting coming out to Seek and Destroy for the first time since the final Nitro in March 2001. Match itself was fine but Darby needs someone to reign him in, he’s gonna end up in a wheelchair before long

Seen people rave over Jericho’s entrance, personally thought he was dreadful but the match with Ospreay was very entertaining, Will going over was a bit of a surprise and it was announced after the show that he’s now heading to Impact for their Bound For Glory event in October 

Trios title was the perfect cool down between the above and the main event, loved the Wyatt tribute by HoB and Caster’s latest rap and the right outcome was the boys and Daddy Bad Ass winning the Silver followed by giving the people what they want

Main event was a cracker, loved the extra touch of Max and Cole changing ring gear from their all white team gear on the pre show to grey and yellow for Cole and purple and white for the champ. Loved the little teases of who would turn on who and Roddy trying to turn things Cole’s way only to be rejected and then the tease at the end with the tag belts before they hugged it out was the icing

The only nit pick I have is the rotation on the announcing, with JR, Tony and Taz alternating as were Justin Roberts and Dasha on ring duty, took a bit out of the action


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21 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Imo MJF desperately needs a new entrance theme.

You’ve lost your God Damn mind. I cannot remember a more, “he is the one,” moment than MJF being sung to the ring by 80,000 people last night. It was absolutely perfect.

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8 minutes ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

The only nit pick I have is the rotation on the announcing, with JR, Tony and Taz alternating as were Justin Roberts and Dasha on ring duty, took a bit out of the action


I quite liked that, it kept the show feeling fresh. I'd have liked to see Riccaboni make an appearance at some point, giving Excalibur a break - but on the whole, I liked hearing new voices. Jim Ross wasn't brilliant, but if nothing else it was nice to hear him get what may be one last stadium show to close out his career. While he's not what he once was, I can't really object to that. 

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2 minutes ago, Supremo said:

You’ve lost your God Damn mind. I cannot remember a more, “he is the one,” moment than MJF being sung to the ring by 80,000 people last night. It was absolutely perfect.

Spot on. Taking his theme away at this point would be up there with Disturbed replacing Austin’s theme for a while.

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Pfft, Disturbed's Austin theme was great for the character and arguably the best use ever for one of the world's worst bands. 

MJF's theme can't be changed now, no way. I actually kind of get how in isolation it's a bit create-a-wrestler stock music but it's one of those ones that over time has become synonymous with him and now I can't unhear it as a sort of narcissistic rich kid anthem. 

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